Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 245: Trouble Magnet?

Chapter 245: Trouble Magnet?

"No proof huh?" the young lady frowned. "Hmm, since you don't have any proof to prove your innocence, you need to come with me. All the dead people here are the students of my Lakewood Academy. They have all been brutally killed. I have seen no one here but you. If you and I had switched places, wouldn't you hold me accountable for this?"

"I already told you that I have nothing to do with this" Knight was still calm but he was getting more and more irritated. "I just wanted to ask for some directions and treating you weak dumb idiots with respect buy you want to capture me, get out of my sight before I break all of your bones"

Hearing this, the young lady and the two old women were stunned. They never thought this gentle young man standing in front of them would suddenly turn into a mad person.

And in a flash, their eyes widened and previously emotionless faces became frightened looking at the magical fluctuations around his body.

"Peak Grandmaster!"

They had never expected him to be a peak level Grandmaster and the magical fluctuations around his body were anything but normal.

The power radiating from him was nearly starting to suffocate them.

Knight didn't reveal his power that was equal to a mid-level Heavenly mage to the girls as he used the glimmer to let out peak grandmaster level magical fluctuations.

The girl in the middle and the others widened their eyes as they stared at him unbelievably, looking aghast. They themselves haven't seen such tremendous aura from their own Seniors before. It was absolutely terrifying, however, they knew that they have to bring him in for questioning in case he was responsible for all these deaths around them.

"Use the death talisman!" the girl in the middle shouted and flicked her wrist as a greyish metal plate appeared in her hand.

They raised their talismans and combined them to gather a tremendous amount of life energy. From their talismans emerged a light sword which emitted golden color rays. 

"Whoosh!" The sword which was in the hands of the three girls started to vibrate. Filled with charged life energy, the sword started to rush towards Knight.

"Hmph! weaklings!" he groaned coldly, unsheathed the black sword, brandished it, and with just a simple wave of the sword, the powerful battle energy ensued. It was as if the energy could disintegrate anything in its way.

"Bang!" With a loud sound, the golden sword was shattered on the spot and vanished into thin air.

As for the airwave the black sword emitted, there was seemingly no end to how far it traveled.

That remnant energy of the airwave changed the expressions of the two girls behind the whistle clothed girl. With eyes filled with horror, it was as if they could smell their impending aura of death.

"No! Retreat!" The girl in the middle shouted


Momentarily, with their quick reactions, the figures of the girls started to become blurry as they transformed into green smoke. Using their escape spell, they immediately disappeared from their positions and had already retreated hundreds of meters away.

At this time, the two girls in the group gazed at Knight while suppressing their fear. They wouldn't dare to act without thinking carefully again.

His seemingly normal attack contained a frightening amount of power and caused the two girls to suffer from withdrawal symptoms of fear.

What were they expecting? He was a mid Heavenly level mage after all and fortunately, he didn't go for the kill like they were thinking. If he wanted to kill them, they would have been long dead by now. 

They were both aware that if their reactions were slower by just a little, they would have been killed on the spot after being slashed by the black sword.

It was fortunate for them that they activated the escape spell in time to just barely dodge the attack!

Furthermore, his rage and resolution to kill were very vicious and bloodthirsty which left a very deep mental scar within the female disciples' hearts.

"He went for the kill the moment he unsheathed his sword. A man with such a ruthless nature. We have to deal with him carefully!" The girl in the middle exclaimed in her thoughts.

"Did you just try to kill me?"

His lips curved to show a devilish grin as the girls stepped back in fear.

"Whoosh!" But suddenly another ray of flickering light emerged from the clouds in the sky.

A man wearing a white-colored long robe with patterns of blue flowers adorned on them appeared before the three girls.

The flying sword made of life energy under his feet dispersed as he lightly landed on the ground. His imposing aura and presence slowly filled the air.

"Humph, a low Heavenly level"


The three girls exclaimed in unison. Their faces were filled with reverence as they paid their respects to the man in the white robe.

The white-robed man nodded. His pair of enigmatic eyes turned towards the girl in the middle. He faintly said, "I've sent you here to check the situation and this is how you carry out my orders?"

The two girls immediately lowered their heads and said at the same time, "Teacher, forgive us!"

"Apologize to him!" The white-robed man lifted his hand towards Knight.

The girls were stunned as they were unwilling to apologize. However, they did not in the slightest, dare to refute. While still clenching their fists, they walked and stopped before him, and without any expression said, "We are sorry!"

"Is this how you treat the outsiders in the Elvelon continent? Capture anyone who asks for direction and treat them like suspects?"

He didn't even look at the faces of the girls as he directed his question towards the man in the white robes and then he looked at the girl in the middle.

"Do you think I, a peak Grandmaster mage, would sulk around and stop you if I killed your people?"


The girl couldn't answer his question and the man looked more impressed than shocked to see the magical fluctuations that he purposely released.

"Young man, you're pretty powerful for your age and you must be new here since we have no record of a Heavenly mage in your age. And now, I, Freser Greg, am apologizing to you on behalf of my students"

Knight sighed and sheathed his sword. 

"Apology accepted, Elder Greg, now can you tell me which way is to Skull Island without trying to kill me?"

He said in a joking manner as the Freser too smiled and appreciated the respect he gave to him because most of the prodigies in the Riester Kingdom tend to be arrogant towards anyone who was weaker than them.

"You must have come for the old tomb in the Skull Island"

"Yes, I don't want to miss going in there and explore the tomb"

"Haha, don't worry, young man. A Soul Strength practitioner had set up an energy seal outside the old tomb. Even though much time has passed since then, and the seal has weakened, some lucky fellows may be able to sneak in. However, they are unable to venture deep into the tomb. After all, most ordinary people don't have the power to break the seal." Elder Greg smiled as he said.

"Tomorrow, the real elite cultivators and prodigies will arrive soon and we will have to rely on them to break the seal, with your cultivation level, you must be one too in where you came from. So you can join them and help to break the seal"

He didn't expect the old tomb would attract this many people from everywhere but no matter who or how many people came to the tomb, he would get the life shard at all cost.

"No, Elder Greg, I don't want to steal their thunder by intervening, you know how these prodigies are, I'd like to keep a low profile"

"Hahaha, you know this world of cultivation very well, young man"

Elder Greg was again impressed by the young man before him. Even though he had the means to show off and boast about his kills, the young man wasn't arrogant and seemed very different from the prodigies he has met before.

"Here, take this, this will lead you to the tomb"

The old man flicked his wrist as a map and a compass appeared in his hand.

"In case you want to settle down here and join an Academy, come look for me in Lakewood, and don't worry, everyone will know the way to the Lakewood "

"Sure thing, Elder Greg, thank you"

He was not going to join them but he quietly accepted his invitation as Elder Greg nodded and left the place taking his students with him.

"He seemed nice, now where is this old tomb?"

He looked at the compass to see it was pointing at the north, so he started to walk towards the north before he meets any more nuisances like those girls.

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