Chapter 537 CH 497: SPEAKING (2)

537 CH 497: SPEAKING (2)

Sol chuckled at his joke while organizing the information he was obtaining from the innocent conversation with the enthusiastic woman.

The life of the witches could not be said to be bad.

Far from it in fact.

While many witches loved adventuring, many others liked staying home. Either way, they managed to create an entire working society with a clear system and rules that were followed by the majority.

But, if there was one thing they all had in common, it was a certain feeling of bitterness toward Lustburg. For some this feeling was more like hatred.

“My village had a small drought and there was no food. I was nearly burned as the villagers thought it was my fault.”

This story was common. The person was different, the details were different as well. But at the heart of it, they nearly all had the same story.

Being shunned, hated, feared, and rejected by all those they held dear.

The sad thing was that, with the new power they obtained, seeking vengeance would be easy.

But many witches opted against it.

Some did not and burned down everything with no remorse.

Some of those events happened hundreds of years ago, while some others only happened 50 or so years ago.

But in the end, they were all the proof of a profound pain and tragedy.

The fact that, even hundreds of years later, some of them still seemed traumatized by the actions of people who would not even be alive nowadays spoke volumes of what happened to them.

“Fuck!” Bang~!

Someone hit the table with her fist and stood up, pure rage etched on her face.

“Bastard! I have been listening quietly but fuck. Are you here to mock us to our faces? Was banishing us not enough for your fucking royal family?”

Sol looked at her.

She was powerful and the aura of time around her indicated that she was quite a bit older than most of the witches present here.

There was an insignia on her shoulder, that showed a planet getting pierced by a huge laser beam.

Sol knew that this was the insignia given only to the people under Kali’s jurisdiction. They sort of like the police in a way.

From her aura and the way she carried herself, the woman was dangerous and there was no doubt that she was extremely dangerous.

All the members of Kali’s squad received high-quality training for years and when they finally graduated, they were more known as Battle Witches than anything else.

Feeling the heat rise, both figuratively and literally.

‘A fire witch.’

Kali took in most elemental witches as their elements were generally considered the easiest to use but also the ones with very high potential of branching depending on one imagination.

“I am sorry. Did I offend you?”

“Offend me?”

The woman seemed surprised, “Did you just ask if you offended me!?”

Now, the fire was entirely leaking from her body, threatening to burn the place down.

“Your entire fucking existence is offen —”

“ —Shhh!”

She was forced to stop cursing as Sol appeared next to her, still wearing a gentle smile.

The finger that shushed her was placed on her lips and the fire all around her immediately vanished as ice spread all around.

“A beautiful woman shouldn’t have such a foul mouth.”

He placed his hand and gently cupped her face, causing the woman to become red, though this time it was not out of furry.

She immediately distanced herself.

Her heart was beating strongly and her face was becoming redder as time passed,

“Fu— * Cough* What did you just do?”

“Since we are in a private establishment it would be a shame to cause damage, right?”

She could say nothing to this.

It was her work to keep the peace of the city, but she nearly caused trouble. If she had burnt down this place, even by mistake, she would have been in big trouble.

“I apologize.”

She looked at the owner of the shop, a woman was who now completely white out of fear.

Sol meanwhile, cleared his throat loudly enough that everyone was able to hear him.

“I will introduce myself once again. I am Sol Dragona Luxuria, crown prince and future King of Lustburg and I come with a desire for peace.”

“Peace my ass. You just want to use us for war.”

One of the witches complained to which he shook his head,

“I understand why all of you have such an inflated ego. But let it be clear. My goal to open Salem is not for war.”

‘Not this war at least.’

“All my life, I have always been saddened by the plight of the witches and the schism that existed between the two races who are closer to siblings than anything and are not so different.”

‘Well, I only started caring around One month ago. It still counts, right?’

“Witches are humans in my eyes and the eyes of the goddesses. As such I am not just the King of those outside but all those inside as well. I thus have to take care of your well-being in every way possible.”

He made sure they both emphasized and made use of the word, King, to be as natural as possible.

"I do not pretend that all the suffering you girls went through should be forgotten. Far from it. Lustburg owes too much to every one of you. It's thanks to your sacrifice that we stand here now."

Sol gently spread his aura, covering the whole scene.

It was imposing, the sheer vastness of his power dwarfed anything they could comprehend.

At the same time, it was soothing, as a lullaby was slowly being sung to their ears while they rested.

It was like the aura of a strict father imposing respect that was due to him.

"Many generations of rulers came and went, none acknowledging your importance and sacrifice because they wished to not tarnish the royal name nor sully the legacy left by Jupiter. But I am different."

"Why? What makes you so different from any of them?"


He grinned slightly,

"Because I will be the strongest King Lustburg ever had. I do not fear. I do not bend. I make the rules. That is all."

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