So What If It's an RPG World

Volume 11, 23: The Song of the Lost Dragon

Volume 11, Chapter 23: The Song of the Lost Dragon

Translator: Zhaernon

"The song of the lost dragon..."

Alexia, who was conducting an unknown experiment, stopped what she was doing and then looked at us.

Although I don't know if she 'looked' at us or not, because she had a gas mask on her face, and likewise, so did we. Gas masks have been one of the standard items in our class ever since Alexia officially came to class.

At this point, we were once again at the School of Medicine for the so called potion that has a damage addition to dragons, but we didn't know whom to ask, so we had to come back to Alexia's lab floor.

"I've seen that thing in a book before, but I haven't seen it exactly, so it's probably in the warehouse. Of course, it is. But there are quite a few drugs that enhance sex and make people impotent, are you interested?"

"Not at all."

"But if you make my brother impotent, I'll put you to death by lynching, mark my words oh~"

Next to him, Oyado seemed very happy to pull out her dagger, which made Alexia shiver all over and then shut up.

Oyado's newest costume was also powerful, it seemed to be full protection against a possible attack, the tight black body armor plus the hood that wrapped around her entire head should have wrapped her in a deathless manner, so neither inhaled nor skin contact absorbing agents could affect her anymore.

This was the same '100% Protection Against Poison Suit Trial Type' that Lanya had made overnight after hearing about Alexia's attack method, probably because she saw a business opportunity coming from it again.

"Alright, let's go to the warehouse. But don't touch anything inside, oh, it's a warehouse, but there's still quite a lot of material alive inside."

"Alive, for now..."

Hearing her say that, I suddenly had a mental picture of that kind of biochemical laboratory inside the rows of glassware with countless strange creatures writhing inside.

But after thinking about it, I didn't think it was right, there shouldn't be anything like that in this world, after all, technology and worldview are different. That said, who knows, now that the technology of our original world and the technology of this world are slowly merging, it might not even be possible for something like that to really happen.

While speculating on what might happen, the three of us directly got on the elevator used to transport materials, and then slowly descended down.

The elevator was about the size of half a basketball court, which made me have to worry again about the fantasy I just had.

"I say, why are you guys playing brother and sister?"

As the elevator descended, all of a sudden Alexia asked this.

"We're not playing brother and sister! My brother is my brother!" Oyado said with great displeasure.

"Anyway, having been in medical school for a long time, I still have this bit of insight. There is no resemblance between you two in terms of physical features, that is to say, there is no blood relationship at all. Maybe I'm thinking too rationalistically, but in my mind what's not blood-related isn't brother and sister."

"Alexia, that's your question, what's a brother and sister without a blood relationship? She was so young when I first met Oyado, though she's still young now, so it's fine to recognize her as a sister."

And in the beginning Oyado's memories were implanted inside of her memories like that, and then it was a logical way to apply it later. Even though Oyado knew that it was a false memory but she was very happy to accept it.

"Eh~ That's nice... I also want siblings."

"By the way, Alexia, I never met your parents or even your grandfather, there's nothing written on the information about you that happened..."

"Teacher, let's not talk about that kind of thing."

Alexia turned to me, and I seemed to be able to feel her dissatisfied look through the gas mask.

It did seem like something had happened.

"It's not good to delve too deeply into women's secrets, oh, especially when you're so young, Teacher, it's a danger sign for young women."

"Well, that's right, well, I'll let Teacher Mary ask next time."

"No no no! Stop it! It would be better to have her ask you than to kill me!"

Hearing the name of Teacher Mary, Alexia panicked at once.

It seems that Mary has already left a very deep impression in their minds, that's great, although I don't want to know exactly how it is at all, that's all.

"Well, well, really, actually, my parents are not only medicine men, but also A-rank registered mercenaries in the mercenary guild, and at that time it seems that some particularly rare herbs appeared, so they left with a mercenary group and never came back after that. Grandpa he... has been very busy, though I don't know what he's working on, but he hasn't visited me since 5 years ago. Other than giving me a floor to experiment on, giving me pocket money every month and providing me with some messy clothes, he hasn't done anything else to set up this useful thing."

"Well… it seems like you've worked hard too."

"...Actually, I hadn't talked to anyone for almost a year before you guys arrived."


The expressions on my face and Oyado's were stunned.

"Then you always have to go shopping, don't you? Eating and all that..."

"Oh, too lazy to use your fingers."


You're on your own, okay? It's got nothing to do with what's going on in your family!

Give me back my touch!

"Anyway, well, come see us if you're bored, we're usually bored too, and I think Miss Mary would be happy to see you go play with her."

"Can we not mention her?"


About the time we got to talking, the elevator slowly stopped and then the doors on one side opened in sequence.

I don't know if it was just me, but I felt a cold breeze blowing out, this felt like opening a refrigerator.

"The first floor of the warehouse is full of refrigerated goods, so that's it, come on, it's pretty big down here, don't get lost."

Alexia said and walked out, I shrugged my shoulders and turned on a cold protection magic and followed.

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