Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 164 Zombie Empress (95)

(Outskirts Of Heurn Province)

(Hidden Location- Secret Military Complex)

"Fuck... I... cough... let... me... cough!" Subject 001 bent over in pain as he vomited all over the floor.

He staggered to his feet and walked over to the fresh corpse that was laying on the ground. It belonged to a human that Wu Jing had killed a few days ago.

Subject 001 had grabbed it when Wu Jing had not noticed because he did not want the human to become more cautious of him.

He was not stupid.

Wu Jing clearly wanted to use him. That ungrateful son of a bitch...

Well, no matter... he would die immediately after he outlived his usefulness...

A sadistic smile spread across the face of the young teenage boy as he threw back his head and laughed hysterically.

Qin Wei's influence on Subject 001's mental state could not be ignored.

Subject 001 had intended to discard the memories and influence of his human host, but the opposite had occurred.

Qin Wei's memories had assimilated into his psyche and now the young human's wants, needs and desires were now his as well.

He felt an overwhelming sense of hatred towards his sister... no... his human host's sister Qin Lan...

As well as a feeling of lust and desire for a girl called Liu Yifei.

Subject 001 groaned in pain as he felt another pang of hunger. He approached the corpse and his jaw unhinged far wider than any normal human's jaw was capable of moving.

He took a bite of the rotting flesh and pleasure unlike anything that he had ever felt flooded his mind.

Subject 001 ripped into the corpse's body and hungrily devoured its flesh, organs and chunks of meat that remained.

He couldn't get enough.

Subject 001 had never needed to eat human meat in order to sustain itself but after fusing with Qin Wei's body, he needed the sustenance that it provided.

He was like a savage beast as he knelt on the floor and hungrily bit into the reddish meat.

Subject 001 did not know how much time had passed but when he regained his senses, the corpse was now nothing more than a skeleton.

He looked down at his military uniform and discovered that it was now covered in blood, guts, and other filth.

"Great... now I need to change..." Subject 001 spoke in an annoyed tone. The young teenage boy got up from the ground and walked towards the barracks.

The secret military base had been mostly destroyed after Subject 014's rampage but there were quite a few buildings that were still relatively intact.

As Subject 001 wandered through the military complex, he was suddenly struck by a wave of nostalgia.

In a way he had to thank Subject 014... without her help he never would have been able to escape that containment chamber.

This feeling of gratitude was not enough to persuade him not to kill his fellow test experiment, but he did appreciate her actions.

Grrr... grr... grr...

A pack of wild dogs appeared from behind the shadow of a nearby building and Subject 001's lips slowly curved upwards.

"Feeding time..." he gently spoke.

Subject 001 reached into his pocket and pulled out a small knife with an edge that gleamed under the sunlight.

Without hesitation he cut off several of his fingers and tossed them in the direction of the pack of wild dogs.

The dogs sniffed at the fingers a few times before the bravest among them took a bite of the digit that was covered in blood.

Seeing that he did not suffer any ill effects, the rest of the pack dug into the free meal. Subject 001 waited patiently to see what would happen next.

One by one the dogs stiffened and then dropped to the ground. The hair on their bodies fell off and one could see muscles beginning to form under their skin.

It was a painful and agonising process. The dogs yelped in pain as their bodies expanded, their fangs lengthened, and their eyes got even wider.

Subject 001 stretched out his injured palm and watched indifferently as his missing fingers slowly regenerated.

He placed the knife back in his pocket and continued on his way to the barracks.

The dogs were still in the middle of their transformation process which would take around two to three hours in order to complete.

Subject 001 had discovered early on in the apocalypse that his blood and body parts had the ability to turn living creatures into mutations.

The converted organisms would feel a vague sense of loyalty to him. Not enough for him to command them but enough so that they would stay by his side.

Facing Subject 014 in battle was incredibly risky so Subject 001 wanted to take his time to build up his forces.

There was no need to rush.

Thanks to his ability to create portals, all he needed to do was activate the link between himself and Subject 014 and he would be able to sense her location.

Of course, activating the link placed a tremendous amount of strain on his body so it was not something that he could do often.

The young teenage boy hummed a soft tune as he saw the familiar looking sight of the barracks in the distance.

He entered through the broken door and ignored the torn apart corpses that were lying down on the ground.

"Where was the supply room again?" Subject 001 mused quietly to himself as he wandered through the corridors.

He finally arrived at a large storage room that was filled with basic uniforms, combat gear and some MRE rations.

Subject 001 headed for the uniforms and quickly began to strip off his clothes.

Soon his lean muscular body was revealed to the world... but there was no one nearby to see his magnificent physique.

What a pity...

The young teenager sorted through the uniforms by their sizes and finally found one that fit him pretty well.

He changed his clothes and took a moment to fix the loose strands of hair that fell over his eyes.

Qin Wei walked over to a nearby mirror and enjoyed looking at his reflection.

A handsome young man with pale skin and sharp facial features appeared in front of his eyes.

There was a hint of gloominess in his gaze and the way his lips moved was a little bit unnerving but there was no doubt that he would be considered attractive.

"Liu Yifei will love me now... she will never be able to resist my good looks," Qin Wei arrogantly spoke as he adjusted the uniform and fixed his collar.

Subject 001 internally sighed as he felt as body briefly be taken over by that immature brat.

Perhaps he had made the wrong decision to choose this human to be his host...

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