SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 216: Bing's Ghostly Adventure!

Chapter 216: Bing's Ghostly Adventure!

Of course, it had to be me! Of course, the ghost would chase after me out of everyone else! Bing moved his hefty body through the foggy forest like a small bull. 

Behind him, a hazy figure greedily looked upon his round and succulent shape. It was much larger than the average man with a body that had a belly larger than its entire ghostly figure. Perhaps the resemblance in their body shapes is what drew this spirit to Ai Bing. Or maybe there was something special about Bings body that sent this ghost mad. 

Whatever it was that attracted this spirits attention, Bing had no interest in finding out! Thanks to his sky-ranked body cultivation technique, Devils Physique, and multiple bloodlines hes absorbed with Devils Arms, his auxiliary art, Bing had stamina that far outclassed his peers despite his appearance. While he might not be the fastest of the bunch, he would surely outlast them! But the hunger of this powerful spirit was not to be underestimated either. 

As Bing ran through the white mist that prevented him from knowing where he was going, he also wasnt aware that during his escape, a few more ghosts decided to join the chase. They too saw the specialness of Bings body and wanted it for themselves. In the eyes of the ghosts, Bing was essentially the perfect human host to hold their body. His body radiated with such an irresistible spiritual aroma that it was like looking at the perfect feast in the form of a single human! 

Dozens and dozens of ghosts couldnt help themselves as they gave in to their primal instincts of wanting to feed or become human again. All of them chased after the chubby cultivator like a pack of starving wolves. Unknown to Bing, he has just caused one of the biggest and most unnatural events to surface within the Endless Plains without even meaning to! Usually, when ghosts find one another, they wouldnt hesitate to fight it out to devour the other to strengthen themself. However, at this moment, it seemed that all of them planned to share at least one piece of Bing for themselves! Even if it was just a small flab of his belly flesh, they were willing to tear into it with relish! There was no wasteful part of Bing that they saw. 

Tears streamed down Bings face as he turned to see the horde of hungry ghosts behind him. Just what kind of luck was this!? All that crap hes heard about him being lucky was nothing but crap! How can anyone call this lucky?! Being forced into running for his life from several ghosts that want nothing more than to feed on his fragile virgin body! 

Help me! Anyone help!!! He shouted. 

It wouldnt be until 45 minutes of non-stop running that Bing would finally run into another human being. He looked at them with joy and relief as he focused his vision on them and ran straight toward them. Unfortunately, this human being saw the horrifying sight behind Bing and dashed away without any regard for the fatty. Bing couldnt let his only hope of survival just escape without him. 

Swift Devil! It took only a second for Bing to tackle the figure. 

Both of them rolling along the ground together. Bing keeping a tight grip on the person and the person doing their best to escape Bings hold. A high-pitched scream rang out from the figure that Bing was holding and it wasnt for no reason that they screamed either. It seemed that Bings desperation of seeing another human being and tackling them before they could escape, led to the both of them tumbling down a very large hill together. Since Bings body was much bigger than the others, he took most of the damage rolling down the hill. 

Crashing into rocks, trees, and whatever else laid in their path. Their journey ended with a crash through a temples wall. Bings body lying next to a dusty gold statue. The person he dragged into this situation, laying on top of him.  

Bing couldnt focus his vision to see what was on top of him. His head was still spinning from all the running and rolling. Right now, he wished for nothing more than to just pass out and wake back up inside Yings void world. Maybe, he didnt need to try so hard in the test... It wasnt like he was going to win in the end anyway. 

Just as Bing was about to get up, he suddenly noticed that his hand was gripping something incredibly soft on top of himself.  

He squeezed once. 

Mhmm... A girly noise came from on top of him. 

He squeezed twice. 

You really are courting death, arent you? She snarled.  

He knew it was wrong but squeezed a third time. 

This time he was harshly punished with a slap to the face. She got up from on top of him and rose her leg to kick at him while he was still down. While Bing knew he was definitely a piece of trash for doing what he did, he also didnt want to be kicked in the nuts. He flipped up from the ground and gained some distance from the girl. 

Now that he was able to get a good look at her, he noticed that this girl wasnt a disciple from the sect. Or at least, she wasnt wearing anything that would suggest she was. Bing was sure that he hasnt seen her face before they started the second part of the test. She seemed like the type of woman that would stand out without even trying. Flawless pale-white skin, long white hair that reached down to the ground but never touched it, soft blood-red eyes, a face that Bing would describe as nearly perfect and radiating the beauty of an empress but with the temperament of a princess, youthful and immature but still prideful and regal. 

She drew her sword and rushed at him without mercy. Bing blocked her slash with his shield and took in his surroundings. He wasnt going to waste his time fighting with this woman even if she was incredibly beautiful and he was in the wrong for what he did earlier. Those ghosts from before wouldnt give up so easily just because he fell down a hill. If they were willing to chase him for almost an hour, then a hill wasnt going to be much of a deterrence for them. Fighting with this girl would only give those ghosts the opportunity to catch up to him. 

Listen, Im sorry about what I did. I know what I did was wrong and I apologize. Bing couldnt give any excuses. 

He had an idea of what he was squeezing from the beginning. It was just that when would he ever get the chance of squeezing something like that again within the next 5 years? That softness and squishiness was a feeling that his hand was never going to forget. It should last him at least 5 years in his opinion.  

You think a mere apology is enough to excuse you for what you did? She looked at him like he was the most disgusting thing in the world. Cut off your left hand immediately. She ordered. 

Bing thought it was a bit much just for a little incident like this. She didnt seriously think he was going to cut off his arm for her, did she? Did she have mental problems? Just because she looked like a princess didnt mean that he was going to treat her like one. 

Ill get right to it! I will deliver my left hand to you as soon as I can! Bings eyes widened before he turned and ran, leaving the girl alone in the temple. 

Hmm? At first, she was about to explode but noticed something strange in that fattys eyes. 

She turned around and saw the sea of ghosts from before rushing down towards the temple. Various emotions flashed within her eyes. Anger, fright, surprise, disbelief, and then rage! The young girl quickly chased after the fatty while planning to skewer him like a pig and roast him over a fire. 

Bing was a lot more relieved now that he had some distance between him and the ghosts. That girl should be able to distract them for a few seconds. It was such a pity though. She was pretty cute in his eyes. Too bad, she had something wrong with her brain. 

Hehe! Thanks to her, I finally got the time to use this teleportation spell. Bing pulled out the movement talisman from his storage ring and injected his qi into it. 

Where do you think youre going!? Somehow, Bing felt thin piercing cold fingers trying to dig into his shoulders. 

Just as he was being moved through space, he turned to look at the figure gripping on him from behind. Bing couldnt help but scream as the crazy beauty from before turned into an unrecognizable monster latching onto him! She was a ghost too!? How did she catch up to him so quickly!? 

Why me...? Bing cried out before disappearing with a new friend.

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