Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 578: Chaos of Revelation

Chapter 578: Chaos of Revelation

578. Chaos of Revelation

It was practically suicide.

Venas knew what he saw it was a Skill of a Primordial Demon. And it wasnt even a newly-evolved Primordial Demon either. He had enough experience wandering the Netherworld to know it had been an attack on the level of the Demon King.

No, Venas told himself. There was no way a wild Demon could be more powerful than Regnorex. Nevertheless, it was incredibly dangerous. And yet, as a Deathsquad Hunter, he had no other choice.

He had to fly straight to the destruction the flurry of blasts that had ripped apart the mountain range. He saw the molten rocks. He saw the blanket of smoke rising over the horizon. The devastation was beyond anything Venas had ever seen before.

But he still pressed on. Because that was where his target lay.

He flew close to the ground, looking down at the Tablet of Tracking he carried with him. He glanced past it as he nodded at the rest of his comrades following after him. They were nervous. Each and every one of them were Primeval Demons, however they were afraid of what waited for them ahead.

After all

They heard the roar. Venas raised his head. He saw a lumbering figure in the far distance. The only reason he was able to see it was thanks to his enhanced vision. But even with his Skills, it was still a looming shadow. But it was moving quickly.

He watched with round eyes as the wild Primordial Demon leapt into an ocean of lava, before wading its way through the crimson sea. It was as massive as a small mountain. It had to have been thousands of feet tall, and nearly just as wide. Yet despite its size, Venas knew that it was far more nimble than he could ever be.

Fortunately, its ire was drawn to something else. Something he could not see. Whatever it was, the wild Primordial Demon was moving away from his target.

And he sighed in relief.

My [Sacred Hellfire] failed to distract [The Great Agarus]. I didnt think the Skill was strong enough to kill the wild Primordial Demon. However, I thought it would serve as a momentary distraction so I could teleport out of here.

My [Greater Teleportation] took time to cast. It was the only way I could actually escape from this predicament. Short-range teleportation could barely bring me a hundred feet to the right, while long-range teleportation went as far as I could see.

And certainly, I could see quite far with the help of [Manifestation of the Old Gods]. But that wasnt enough. [The Great Agarus] spotted me from a hundred miles away. It would hunt me down even if I tried to use my long-range teleportation to get out of here.

That was even if I could use it to escape.

I flew back as a tempest of dark lightning bolts crashed around me. I could barely even focus on escaping this salvo attacks, let alone using either long-range teleportation to get away. And [Greater Teleportation] was entirely out of the question.

I glanced at [The Greater Agarus] as it clambered onto shore, pulling itself out of the ocean of lava. Its jaw was unhinged. A massive maw that was pointed at me. But it didnt unleash another purple beam that could shred the landscape.

Instead, a vortex formed in the center of its mouth. The very same vortex that had sucked in my [Sacred Hellfire]. I watched as space rippled around the black sphere, before [The Great Agarus] lowered its head.

Its eyes went white. And it roared as the vortex shot out towards me.

I blinked, watching the distorted space shoot straight at me. It spun and flickered as it sucked up the nearby rocks and debris into its center. It reminded me of a black hole not exactly the same, but similar in nature.

It flew straight towards me as I cursed. I tried to fly out of the way. I tried to use [Greater Teleportation] or long-ranged teleportation. Or anything, really. Anything I could use to escape.

The storm of dark lightning slowed in its attack. I thought I had been given the brief reprieve I needed to escape. But as the vortex drew closer, I found it harder to focus on the space around me. Like the world was being twisted and bent in all directions.

And I found myself being pulled to the black sphere.


I gritted my teeth as I beat my wings as fast as I could. But even with [Divine Haste] active, I couldnt break away. I closed my eyes as I was pulled into the vortex, even as it rapidly drew closer. I was panicking.

I couldnt panic, but I was panicking. I still had my aura of invulnerability however, I wasnt sure if that could protect me from being torn apart by this vortex. And I didnt want to test it out. I tried to steel myself as I opened my eyes as I focused on teleporting out of here.

And there was a flash of light.

I looked down at myself as the twisting space around me began to split open. I stared in confusion, not understanding what was happening until I saw the scintillating shards flicker into existence.

My aura of invulnerability was coated by an aura of corruption. The iridescent glowing flames was engulfed by the iridescent flakes of corruption. It was my [Protection of Corruption]. I hadnt even called upon its power, and yet it wreathed me.

It encased me. It held me in place. The tugging feeling I felt from the vortex dissipated, and I regained control of myself.

But the vortex continued to shoot my way. So I spread my wings wide as I clenched my teeth, before propelling myself out of the way just in time with a burst of flames. I watched as the vortex crashed into a nearby mountain, before imploding into itself.

It wasnt a powerful explosion that rocked the landscape. In fact, it seemed kind of peaceful other than the fact that an entire mountain was instantly vaporized in the blink of an eye. I shook my head as I cast my gaze back at [The Great Agarus].

My [Protection of Corruption] saved me now, but that didnt mean I was in the clear. I stared at the wild Primordial Demon as it took a step forward. Then I paused. My eyes narrowed.

What is it doing?

Its eyes were crossed. It was no longer staring directly at me, but it was vaguely looking in my general direction. Its tendrils wiggled as the black lightning rained from the sky. But the attacks no longer landed on me with pinpoint accuracy.

I swept my gaze over my surroundings as the dark blasts crashed near me. Some of them were far off striking the ground hundreds of feet to my left. Others were closer, barely missing me. But only the occasional black lightning bolt was even directly aimed at me.

I swerved out of the way of one of the attacks as I looked at [The Great Agarus]. I flitted off to the side, and it craned its neck to follow. But there was a delay in its reaction. Previously, its gaze snapped wherever I went in an instant.

Now, the wild Primordial Demon was blankly looking in the general vicinity of where I hovered. And I made the realization.

It cant see me because of the corruption

I cocked my head back.


That was not what I had been expecting. For whatever reason, my [Protection of the Corruption] obfuscated me from [The Great Agarus]. Even though the wild Primordial Demon had been tracking me from a hundred miles away for a while now, it was suddenly unable to see me.

And I bared my teeth as my lips twisted into a grin.

Thats good to know!

I flew high up into the sky as I avoided the crashing black lightning bolts. [The Great Agarus] roared, opening its mouth as a purple glow shone once more. It was now only a few miles away from me, and I could sense the overwhelming power of its Skill it was the very same attack it had unleashed upon me when it first saw me.

But I remained calm. I just raised a clawed hand at the direction of the wild Primordial Demon. And I balled my hand into a fist.

[Claw of Corruption]!

My voice echoed around me as space seemed to warp around my target. Just like with the [Hellabomination], a thick layer of corruption seemed to wrap around [The Great Agarus]. I watched as the glistening iridescent light twisted around the wild Primordial Demon, threatening to crush it.

However, even though it was a Grand Skill, the attack failed. I watched as [The Great Agarus] took a step forward as its body shimmered with a purple light, breaking through my [Claw of Corruption] with ease. But my goal was never to bring down the wild Primordial Demon.

I knew that even all my Grand Skills combined would not be able to kill this Level 225 Demon. However, I could blot out its vision.

The [Claw of Corruption] exploded into the surroundings, sending chunks of distorted space flying into the air around the wild Primordial Demon. That wasnt all some of the corruption from the attack still clung onto [The Great Agarus], partially covering its eyes as it roared.

It reeled back and unleashed the purple beam into the air firing where I had last been floating. But I wasnt there anymore. I was already flying past [The Great Agarus] with a smile on my face. It clawed the ground open as the earth shook, and the storm of black lightning bolts continued falling from the sky.

But it didnt matter. Because [The Great Agarus] couldnt see me. Not with the layer of corruption protecting me, and not with its vision blotted out by the corruption either. The landscape was scarred by the iridescent distortions in space too, making it even harder for the wild Primordial Demon to see me.

And I left it behind.

Alright, lets get out of here!

I took off, flying into the distance horizon as I passed the ocean of lava.

And as the shaking stopped, the last of the bits of rubble fell from the sky. A crimson figure coughed, before looking down at his companion. She was hurt she was cut all over. But otherwise, she was fine.

So Haec sighed in relief.

We survived.

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