Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 583: Despise

Chapter 583: Despise

583. Despise

Haec opened his eyes as he exhaled slowly. Gently. A calm breath. He raised his head to face the room, before sweeping his gaze over the kneeling figures waiting for him.

He stood in the throne room of the Demon King. As usual, he was standing by Regnorexs right hand side. It was strange to think about. That he would be so close to the one he hated so much. But this was all necessary to get back to Salvos.

That was what Haec told himself as he straightened in the presence of his King. He had always thought he would have felt more on edge when he had been chosen to be the Heir of the Netherworld. However, for whatever reason, he was at ease when he stood next to Regnorex.

It made no sense. The Demon King was the one who had separated him from his leader his companion. So why did Haec feel this way? It felt wrong.

And yet, he had been through so much here in the Demon Kings Domain. He had been granted a Title that only a single other Demon had been given in the history of Regnorexs reign. And despite all the horror stories he had heard about Regnorex the Demon King wasnt so bad.

Regnorex had divulged his plans to Haec. As the Heir of the Netherworld, Haec had heard firsthand about what drove the Demon King to do everything he had done thus far. And it was simple, really.

It was good.

The Demon King wanted to create a world without suffering for all Demonkind. What was wrong about that? Haec himself wondered what that world would be like. He couldnt lie and say that he wasnt interested in finding out how Regnorex was planning on achieving this.

Haec had even considered bringing Salvos with him to this world. But as the thought crossed his mind, he closed his eyes again, taking in a deep breath.

Then he raised his head as he faced the waiting figures kneeling before the throne. There were seven of them. Each of them were around the same level as Haec himself some of them were even higher-leveled than him. But they looked at him reverently. And he nodded approvingly at them as a smile slipped onto his face.

Avaritia, Gloria, Desidia, Iivor, Gula, Libid, and Ira. You have all done well in undergoing my training. You have all mastered a Grand Skill, and some of you have even mastered two Grand Skills of your own

As Haec spoke, Gloria puffed up her chest proudly. Avaritia just rolled his eyes. And Iivor elbowed the both of them to focus. Gula, Libid, Desidia, and Ira didnt break their gaze away from the Heir of the Netherworld. They held their chin high, but they still looked at him with utmost respect.

Haec shook his head as he continued.

...but it does not matter. All of you have survived the test I have given you. You have become the Dukes and Duchesses of the Netherworld. Now you shall be given your first task by our King himself.

With that, Haec took a step back. He couldnt lie and say that he did not feel proud of them. They had managed to accomplish what nearly a thousand other Archdemons could not they were the greatest among their peers. An interesting, eclectic group. One which Haec had found himself growing fond of, even if they werent his friends.

Because they were simply interesting to watch.

Haec moved aside for Regnorex to take over. He faced the Demon King who waited on the gilded throne.

He had expected the Demon King to rise to his feet and congratulate the Dukes and the Duchesses. It was a great accomplishment, after all. And yet, Regnorex simply waved a hand dismissively at the seven Archdemons.

Go forth.

Regnorex addressed them as they bowed their heads.

Oracli shall give you your first task as the Dukes and Duchesses.

Yes, King Regnorex!

The seven of them exclaimed. And Haec narrowed his eyes. He just watched as they spun around and marched out of the throne room.

The vast double doors slammed shut behind them. For a moment, Haec remained silent. He was confused. He didnt understand the lukewarm reaction of the Demon King. So he cleared his throat and asked the question in his mind.

My King, may I know what task Oracli has in store for them?


Regnorex glanced towards Haec with a soft gaze unlike how he had seemed to address the Dukes and the Duchesses.

I have been informed by Levithus that things are going awry in the Mortal Realm, so a distraction is needed for the Humans. I am sending the seven of them to fulfill the task of ensuring that the ritual is seen to completion.

And that made Haec pause. His mind reeled for a second as he stared at his King no as he stared at the Demon King. He frowned.

But I thought that all the Demons being sent to the Mortal Realm for the ritual are being sacrificed. Doesnt that mean that the Dukes and the Duchesses will die?

That is correct.

Regnorex replied bluntly. And Haec took a step back. His eyes went wide as he tried to grasp for the right words to say.

But but theyre the Dukes and the Duchesses they cant die!

Haec protested. Regnorex smiled as he rose to his feet. He brought his hand to his heirs shoulder, shaking his head.

It pains me to lose them as much as it pains you, my successor. However, as long as you still remain

The Demon King raised his head, facing the domed ceiling of the throne room.

...we can create more of these Dukes and Duchesses. So do not fret. For salvation shall soon come for our people.


Haec opened his mouth. But he caught himself. He didnt respond. He didnt speak his true feelings. He just stared at the Demon King.

And he remembered who Regnorex truly was.

Regnorex the Demon King. The one who had enslaved millions of Demons perhaps billions throughout his reign. And the very same person who had separated Haec from his true leader.

From Haecs companion. From Salvos.

Why shouldnt Haec feel anything but hatred for such a vile person?

Slowly, Haec lowered his head, cursing himself for forgetting this. He closed his eyes.

And Haec returned to the present.

He blinked his eyes open, raising his head. He sucked in a deep breath as he placed a hand on his chest. The wound he had suffered was mostly gone. His body was in intense pain but it was fading away quickly.

When he took in his surroundings, he realized only a moment had passed since the [Hellreaper] had shredded his chest open, nearly killing him in an instant. Taburas was still running towards him. Betrugil was shouting, protectively standing over Aemula.

And the Primeval Demon was laughing cackling with a warbled voice. She took a step forward as the blue flames continued to wreathe her body. She hadnt even noticed Haec rising to his feet as Taburas slowed.


The [Succubus] stared at him with wide eyes. She was surprised to see him standing again so soon. And Haec couldnt lie he was also shocked. At least, that was until he looked down at himself.

He blinked as he saw the white aura wisping off his body. A stark contrast to the dark aura of the Demon King. Haec stared at himself, taking it in. Then he looked back up to Taburas, seeing motes of a translucent essence wisping off her. Not just her, either. It came from both Betrugil and Aemula too.

And it seemed to connect with Haec.

That confused Betrugil and Aemula. They exchanged a confused glance as Taburas just opened her mouth.


Even the [Hellreaper] paused, confused by what was going on. She turned to face Haec as he took in a deep breath.

What is that?

She asked softly. Haec closed his eyes. He felt the power coursing through him. He knew what it was. He must have activated it right before the [Hellreaper] had dealt that fatal blow on him that was how he survived.

It was the effects of his second Grand Skill.

[I Shall Bear Your Burdens].

Haec raised his head, opening his eyes. He swept his gaze over the confused Betrugil and Aemula, before looking at Taburas. He smiled.

Thank you for lending me your strength.

Taburas just nodded in response. He took a step forward as the white aura shone brighter his long flowing hair seemed to hover slightly, being pulled up by some force. It wasn't spiking up, but it was like he was floating in water.

Haec turned away from her, looking towards the confused [Hellreaper].

She shifted back slightly as he held her gaze.

We dont need to fight.

He took a step forward as the ground seemed to crack under his weight. His aura alone was utterly overwhelming even he could sense the power he was emanating. It made the Primeval Demon wary of him. She stared at him with narrowed eyes.


She asked simply.

How are you still alive?

Haec tilted his head back at her. And he smiled kindly.

I am alive thanks to my friends because they have lent me their strength.

Just as he borrowed the Demon Kings essence to momentarily deliver a punch that could even make Regnorex flinch, he could borrow the strength of his allies in the battlefield. Taburas, Betrugil, and Aemula were supplying him with their essence, and it gave him the power he needed to face the [Hellreaper].

Hey! I didnt consent to this!

Betrugil raised a fist. Haec just smiled. He shook his head as Taburas pursed her lips.

But Haec, if you do this youll

I know. But I have no choice. This is what we must do to survive.

Haec nodded reassuringly at her. Her concern was valid she was afraid of the downside that this Grand Skill brought about because whatever damage was inflicted on Betrugil, Taburas, and Aemula would be inflicted on him instead.

But he didnt care. Because he was going to resolve this fight without harming the [Hellreaper]. He looked back towards the Primeval Demon as she growled at him warily. And he raised a hand.

I understand how you feel. You hate the Demon King, and so do I.

Haec thought about the time he spent in the Demon Kings Domain. He recalled all the things Regnorex had taught him he remembered the sweet words promising a better world for all Demonkind.

At one point, it had nearly seduced him. It had almost converted him into a true follower.

But then he recalled Salvos. He remembered what Lucerna had done. He knew how much serving under the Demon King had hurt Taburas.

And he knew that those words were a lie. Everything from the sacrifice of the Dukes and the Duchesses to the callous treatment of all the other servants of the Demon Kingdom proved it. The promise of salvation was not real, and Haec learned to despise Regnorex with his very being.

But your hate is misplaced. It is not those who serve under Regnorex at fault. They are as much victims as you and I.

Haec stepped forward, unwavering. Even as Taburas called out to him, and Betrugil stepped back. The [Hellreaper] growled, glaring angrily. But Haec refused to back away.

Your people were hurt by the Demon King. Just like we have. So we shouldnt be fighting. We should join forces and together, we can bring him down. What do you say?

He smiled kindly at the Primeval Demon. And for a moment, she stared at him with a soft gaze. He could tell that she was thinking of her kin. But after a moment passed, that expression on her face vanished.

She snarled as she answered him.

I refuse.

With that, she leapt forward as he body burned brightly. She moved fast Taburas cried out as she raised a hand.


And the [Hellreaper]s attacked was stopped. Taburas and the Primeval Demon both blinked. Betrugils eyes went wide, and Aemula gasped.


Haec had caught the [Hellreaper]. His body shone brightly the aura wisping off him coalesced on his arms as he held her by her bone-like protrusions. Her flaming aura burned him, but he didnt let go.

The Primeval Demon stared for a moment, confused as she was held in the air. And Haec sighed.

Im sorry.

He whispered. With that, he brought a hand back, before punching her in the face.

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