Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 460: Fifth World: Wen Qinxi Needs A Stalker's Handbook

Chapter 460: Fifth World: Wen Qinxi Needs A Stalker's Handbook

Some people dream of success when they are sleeping but Wen Qinxi wasn't one of them. He was dreaming about drinking a mocha frappuccino in a coffee shop near work with a pair of dark sunglasses on.

The dream was so vivid that at some point he thought he had exited Flagship. For a minute he wondered why he would dream himself in a coffee shop. Yes sure, he was a fan of a good cup of frappuccino but he didn't like it to the point of dreaming about it.

Well, he soon discovered why he would dream of himself in this place. It turned out he was stalking his boss. The spot he was sitting at was the perfect position to view his subject of interest. He could look all he wanted and never get caught.

He saw his lovestruck stalker self lower his sunglasses while fumbling through his laptop bag to find his cellphone. If only he had read the stalker handbook he would have known the number one rule which is always have your cellphone in hand ready to take a shot at a moment's notice.

By the time he found it his incredibly dashing boss was already halfway down the stairs. He hurriedly swiped his cellphone to take a picture but felt something was wrong. The cellphone in his hand wasn't his but an ancient ancestor of cellphones that had keys and no camera.

Feeling distraught he raised his head to take a look at his boss before he vanished out of his sight. It was as if he didn't take a look he would never see him again. But as soon as he raised his head he was shocked to see Qie Ranzhe standing right in front of him with their faces less than two centimetres apart.

"Are you stalking me?" was the question Qie Ranzhe asked him jolting Wen Qinxi awake. As soon as his eyes opened that face that just scared him in his dream didn't go away even though he was now awake. In fact, it was even closer than before terrifying this poor nerd.

Wen Qinxi stretched his hand out grabbing the man's neck as though trying to confirm something. Once he felt the slight warmth coming from the back of the man's neck he smiled riley as he pulled him down on the bed with force before pinning him down.

A foolish grin crept up Qie Ranzhe's face staring at Zhao Zhi in a lecherous manner like he was going to eat him right then and there. "How did you...," said Wen Qinxi but he didn't get to finish what he was saying when he was pulled down by the neck and his lips kissed fiercely.

The sweetness from Zhao Zhi's lips satiated Qie Ranzhe cravings that had been haunting him ever since they were pulled apart. Like a single drop of water on the hot desert sand, this luscious taste had him yearning for more with his right hand sliding onto Zhao Zhi's waist the other caressing the back of the man's neck drawing him closer.

They had been separated for forty-eight hours but it felt like decades for the two of them. The rough kiss softened as Qie Ranzhe began to slowly taste his lover savouring the moment of bliss. His hot moist tongue slithered deep through Zhao Zhi's parted lips making the man in his arms shudder.

Wen Qinxi enthusiastically teased Qie Ranzhe's tongue with his invoking an electric current that spread from the tips of their tongues to the rest of their bodies. Wen Qinxi lost control of himself as an intense, pleasurable sensation trailed down his spine inciting him to let out a moan.

That indistinctive moan almost woke up Qie Xieling who was sleeping across the room. It was his incoherent mumbles coming from Qie Xieling that brought these two back to earth.

Wen Qinxi bit his lower lip ridden with guilt.

In his moment of carelessness, he forgot Qie Xieling was sharing a room with him for safety reasons. Qie Ranzhe didn't seem bothered looking over to Qie Xieling's direction over Zhao Zhi's shoulder.

After making sure he was still fast asleep he said, "Don't worry he is still asleep," while soothingly stroking Zhao Zhi's hair.

"How are you bre-," asked Wen Qinxi but he didn't get to finish his question as Qie Ranzhe interrupted him saying,

"Let me hug you for a minute, okay?" As soon as he said this he drew Zhao Zhi into his arms and embraced him like he was afraid he would vanish in the very next second. The two held each other like this for a moment with their warm breath brushing against each other's skin. Qie Ranzhe's naughty hand even slid down the waist touching the demarcation where the merman tail began.

'So beautiful but how inconvenient,' he thought regretting that they were underwater instead. He was already hard from that one kiss but he had to be gentlemanly and fight off the urge to take Zhao Zhi above water and act on his manly desires.

Qie Ranzhe only let him go after his enthusiastic bird calmed down. The two slid into bed cuddling in between the sheets. Wen Qinxi was being spooned in such a way that he could barely move. If he could come up with a word to describe Qie Ranzhe's state of mind right now it would be clingy which he didn't mind at all.

He would love it if he could stick to this man twenty-four seven but that was only wishful thinking. Wen Qinxi couldn't help but worry so he asked while rubbing Qie Ranzhe's thumb with his, "How are you breathing underwater?"

Qie Ranzhe seemed to have had an inkling that he might need an elixir to help him submerge underwater for a very long time so he had an experienced alchemist create the most effective kind.

That sly demon had offered to give him some of his blood so he could stay underwater for longer but Qie Ranzhe wasn't stupid. The worst mistake he could ever make would be drinking that vile creature's blood. The consequences of which would be dire.

"An elixir," he said staring at Zhao Zhi's side profile his eyes filled with infatuation. He slipped his hand under Zhao Zhi's arm and caressed his exposed belly obsessively. He couldn't help but feel like life was so unfair.

Imagine wanting to do this and that to your lover who is sharing the same bed as you but you can't. This could be described as sexual frustration.

"We have to leave," he continued to say before kissing Zhao Zhi's cheek, "I have to get you and Xieling somewhere safe."

Wen Qinxi could hear the urgency in Qie Ranzhe's voice which brought him to his next crucial question. "How did you get here?"

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