Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 498: Ba Gua's One Sided Animosity

Chapter 498: Ba Gua's One Sided Animosity

You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice. This statement had never crossed Ba Gua's mind until now. Maybe it was because he thought he wouldn't get caught that he didn't weigh the cons. 

Over the years he had let his disgust and envy fester whenever he thought of that nerd who even in the club meetings would be typing on his computer writing code like he had nothing else going on for him.

It didn't actually start out that way. In fact, he admired him at first. Gecko was very hardworking and had great ideas. He even thought they could be friends as they were cut from the same cloth. But no matter how many conversations he tried to start with Wen Qinxi it would always run dry at some point so he backed off eventually.

When Qie Ranzhe joined their club it never crossed his mind that the male god was after someone in particular. Like the rest of the club members he tried to hug this prince's thigh chatting him up but Qie Ranzhe remained cold and indifferent with Machu acting as his spokesperson.

Soon afterwards the money started coming in and as the president of the club, Ba Gua was especially grateful. It seemed Qie Ranzhe had recognized their hard work but who would have thought he would get kicked out of the tent at the school camping trip so that these two people who had no correlation whatsoever could spend the night together. What hard work? It was obvious one of his club members sold his chrysanthemum to get those funds.

What ground his gears, even more, was Wen Qinxi's calm appearance like he wasn't at all embarrassed about the previous night's escapades. He couldn't help but wonder if this quiet person had done this sort of thing dozens of times. This could explain Wen Qinxi's calm demeanour.

Ba Gua's bottom line was touched that he even petitioned that Wen Qinxi be removed from the club. His request was, of course, denied because Wen Qinxi was the brainpower of their project. One can understand why Ba Gua's disdain festered.

Over the years he somewhat put this incident behind him that is until he saw Wen Qinxi in GameX a few years later. Memories of the past resurfaced and he did his uttermost to dirty Wen Qinxi's name which ultimately resulted in him being alienated and gossiped about every day. This suppressed his brilliance as everyone assumed he wasn't qualified and got this job after slipping into the boss's bed.

All these events led to this exact situation where Ba Gua found himself kneeling on the floor with half his face swollen and his nose bleeding. Qie Ranzhe crouched before him with an arrogant and bad-to-bone aura staring straight at him. "It seems I am just wasting my time here so I will leave you alone with them," he said before making a motion like he was going to stand up.

"No no no, wait.... I, I will talk. I know, l know about you two," he stammered causing the blood in his mouth to sip out at the corner of his lips.

Qie Ranzhe scoffed while rubbing his bottom lip with his index finger. "What do you know?" he asked with a murderous glint in his eyes.

Ba Gua shifted his legs uncomfortably before explaining, "I know what you are..... I saw it. You kicked me out of the tent so you two could spend the night together. I am certain you wouldn't want your family finding out what you are...," but he couldn't say anything after that because he was slapped hard across the face making him see stars. 

His body fell backwards as a stinging pain spread across his already swollen cheek. The bodyguards raised his body back up and he was soon faced by the enraged beast once more. "Is that a threat?" asked Qie Ranzhe as another bodyguard handed him a handkerchief to wipe his hands that had been dirtied.

Ba Gua quickly shook his head expressing how this was in no way a threat. "En, I thought so..... go on," said Qie Ranzhe in a commanding tone.

"For six years I worked so hard, I worked so fucking hard but he comes into the company and immediately gets involved in big projects. Like, like Flagship.... I should have been the lead programmer but just because you, you and him had a fling I lost my opportunity. Tell me.... how is that fair?" he explained with his emotions overflowing. He had suppressed these feelings for a very long time and now he had the opportunity to vent out.

"So yes, I framed him. Such are the consequences of selling his ass to rob opportunities from those who deserve it," he continued ignoring the pain from speaking. He didn't care if he further offended this man spewing out his guts.

Qie Ranzhe finally understood what happened. He had read Ba Gua's file in detail and knew they were former schoolmates but he hadn't figured out where the one-sided animosity came from.

He let out a throaty chuckle before there was a swift change in his expression. The smile vanished replaced by a sinister gaze that resembled that of a demon.

"He was never a kept man from the beginning. If anyone was kept it would be me..... All his success had nothing to do with me because there wasn't anything between us..... well, that is until now. He got Flagship because he worked hard and not because I had a crush on him in high school. Just accept your inferiority and stop blaming your failures on someone else," he said before he stood up.

The bodyguards picked Ba Gua up and made him stand before Qie Ranzhe. "I hope it was fuckin worth it," said Qie Ranzhe before landing a heavy punch on Ba Gua knocking him and a few of his teeth out.

"Take care of this and make sure he won't cause trouble ever again," said Qie Ranzhe looking down at his hand covered in blood with disdain.


While Ba Gua was suffering the consequences of his actions, Wen Qinxi was suffering as a consequence of a mother's love. This should be a good thing, right? Well, yes that is if he wasn't being forced to go on a blind date.

This is how it went down. Wen Qinxi was lying on the bottom bunk bed at his mother's apartment sleeping the entire afternoon away when his mother suddenly opened the door with vigour.

He was woken up with a start staring at his mother in vexation. "Ma!" he grumbled before lying back down covering his entire head with the quilt.

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