Chapter 555 CH 515: EVE OF THE WAR

555 CH 515: EVE OF THE WAR

The discussion between the women continued without much problem from here on. They still talked about Sol, but the topic slowly shifted to what would happen in the war and what they had to do for it.

“The moment Sun Wukong appears I will attack.”

Lilith spoke quietly, her eyes shining with great force and will to battle. This was something she had wished for very long. Her intuition was telling her that Sun Wukong would be one of the greatest enemies they would face in this battle.

“What about the Wolf King?”

“Sol told me the four of us would fight against him if necessary.”

Setsuna spoke as she looked at Lilin and Isis.

This was the greatest advantage of humans who had enough capacity. A one vs. one fight could easily become one vs. many.

“Four Duke against a King. Honestly, if this was anyone else, I would have been hesitant but with you guys, it shouldn’t be impossible.”

“We won’t only be four. I think Sol should also add Nuwa to the mix.”

Lilin added. She still remembered her fight alongside Nuwa when they faced Acht. This had been a hard fight but one of the reasons Lilin didn’t die back then was entirely because Nuwa acted as her shield.

“From what Mother told us, Nuwa is the child of Amsodeus and Echidna. Honestly speaking, I think in terms of Pedigree, only Isis and Sol match her, and even then...”

This was true. Sol and Isis were the children of a Demigod and a King. Nuwa meanwhile was the child of two Demigods and not any demigods. Asmodeus, the oldest Divine beast, and Echidna who was one of the first three Mortals to reach the divine.

“I have the same opinion. I have trained that child before she left for the battlefield and I must say; she has a monstrous power. I don’t know about her attack power, but in terms of defense, I doubt there is actually anyone who can match her. Even Sol if I do not take into account his Dimension.”

Milia spoke with full confidence and the other nodded.

“Very well. So The five of you against Lupus.”

Camelia mused, “I cannot move from my position as I must assure the defense but, I will send Aurora. I believe she will be of great assistance.”

Milia smiled, “As for the Supreme Daughter of Wratharis, she is already on our side. Obviously, we must avoid having her get the stigma of a traitor. But with Setsuna on our side, things are different.”

What they wanted wasn’t just to win. This was a conquest. The most difficult thing during a conquest wasn’t winning, it was keeping the losing population in check and making sure they didn’t rebel.

Wratharis may not be as large as Lustburg but it was still extremely wide,

“The greatest problem for our soldiers will be maritime warfare.”

Wratharis was composed of a large mass of land and many small surrounding islands as well as the Sea on their backs. The sea was their home ground and as strong as the army was, it would be hard to win against them on the water.

“We have the superiority in the air with the wyverns. So it will do.”

Everyone looked at each other, nodding quietly.

This war was basically in their hand, the only thing they had to worry about was time,

“How long do you think the war will last?”

“Three months? Perhaps four. Everything will depend on how Sol decides to act as we advance.”

One of the greatest problems when attacking a country was the fear of the Supreme Daughter activating the Holy territory or using a goddess descent.

But once again — They didn’t have to worry about this.

“Truly, working with an insider is truly a different feeling.”




As Aurora walked out, her eyes were shining as she gazed in the direction of the Tower. Her power over Night made her the best assassin in existence and she had been able to listen without a problem to the discussion and she was glad she did.

Remembering the discussion about what Sol did in the Astral made her sure, more than anything about her conviction.

Before she had certain doubts. But now. Now she was one hundred percent sure. Her Father was not dead.

Aurora clenched her fist, the color of her eyes switching briefly between Gold and Blue,

‘It’s different from me.’

She didn’t know how. But while Sol obviously had the Soul of her father, he was different.

This should have been impossible. The ego called Sol should have been completely buried by the Ego of her father. The weight of time between those two individuals was simply too different.

This was the same for her.

‘This means there was something missing.’

Aurora took a deep breath and exhaled, her expression going back to normal and her emotions settling.

Sol was not Adam. Or at the very least — Not yet.

She had two choices. Either kill him now or wait.

In the end, she started to walk away. Before driving a blade in his heart, she wanted to ask this at least once

—Just why?

‘I will wait until Father awakens.’

She knew deep down that this was most likely nothing but a lie she was telling herself. A desire to escape from reality and a fear of losing everything once again. She also knew that if her Father went on another murder spree, she would be the sole responsible.

But, she buried those voices deep down. She had awakened and was given a second chance at life. She would do her very best to enjoy it as much as possible.

Even if it means being a little selfish.




Floating alone, in the sky, Sol was gazing at the moon with an empty expression. Recently, his sleep has been disturbed by weird dreams that he had a hard time remembering.

But Sol was not worried about those. Something was telling him that he just had to wait. The moment he became a King, everything would be revealed and he would have all the answers he wished.

Breathing quietly, Sol stretched his hand as if he wished to grasp the moon itself in his hand.

The time was approaching, the moment he had been preparing so much for, placing plan after plan.

He would not let something like what happened during the attack on Lustburg repeat. There was no place for any mistakes of any kind.

He would win.

Without a doubt.

“It’s time to fight.”

Many people were going to die for his ambition. But he would not stop walking because of this.

He would support the weight of those sins with his head held high and his gait proud.

After all —- He was a selfish Prince.

(AN: The last chapter of the VOL 13 Part 1. Part 2 starts on Monday. Tomorrow there will be a Special Chapter. Once again, I am getting very stressed. Vol 5 and Vol 9 were hard to write. Now here with vol 13. I hope all of you guys will be with me. I honestly just wanna take a week's break to think and prepare for the Plot incoming. But It will be hard to do so. Anyways Part 1 was good I think, showing many important moments. Hope you liked it.)

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