Chapter 544 CH 504: ...MARRY ME?

544 CH 504: ...MARRY ME?

The declaration Sol just made created even more reaction than his earlier words about the so-called union of witches and humans.

If all of this could be called nothing but lips service, now this action truly showed his determination.

But more than anything —

"Elder sister is in a relationship with the prince!?"

All the witches were surprised. It went without saying that one of the reasons the reason the witches fell so low was that one thousand years ago Medea, who fell for the words of the vile King Jupiter, decided to meddle in the war that not only freed Lustburg from the control of the Elves but also conquer a large part of the world.

Would it be another tragedy for their elder sister to be used by a manipulative man?

If this demand in marriage had been made a few hours ago, they would have sneered and acquiesced without hesitation.

But now — After seeing Sol for themselves, even the harshest and most radical witch could not in good faith say she was 100% sure that Sol was a fraud.

In the end, all they could do was stare at the demand, a certain excitement bubbling inside them.

If the Prince was sincere.

If the two loved each other despite all the curses of Medea.


"So romantic…"

One witch muttered absentmindedly and all the others could only nod, confusion, envy, joy, sadness, and even a little jealousy mixed in their gaze.

Love was the greatest longing for all witches for it was something they had to give up from the very moment they changed.

Even having physical relationships with long-living species was only painful as they knew they were slowly killing their partners.

No one loves witches. Because only someone suicidal or someone so in love he did not even care about his life would enter into a true relationship with them.

So they watched, hoping beyond what they expected — That Sol was not a fraud.




Medea was no less confused than any of the other witches.

Looking at Sol kneeling on the ground with a ring in hand, a gentle smile on his face as he gazed at her, ready to wait for her answer, her eyes became misty as she reminisced about the far past.

She had been betrayed once. Love made her blind to the reality of the situation and she discarded everything, for a Love that never came to fruition.

It was her first love and for years, the wounds had been so great she had a hard time recovering.

Jupiter loved her once too. She was sure of it. When they first met, he was nothing more than a young man filled with the desire to change the world and become the best.

But as time went out, he became filled with hubris, hating that his accomplishments were completely related to the witches and that all citizens considered Medea to be the true savior of Lustburg.

Even now she could remember his words,

[You are a thorn in my path. My wish is to conquer. That's why I am the Conqueror King. You can discard everything for me, but I will never do the same. Your light is simply shining too brightly, and people are doubting my power. So, you need to vanish.]

'They couldn't be any more different.'

Medea's eyes grew misty.

One was a man who felt small when surrounded by giants. But the other was someone who felt even larger when surrounded by people stronger than him.

Where men would have felt weak and emasculated because of all the women stronger than him in his surroundings, Sol simply laughed out, happy that those he loved were more than strong enough to protect themselves.

Their light may have outshone him, but he never cared for it but rather feed on it and grew his light.

A light so powerful that soon they would be nothing but fireflies compared to a Sun.

Medea took Sol's hand in hers,

"I can be a handful sometimes you know."

"I like how cute you are when you try to be a handful."

"I don't have the body necessary to wear bras you know?"

She raised an eyebrow and Sol laughed, "I love them in all shapes."

The two laughed together.

It was a stupid discussion, dumb words being exchanged in such a solemn moment.

But this was exactly why — none of the witches could tear their gaze away from what was happening now.

"I may not be the best bribe."

Her smile subsided a little as her hand passed over her stomach but Sol's smile simply became bigger.

"You will never be less of a woman because of this. Even if I never find a solution, it changes absolutely nothing. Medea — I love you."

Sol continued,

"I do not care that you are a witch. The one I love is not Medea Asmodeus, The Witch of Time. But just you, Medea. The gentle teacher who lead me on my path, the beautiful but slightly scary woman I met when I was young, the clumsy woman who loves drinking tea.

"You are not perfect. You have your flaws like everyone else and I love you despite them or even in spite of them. I love everything about you, be it your slightly disappointing body —" He laughed, " —To the way you show your insecurities."

"I do not know what the future has in store for us. I do not know if we will always be happy or if I will never make you cry. But what I do know is that. No matter what, even if the world was to be destroyed, my love for you will never waver. So let me ask you one more time — Medea, will you make me the happiest man in this world by accepting to marry me?"

All the witches watched with bated breath, some of them had their hands sweating, while others refused to even blink.

The thought that this was supposed to be a day of negotiations had long since vanished from their minds and they wanted nothing more than to see the results of this proposal.

What would she say? What did they expect her to say?

The tension was at all times high and the world was filled with silence as they did not even dare to make the slightest sounds and break the magic of this moment.

Medea lowered her head, her face flushed, tears streaming from her face, and a smile on her face.

Such a mix of emotions swirling in her chest was too much but deep down — She had never felt so happy in her life.

What would her answer be? There was never a doubt about it for even a second.

Stretching her left hand, she muttered,

"Accepting will make me the happiest woman in the world."

"Then, let's be happy together."

Sol released a sigh of relief he did not know he had been holding and then, taking her finger, he put the ring on her.

Clap~ Clap ~ Clap

It was hard to say where it began.

At first, they were hesitant, small, and almost inaudible.

But soon, like a veritable tsunami, clapping of congratulations started to come from everywhere.

Even the witches of the council clapped alongside them.

Medea's tears streamed even more. Tears of happiness because of this time.

She was with a man who truly loved her and her relationship was blessed by all her fellow witches

What more could she ask for?

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