Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 538: Second Layer

Chapter 538: Second Layer

538. Second Layer

Now Entering [L-ir: The H----a D-ma-n]


I recalled the echoing voice in my head the words that resounded with a slight distortion as soon as I reached the bottom of the decline. This was still a tunnel. It wasnt a vast chamber that spread out in all directions. It was a simple pathway that only headed straight into the mist. I didnt know what waited for me beyond that white blanket. 

I wondered what this place was. The voice in my head sounded like it was calling this place a Lair. But whose Lair specifically I didnt know. I just knew that Belphegor had said that there were once thirteen protectors of the Netherworld, but now only the [Basilisk] remained. 

It was entirely possible this Lair I wandered into belonged to the protector of the second layer of the Netherworld. But it was more than likely that this Lair was just another Lair. After all, I had stumbled into that [Basilisk]s Lair at the very bottom of the first layer, while the [Gargoyles] Lair were much higher up.

I shook my head. I wasnt going to decipher whatever this Lair was originally supposed to be. Most of it had been claimed by the corruption. I looked down at my feet, seeing entire sections of the brick floor missing. Nothingness remained. And I carefully avoided stepping onto those puddles of nonexistence.

Lets see what you have in store for me, second layer.

I whispered as I strode forward with my still-shimmering Divine Nebular Scythe. I was ready for any challenge. I was prepared to face whatever threat waited for me down here. And as I took my second step

I found myself standing upside down at the ceiling. I blinked. I didnt fall. My hair wasnt pulled to the ground. Somehow, I could walk up here, even without any magic. But I didnt mean to do this. 

I had been transported up here by the distortions in space.


I pursed my lips. And I realized that my first real challenge in the second layer was neither discovering what waited in this Lair, nor was it trying to fend off the Corrupted Netherstones. No it was none of that.

My first challenge down here in the second layer was walking. 

This is going to take a while.

I sighed, and I took another step forward.



Haec saw the shifting landscape. He swept his gaze over his surroundings, watching as the world blurred beneath him. The flying carpet carried the four Archdemons away from the Demon Kings castle. The tall dark spires werent visible from this distance, but they were still here in Regnorexs Domain.

It was a vast land. The borders of the Demon Kings kingdom spread further than even the undulating mountains he had seen from the tallest tower. The Domain spanned thousands of miles whatever that meant. Haec wasnt entirely sure. He had learned these units of measurements while studying under the tutelage of Magistra. And while she had exemplified the length of a few objects for him, he still wasnt sure how long a mile was.

Regardless, the Demon King ruled over a vast swathe of land. Haec looked down from high above, and he could see the various Lairs of the citizens dug deep into hills and valleys. There werent very many structures here like the Demon Kings castle. There were a handful of them scattered throughout, but they were usually small, indicating the presence of a Lair.

Haec found it odd. He didnt understand the necessity of it. Sure, everyone from Taburas to Regnorex had explained the logic behind it to him. But he still didnt get it. He survived wandering the Desolation just fine with Salvos. As long as he had his leader, he thought it would be no issue whatsoever, no matter where he was. 

He cared not for his location, but the location of those he cared about. And he wondered where Salvos was now.

Were arriving.

A voice broke him out of his stupor. Laxis gaze bore ahead. She nodded at the sea of milling figures waiting at the base of a valley filled with shattered rocks and debris between two large mountain ranges, before glancing back.

Make sure you address Hartia with respect. The both of you.

She glared at Taburas and Betrugil. The [Succubus] just harrumphed, while the [Abraxas] shrugged. Laxi sighed, turning back to face Haec as the flying carpet began its descent. 

A massive wall was erected in the middle of the valley, connecting the two vast mountain ranges together. It rose high into the sky reaching half the height of the surrounding mountains. It held back the destruction of Revelation. A blockade that kept back the swarms of wandering wild Demons. The cracked earth of the Netherworld came to a halt right before the wall, and streaks of pouring lava splashed against the white rock. 

But this land barrier didnt budge. It was made from the same stone that expanded throughout the Netherworld, and it still held strong. Haec stared at this construction, and he knew the reason why it was so powerful. He knew of its creator. 

You know him, dont you?

Laxi asked, eyeing Haec. 


Haec raised a brow. She just peered at him. Her look drew the envious gaze of Taburas, but the [Succubus] said nothing. Not like Laxi paid it any mind. Slowly, Haec nodded, before looking back towards the border of the Demon Kings Domain. 

I know Hartia. He is the one who found me.

It was the truth, but it was also a lie. Haecs eyes flickered to Taburas. The truth was, he had been found long before he officially joined the Demon Kings forces. The first time, he had been found by a Greater Demon called Lucerna. And it was only thanks to Salvos intervention, had he managed to escape being captured.

After that, he had met Taburas. She wasnt alone. There were two other Lesser Demons with her, but he killed them because they had attacked him. It was only then did he make his decision to join Regnorex. And that was when he encountered Hartia.

What is Hartia like?

Laxi prodded. Haec closed his eyes. He recalled that meeting it was so long ago. But it had been the first show of true power he had ever seen. He beheld it with both terror and awe. A memory that scarred his mind. He opened his mouth to respond, but the looming wall ahead shifted.

Taburas and Betrugil peered over the flying carpet. Laxis eyes narrowed. They all saw it the cause for this shaking. An army of wild Demons charged at the wall, clambering up its side as they howled and shrieked and roared. [Hellhounds], [Hellbeasts], and [Ararachnes]. So many of them, all concentrated into a single spot, seeking safety from Revelation, while pursuing destruction.

No legion of Demons stood waiting at the top of the wall for this frenzied charge. It was just a wall, unmanned and unguarded. Its only protectors were the ranks of Demons waiting at the other side of the wall with their weapons raised. 

Haec just nodded at the rumbling wall. 

Hartia is one thing alone he is neither kind nor merciless. He is neither quiet nor boisterous. He is a Demon of action. And he is incredibly powerful.

As the clamoring horde of wild Demons at the other side of the wall reached the very top, the entire wall shifted. Laxi leaned forward, frowning.

What is going on?

I-its happening. Hold me, Haec.

Taburas immediately clung onto Haecs side. He did not hold her. But he didnt push her away either. Betrugil stared with raised brows as the wall began to tilt forward. The wild Demons were pushed towards the ground as the entire earth shook.

Laxi gaped. 

Is that wall falling over?


Haec whispered softly. And the giant wall collapsed. It crashed into the horde of wild Demons, crushing them as the wall shattered into dust and debris. A loud crash could be heard all the way from the flying carpet as a gust of wind nearly knocked Taburas back. She clung on to Haec, and the earth trembled.

Laxis tried to work her jaw. She watched as the army of waiting soldiers charged forward, pouring down the valley. They surged over the broken debris of the collapsed wall, before finishing off the stragglers the surviving wild Demons. Haec heard their war cry as they ran across the fallen rubble, avoiding the cracks and crevices of Revelation, using the broken rock as a stepping stone of sorts to push through.

But how?

The [Baelis] finally gasped. Haec looked past the fighting he pointed a floating figure above the fighting. Laxi blinked. She barely saw it. He barely noticed it too. But he had sensed the familiar magic. And he spoke a name.

Hartia the Ruler of the Border.

Betrugil and Taburas glanced over. They stared at the small figure they looked on even as Laxis eyes grew wide. The creature floated in the air, no larger than the palm of Haecs hand. It radiated a dim gray glow, wisping with flames. Black skin and crimson wings, he slowly turned and faced the flying carpet.

Welcome to the expanse. I have been expecting you.

[Unseelie Lord - Lvl. 185]

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