SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 256: Some More Changes?

Chapter 256: Some More Changes?

To make things easier on themselves, the elders chose to have the matches done separately. The weakest will fight first before making the way up to the disciples at the higher realms. This did make Jing wonder just how long she was going to be waiting if this was the case. The Qi Consolidators and the disciples at the Core Preparation realm were the most numerous. 

While Jing did think this method of judging was better than having them all fight at the same time, theyre going to be up here for more than a few days... She hoped they prepared food and drinks. This was a celebratory event, wasnt it? What kind of celebration didnt have food and drinks? Music would be nice too but the type of music in this world wasnt to Jings liking. Barely did the food match up as well. 

I just got an idea. Jing suddenly thought as the first six Qi Gatherers were chosen to go up. Shang, come here. Jing got up from her throne. 

She pulled out a raggedy wooden shack from her refined storage ring and gestured for Shang to follow behind her. Li Li was already glaring at Shang while holding Jings hand, obviously coming along as well. From its appearance, it looked like the type of building meant for doing ones business inside. This is why several disciples and elders watched her with confused looks on their faces. It wasnt the type of building that could hold three people at once without them squeezing inside to an uncomfortable degree. 

Jing inwardly grinned. Theyd be right if this was just an ordinary shed. However, this shed was anything but ordinary since it had SCP-184 inside of it for a few days. The infinitely expanding dodecahedron with the anomalous property to expand a structure's inner dimensions without altering its outer dimensions each day it lies inside said structure. 

I dont think is the time for a restroom break, Jing... Ying couldnt fathom what was going on inside Jings head. 

If I was going to the restroom, do you think I'd invite Shang with me? Jing didnt know what the tomboy was thinking. 

Then where exactly are you going? I dont think more than one of you can fit inside there. Wan Qing was just as confused as Ying. 

Youll see. Jing, Shang, and Li Li went inside together. 

The two boys were more than surprised after entering through the door into an expansive room with nothing inside it.  

Close the door behind you. Jing reminded Shang. 

Hmm. Shang was still a bit shocked and very confused but followed her request. 

Why did this place look so small from the outside, mom? Li Li curiously asked, looking around the room. 

Because of this. Jing raised SCP-184 in her hand as she placed a talisman on the wooden floor. 

What is that, a toy? Li Li tilted his head. 

Just think of it as something that makes buildings bigger without looking bigger on the outside. Jing explained. Now follow me. I didnt think I could use this so soon. She said. 

Neither Shang nor Li Li knew what she was talking about but followed regardless. Jing turned her head to give them an important warning, Please follow closely behind me. You might get lost if you lose track of me and itll take days before I can find you.  

Shang inwardly gulped but stayed silent as he observed the impossible building. He was taken through several doors, rooms, and stairs all with a wooden theme. Sparsed throughout the maze-like structure were multiple wooden objects that didnt make sense or structural designs that werent quite correct. Long tiny hallways that made him feel giant, wooden doors that led to empty walls, twisting rooms that were impossible to walk through normally. It felt like they were walking for days through an entirely new world made of wood but in reality, it was only a few minutes. 

Maybe it was because of how little Shang could comprehend of this building that his sense of time has been distorted just as several parts of this structure have been as well. Li Li was somewhat on the opposite spectrum of the amazed, confused, and disorientated Shang. He was more than happy to explore the wooden maze and visibly awe at all the strange and impossible sights. His favorite was walking down the tiny hallways that made him feel like a giant! He was around the same size as his mom in those hallways even though he was little! 

Jing just silently enjoyed the reactions of Shang and Li Li. That talisman she placed down earlier was similar to a radar in it gave information about her surroundings according to how much qi was fed into it. A wave of qi would spread from the talisman that would extend outward. Its range depends on the qi of the one who planted the spell in the first place which gave it mixed reviews among spellmasters. 

Eventually, they arrived at the original room. The original room was where SCP-184 was first placed and also the farthest room from the entrance. Inside was all of Jings alchemy and cooking equipment. She planned to sell a different batch of cakes this time because she was sure that more than enough disciples have bought her spirit cakes in preparation for todays fights. This time around the cakes will be less useful and more fit for a celebratory type of event.  

Now that she thought about it, maybe bringing Shang and Li Li wasnt the best choice... They definitely didnt know anything about making something more lively but did any of her other angels know? Werent they all kind of outcasts in their own way? Jing didnt know enough about Leis apprentices. Jie was a noble who was unlike other nobles but still not the type of person who would know how to have a good time. Jing doubted Runt had ever been to a celebratory event before. Looks like she had to do this on her own. 

I cant hear anything... Ying complained with her ear against the shack's door. I cant even hear them breathing. She added. 

I cant hear anything from this side either. He Wenqing shared from the back of the shed. 

This cant be a normal shed. Wan Qing quickly understood. 

... Xiucai was really curious and couldnt help but look at his group members investigating the shabby wooden shed instead of the Qi Gatherers fighting. 

Should we take a look inside? Jie suggested. 

Hmm.... Ying seriously debated Jies question. 

Jing had to pick those two to follow her for a reason. At first, she thought that Jing was going to do naughty stuff with Shang but quickly trashed that thought after Li Li went inside with them. Plus, Ying didnt think that Jing was the type to do something like that in front of so many people even if they were inside this shed. It was kind of stupid for her mind to even go in that direction in the first place. 

We still have time before we go up. He Wenqing had a mischievous look on his face. 

I wouldnt recommend it. Wan Qing told the other angels. Jing said that well see what she was up to. So, just wait. She recommended. 

But I wanna find out... Ying was bored since she wasnt able to flirt with Bing.  

Hmph. Then go in and get caught by Jing. Wan Qing grinned. 

Nevermind. Ill wait. Ying didnt know what would be in store for her if she barged into that shed but felt it would be better for her if she waited as Qing said. 

Is she that scary? He Wenqing asked.  

Yes. Jie answered immediately. Her bones could still feel the pain of being snapped repeatedly. 

... Xiucai was already aware of Jings terrifying presence. 

As an assassin, it was an innate action of his to snuff out a persons strength and his chance of killing them. Xiucai was part of a multi-generational assassin clan and could accurately judge anyones strength due to his upbringing. Out of everyone in Heavens Angels, he could only kill two people with his strength as of now without relying on poisons. If he relied on poison, he could perhaps take out a third. 

The first two being his martial brother and martial sister. The third being Jie before her training with Jing. Everyone else was impossible for him to take out even if he used every method at his disposal. At least, that was what his gut feeling was telling him.  

The small boy called Runt was impossible to assassinate, the fatty who seemed to dislike violence just like his master, the tiny white owl, even now, Xiucai still couldnt fully comprehend what kind of group he involved himself in. It was a terrifying experience to be around a group of people he had no chance to kill. Only back at his clan did he feel something like this. Being in close range to people that could deal with him even if they werent aware of his presence. Monsters... That was the only way he could describe most of the people in Heavens Angels. 

We are very weak. Xiucai informed He Wenqing of their ranking within Heavens Angels. 

I... I see... He Wenqing accepted Xiucais words. It wasnt often that his martial brother spoke but when he did, it often was important to listen.

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