Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 541: Expanse Attack

Chapter 541: Expanse Attack

541. Expanse Attack

The wall rose, then fell, before rising and falling again and again and again. This cycle repeated itself numerous times. Haec simply strode forward, cutting down the weak wild Demons lying injured amidst the rubble. He hadnt even needed to strain himself for a single encounter. Even against what few Archdemons that had been caught in the collapsing rocks.

None of them were even close to his level. He would just step on their broken necks, finishing them off with a dismissive glance. The nearby soldiers stared at him in awe and wonder. They pointed at him, whispering his name. 

Some of them had heard of him. Those who hadnt, still knew of his Title. And it was why they were surprised to see him. It was beyond just reverie it was surprise. Shock. Confusion. After all, why would the Heir of the Netherworld himself return to the Expanse?

Certainly, they would have known he had already spent his time here at the Third Legion prior to the end of Advent. Haec had spoken to very many Demons, learning as much as he could about this Demon King, hoping that his hard work could lead him back to Salvos. And when he had squeezed out all usefulness he could from them, hed leave them behind, pursuing his goal.

Haec shook his head. It was necessity. He couldnt waste time on such frivolous activities, nor could he risk being dragged down by those who wouldnt aid or abet him in his journey. Everyone had their own goals. They would slow him down somehow. 

Out of everyone Haec had ever met, only a single individual hadnt gotten in the way of his goal. He glanced back, eyeing Taburas as she skipped after him. The [Succubus] created a spear made of ash and flicked it at a collapsed [Hellhound]. The earth ripped open, spraying dust and debris into the air as the nearby soldiers scattered and screamed.

Ever since they first met and Haec had saved her she had dedicated her life to following him. But as much as he enjoyed her company, he would soon have to leave her too. He would have to leave everything behind to find Salvos 


A voice called out, breaking him out of his stupor. Haec blinked and looked up. He saw a familiar figure standing before him one of the few soldiers in the Third Legion who werent giving him a wide berth.

She had obsidian black skin, and she was just as tall as he was. But unlike him, she had six arms on a thinner frame. Her four shimmering eyes blinked as she stepped forward.

[Fiend - Lvl. 108]

Haec? Is that you? Haec!

He just stared at her for a moment, processing this Archdemon. Haec hadnt expected there to be an Archdemon here other than himself, Laxi, Betrugil, or Taburas. But apparently, there was another.

She just strode up to him, beaming widely.

Its me, Haec! Do you not remember me? Taburas, you too!

Haec frowned, peering at her as she came to a halt right before him. He thought he recognized her. But she also didnt look like anyone he knew or at least, he didnt think so.

But someone recognized her. Taburas stared with wide eyes at the [Fiend], raising a clawed finger.

Youre Aemula? What are you still doing here?

Aemula just grinned, taking a step back.

Are you surprised to see me?

Haec blinked a few times. His eyes went round as he looked Aemula up and down. Finally, he took a step forward, grasping her by the shoulder.

Aemula? As in that same Aemula who almost got herself killed by Hartia?

He shook her head, leaning closer as she just nodded.

The little Lesser Demon who thought it was a good idea to disobey orders as soon as she arrived?

Thats me!

Aemula smirked back. Haec just gaped. Taburas shifted her feet uneasily, eyeing the way he was staring at the [Fiend].

Honestly, when I heard that four Archdemons were going to join us here at the Expanse, I wondered who it couldve been. But I didnt expect it to be the two of you of all people.

Aemula glanced over at Taburas, nodding.

It has been a while, hasnt it?

Uh, it has. You also didnt answer my question.

Haec glanced between the two of them, before shaking his head. 

Taburas is right why are you still here? Did they not let you leave?

He pursed his lips as he looked back at Aemula. She just shrugged.

Well, I left not long after Taburas did. I know she went above and beyond, becoming an Archdemon just to follow you. But they let me go as soon as I became a Greater Demon, alongside Cordith and Jamin.

Then what happened?

Haec frowned, and Aemula just waved one of her six hands dismissively.

Oh, nothing much. I joined the hunting parties, but I felt bad about it. So I returned to the Third Legion.

Taburas blinked. Haec paused. The two of them exchanged a confused glance as Aemula chuckled.

You what?

Haec asked. Aemula nodded.

Its surprising, right? I never thought Id return either. I was so glad to leave! But then I thought about all the poor Lesser Demons forced into the Third Legion without someone to guide them. I had you guys, so I managed to survive just fine. But not everyone is that lucky. So I made the request to return.

Taburas tried to work her jaw. She just sighed and shook her head.

Thats absolutely idiotic. You were free from this misery. Why would you ever go back?

I just told you

Aemula started, but the [Succubus] spoke over her.

I know what you just said. I still think it is ridiculous.

Well, I agree. But I did it anyway. Maybe it was on an impulse I dont know. I can say I dont regret that decision at all.

Haec watched as Aemula took a step back. She spread her arms wide, gesturing at the Expanse. In the distance, the wall began to rebuild itself as Hartia flew high overhead. Laxi struck down a lumbering [Hellbeast], while Betrugil lazily lay atop a pile of rocks.

I may not have grown as quickly as either of you, but I have learned so much here. Not out there in the wilderness, and certainly not within the bounds of the kingdom. Only here, in the Expanse, did I truly become me. So that is why I will not leave even if I could.  

Aemula finished, turning back to face Haec. He slowly nodded, stopping Taburas from saying anything.

Thats still st

I see. I think it is admirable, Aemula. But where is Lacrithus? And what about Solis? You never mentioned them. 

Oh them.

Aemulas reaction made Haec raise a curious brow. She just shifted back, averting her gaze.

Lacrithus is, uh, dead. So is Solis.


Haec blinked. He just took a moment to process it, before saying the only thing he could in response.


It wasnt unusual for those Haec knew to die. He saw death around him constantly. So it was no surprise to hear of their deaths. But it was still always jarring to find out that someone he had known and spoken to was now forever gone. Especially considering that he hadnt even seen the death himself.

He was only hearing it from Aemula. Now he just knew he would never see either Lacrithus or Solis again. It was always a strange realization. But Haec brushed it off quickly enough.

I see. That is unfortunate to hear.

He lowered his head. All he could wonder was that if it were Salvos who had passed, how would he react? But no Haec refused to acknowledge such a possibility. Instead, he nodded at Aemula.

I am glad that at least you are still here. 

Dont worry, Im not the only other Archdemon around. Theres Leos and Savilus. Theyre around somewhere. I honestly dont know what theyre up to at times. But they are around.

Taburas snorted, crossing her arms.

What? Are they here because they want to, too?

It was a rhetorical question. But Aemula answered it as seriously as she could.

Oh, absolutely not. They hate it here. They were sent here as a punishment for trying to steal from one of the Enclosures no idea why they did what they did, but now theyre trapped here forever. 

Aemula swept her gaze over the Third Legion, eyes narrowed. She crossed all six of her arms with a frown.

I really do want to introduce you two to them but I dont see them around at all. I wonder where they could have gone

She trailed off. But Taburas just shrugged before pulling Haec into a hug.

I dont really care for others. Haec is all I need.

You really havent changed at all, have you?

Aemula chuckled as Haec peeled the [Succubus] off him. Smiling, Aemula glanced at the two of them.

But Im glad to see that you managed to find him after all. You really were worried youd never see him again.

Taburas nodded, clinging tightly onto Haec.

Of course I dont know how Id live without Haec. I wouldnt even be alive without him. That is why I will never leave his side again.

He shifted uncomfortably at her words, knowing what he was planning. But he had to follow through with it. Taburas and Aemula continued to chat as he eyed the shackle locked tightly onto his right arm. There was no way to escape or so they said. 

This was the mark of the Demon King. There was no way to break through these metallic rings. And if any Demon tried to flee the kingdom, they would be tracked down with these artifacts. But Haec knew he could escape from his shackles. After all 

He looked up at Taburas and Aemula. He saw where their collars were located. Then he swept his gaze over the mass of soldiers all around him. They all had those metal rings locked on the very same place. It was wrapped around their necks, with no way to remove them.

But Haec? His mark was locked onto his right arm. So once he found the right time to escape, all he had to do was cut off his arm. And then he was free to roam the wilderness, free from Regnorexs kingdom once more.

He just had to find the right opportunity to escape.

And it presented to him moments later. Taburas and Aemula broke off from their discussion as a voice echoed in the distance. A muffled scream?


What is that?

Haec narrowed his eyes, looking around the valley. He searched for the source of the voice, but he couldnt find it. The Third Legion paused as the voice continued to echo in the distance. Aemula scratched the side of her head as even Hartia slowed in rebuilding the wall.

Please heeeeeeelp!

That voice isnt that Leos?

Aemula frowned. Haec scanned his surroundings, before his gaze landed at his feet. He took a knee and placed a hand on the rubble below.

Its coming from underground from the crevices below?

Haec raised his head as he heard the voice screaming louder. And up ahead, the ground broke open. Aemula blinked, watching as a winged [Fiend] take to the skies. 

What is going on? Why was he down there?

She took a step forward. But Haec backed away. He had a bad feeling about what was going on, especially considering the bloodied state of Leos.


Leos screamed as all heads turned to face him. He flew higher and higher, reaching Hartia as the ground rumbled. The earth began to shake and Haec immediately grabbed Taburas before she could react. Aemulas eyes widened, and she hopped away a moment later.

The ground exploded. The earth ripped open as Haec leapt out of the way with Taburas in time. A giant figure exploded into the sky, snapping Leos from the air before he Hartia could even react. It reached above the wall. A giant mass of fur and muscle. Three heads, four legs. It landed as it chomped on the winged [Fiend]s corpse, before sweeping its gaze over the Third Legion.

Oh no

Aemula whispered. The nearby soldiers scattered, screaming in terror. Haec just stared at the giant creature as its shadowed figure turned in the dust cloud. It was a wild Demon, and it was on fire.

Literally on fire. 

Haec blinked.


[Cerberus of Hell - Lvl. 193]

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