Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 509: Archarachne

Chapter 509: Archarachne

509. Archarachne

[Archarachne - Lvl. 170]

I saw the [Archarachne] looming over me. I was pretty sure it was Level 169 when I first saw it, but it mustve leveled up throughout the battle. Its eight eyes were fixed onto me. It wore a calm rage on its face. It looked incredibly eerie. It was almost like it was devoid of emotion like a drone or a puppet following orders.

It was odd to me. I looked at the wild Primeval Demon, and I hesitated for a moment. I remembered when I still had [Manifestation of the Old Gods] active. I could see everything on the battlefield. And even if I wasnt paying full attention, I was pretty sure I saw Scarlet slaying the Archdemon responsible for controlling it. So I didnt know why the [Archarachne] picked me out to attack me when I had been flying in the air. 

And when I looked at its face, I knew this was different. Its gaze bore down at me with an indifference that it never had when it was under the control of Levithus and his troops. Normally, they would still hold the same savage emotions that wild Demons felt, just tamed. But I knew this was something else. This distracted me long enough for the [Archarachne] to catch me off-guard.

It sliced down with its scythe-like legs, and I only reacted thanks to [Angelic Premonition]. I raised my scythe in time to parry the first two strikes, but the third knocked me back. I was sent tumbling for a moment, before catching myself. I looked up and gritted my teeth.

I dont have time for this!

I pointed at the wild Primeval Demon, unleashing a blast of iridescent flames. It hissed in return, only to leap back, refusing to engage with me. I blinked. I watched the [Archarachne] stick close to the periphery of the [Antimagic Field].

Its guarding Levithus

I narrowed my eyes. That somehow didnt feel right, though. I watched as the wild Primeval Demon eyed me from a distance. I shook my head and spread my wings wide.

I need to stop the ritual!

I zipped up and moved to circle around the [Archarachne]. It let out a shriek, leaping into the air as a crimson thread shot out of its behind. The needle-like threat moved fast. It exploded into a giant web, and I dove down, barely avoiding being caught in this attack.

The wild Primeval Demon reached me a moment after, but I was prepared for it. I swung up for its underbelly, narrowly avoiding its scything legs. 

[Divine Radiant Slash]!

It screeched in pain as I tore through the soft carapace. My divine Nebular Scythe clung onto the [Archarachne] as I bared my teeth, but it opened its mandibles and let out a crimson beam. I quickly yanked my weapon back and flew to the side. The wild Primeval Demons blast of magic kept it afloat as I barely escaped. 

I flew back with a grin, ready to dive down to Levithus.


I started, but a flock of winged creatures flew over me. I looked up just in time to see their approach. 

[Vampyr Chiroptera - Lvl. 130] 

[Vampyr Chiroptera - Lvl. 123]

[Vampyr Chiroptera - Lvl. 142]

Get away from me!

I cursed as I swung out with a [Barrage of Cinders], tearing through these wild Archdemons with ease. They flitted around me like giant bats, hissing and trying to stop my descent. They hissed, and I saw the look in their eyes. It wasnt anything like the [Archarachne]s eerie expression.

They were wild, but they were tamed. And I tried to fend them off, even though they were so numerous. They swarmed around me as I clicked my tongue. I sheared through a pair of these [Vampyr Chiroptera], only to see a red glint in the distance.

I paused. My eyes grew wide as the [Archarachne]s crimson beam shot out my way. I activated [Divine Haste] and flew up as the attack engulfed half of the wild Archdemon flock. I thought the wild Primeval Demon would concentrate its efforts on me, but I realized that it was attacking everything.

I watched as the crimson beam swept throughout the sky, taking down Archdemons and Humans alike. It hissed as its spell ended, and red threads shot out. Dozens of them. These threads impaled the nearby Demons, especially targeting those that drew too close to the [Antimagic Field].     

I didnt get it. The [Archarachne] was attacking anything and everything it could. It was acting like it was wild, but somehow was intelligent enough to guard a specific territory. It was strange.  

However, I couldnt dwell on it. I easily moved around the threads as an idea popped into my head. If it was so focused on anything that drew close to the fallen city fo Inor, I just had to bring it to where it had numerous targets to distract it.

I sped down to the wild Primeval Demon as it let out a shrill cry. I blasted it with iridescent flames, covering it in fire for an instant before swerving towards the fighting in the distance. I saw the clash of armies. I could see my clones fighting alongside my companions, ensuring they were safe since I no longer had [Manifestation of the Old Gods] to watch over them. Helena Warshade, Orgaf, Laux Lionfist, and a myriad of other adventurers fought up front in the front lines against the Demon army.

And I glanced back as the [Archarachne] briefly gave chase, trailing after me as I swooped through the [Antimagic Field]. The wild Primeval Demon let out an enraged screech before bounding after me like a rabid dog. 

I smirked, but I passed over Levithus instead. I continued on until I was at the other side of the city, right by where the front lines were. I broke out of the [Antimagic Field] as the [Archarachne] caught up to me, and I laughed.

Have fun!

And I ducked down, coming to a sudden halt. The [Archarachne] flew straight past me, crashing right into a group of Human soldiers. It picked itself up and glared up my way. But I just waved at it as it paused.

A figure loomed over the [Archarachne]. It stared up as a woman stood atop a cloud, her gaze boring down at it. Helena Warshade had her arms crossed as she eyed the wild Primeval Demon. It stared at her, then looked down towards another pair of figures approaching it.

Kaitlin Darkhlem and a large Cyclops sauntered up to the [Archarachne]. The three Elites surrounded it, and it screeched. This time, I could sense a hint of terror coming from it.

Alright, onto Levithus.

I murmured as I shot forward.



Levithus the Hound of the Demon King clashed with Belzu the Lord of Lies. The two Primeval Demons were locked in battle. Or rather, it was Levithus who engaged in battle, while Belzu simply fled.

It was all an illusion. Levithus knew that, even as he whipped down with his long tail. He swatted the giant insect to the ground, crushing Belzu on the white rock of the Netherworld. For a moment, Belzu lay there, twitching. But the next moment, the image was gone.

I will find you eventually, traitor!

Snarling, Levithus spun around and unleashed a pulse of black flames that shot out in a ring. It burned everything around him. The nearby debris caught aflame, and tall walls of dark fire rose up in a fury. 

He burned everything he could, but he couldnt find Belzu. He heard an echo of words around him as he slowed to a halt.

You will never find me, mindless hound.

Belzu cackled, and a figure emerged from the black flames. Levithus swung out with his tail, but there was a flash of iridescent light. He frowned as he saw Mori Gladius there, parrying the strike with a glowing blade.

The Champion of the Human Lands leapt back, landing on his knees. He stood there, wearing the full set of the Treasures of Alexander. He had the Greaves of Alexander, the Boots of Alexander, the Sword of Alexander, the Crown of Alexander, and the Breastplate of Alexander.

Levithus blinked, caught by surprise for a second. Then he shook his head as he raised a clawed hand.

Did you think I would fall for that illusion, insect?

A sword made of black flames shot out, zipping straight for the illusion of Mori Gladius. But right as the projectile was about to land, he leapt into the air and cut the fiery blade in half with his Sword of Alexander.

Levithus frowned. That wasnt right. It was just another illusion. He was sure of it. But Mori dashed forward, and the Hound of the Demon King grunted.


The serpent swung out once again with his tail, and Mori Gladius parried the attack again. There was another flash of light, and Levithus recoiled


He drew back, avoiding a slash from Mori. Levithus looked down at his tail its scales shredded and bleeding. He narrowed his eyes as the Champion of the Human Lands spun to face him.

This is Divine Essence. Real Divine Essence.

Levithus didnt understand it. He felt the burn. He sensed the aura. He couldnt be mistaken. It couldnt be replicated, not even in an illusion. This was real. He growled and opened his mouth as Mori Gladius took a step forward.


The Primeval Demon unleashed a blast of black flames that engulfed the false Champion of the Human Lands. It was a breath of the darkest flames. An attack that should have consumed the illusion entirely. But there was a flash of iridescent light. A wave of rainbow-colored aura shot out, overwhelming the black flames.

Levithus drew back, gritting his teeth as he watched Mori Gladius charge straight at him. The false Human leapt in the air and swung down with the Sword of Alexander as the massive serpent hissed. 

[Darkflame Armor].

There was a clash of light. The strike of Divine Essence was reflected from Levithus. His scales lit ablaze with a black fire. It engulfed him entirely as he glanced up at the fake Mori Gladius.

And [Hounding Hellfire].

Raising a clawed hand, Levithus unleashed a flurry of black fireballs. It shot around Mori Gladius, instead streaking into the distance, moving gradually rather than with any hurry, almost like they were living things, until finally crashing down behind a mountain of debris. Explosion after explosion blasted out all at once, and that was when the illusion shattered.

Mori Gladius vanished, his figure falling apart like broken glass. The landscape around Levithus shifted, and Belzu appeared flying up from the scene of the explosions. Levithus grinned as Belzu pointed back at the serpent.

[Abomination Fulmination]!

A thousand ethereal horrors roaches, locusts, and other bugs exploded forward, swarming after Levithus. But he simply spoke as the onslaught of curses was repelled by his [Darkflame Armor].

I told you, you are merely delaying what will come. You will die, Belzu.

Levithus created a flaming spear in his clawed hands as the other Primeval Demon tried to zip out of the way. Was it an illusion? Was it another fake? If that was the case, Levithus was just going to destroy everything around him. 

The spear blazed with unbridled fury. Flames that wisped wildly, and made the giant bugs eyes grow wider than it already was. Belzu gaped as Levithus raised this spear, aiming it at the ground.


He started, only for a glint of iridescent light to draw his attention from the side. Levithus spun around as a blast of rainbow-colored flames shot out towards him, knocking him back and eating away at his black fire.  

This is Divine Essence?

Levithus flew out of the way as he saw a six-winged figure land right next to the other Primeval Demon. Both Primeval Demons stared at the figure that just arrived as she grinned, hefting an iridescent scythe onto her shoulder.

Heya, Belzu. Need a hand? 

So you insisted on coming, Salvos.

Belzu spoke, shaking his head. Levithus just frowned, eyeing the silver-haired girl.

Youre a Lesser God.

Salvos beamed as she pointed his way.

Yep! And Im going to kill you [The Holy Flames]!

And a salvo of fiery weapons shot out as Levithus eyes grew wide. 

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