Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 390: “The World Is Awakening”

Chapter 390: “The World Is Awakening”

Looking at Sean, who had already walked away, Capone had some hesitation in his eyes. He looked down at the Christmas gift he had planned to give to Melanie.

The rough and simple box has been given a new look, and the packaging looks more well-made. This is the kind of magic he dreamed of. That was the first thought that popped into Capones mind.

He was even a little annoyed. Why didnt he seriously watch Seans movements as he cast this magic? However, this idea was quickly suppressed by the things that had been stuffed in his mind.

Capone glanced at the gift in his hand, suddenly wondering whether he should give it away or not. He is not sure about it; in other words, he has too many thoughts about it.

He knew Melanie was a good person. The two grew up together. She would not laugh at him because he was wearing old clothes, she would not look down on him, and she would not bully him with David and others.

Because of this experience, Capone matured earlier than other children, and because of this, he knew himself clearly. Capone began to yearn for that mysterious and unknown world, looked forward to a better life and a better self, and looked forward to Melanie.

But as he learned more about that world, Capone began to hesitate again. He learns that his father was a Squib, born into the wizarding world but unable to become a wizard.

Capone never forgets this: when Sean talks to his father, his father is happy but also envious at the same time. He couldnt forget that his father drank a lot that night and told him a lot about the wizarding world.

His father mentioned a lot of differences between the wizarding world and the normal world. The difference between a Squib and a wizard is that big. But what about Muggles and wizards?

Capone didnt know what he was hesitating about but knew he was worried. If Melanie knew that he was a wizard, a different kind from her, would she still treat him with the same attitude now?

Will she look at him with frightened eyes? When Capone thought about that scene, he felt that she couldnt accept it. However, Sean encouraged him and gave him the choice.

Capone sighed and looked out over Ms. Bathildas yard. Sean bowed slightly, talking to Ms. Bathilda, who had just opened the door. Looking from this side, Capone could see Seans gentle and courteous smile.

If only he could become a person like Sean, he would not have such troubles, would he?


Oh, Sean, thank you for the Christmas gift. Said Bathilda.

Its okay, maam. I like your gift very much, too. Sean said with a smile.

Good that you like it as well. Gellert is upstairs now. Sean nodded, and after helping Bathilda back to the living room, he walked lightly up to the second floor.

He knocked on the door. The real Grindelwald didnt speak, but the door opened by itself.

Sean pushed the door open and walked in, Good afternoon, sir. Merry Christmas.

Grindelwald was sitting on the only chair in the room, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand, and was pouring it into his mouth. Sean looked around, waved his wand, and an empty wine bottle from the room floated up and twisted into a chair.

Grindelwald raised his eyelids and let out a sneer, You smell like a corpse. Did you go to see him? What did you talk about?

Sean sat on a chair and sniffed his robe. He came over in a hurry and didnt change into a new robe but just dried it with magic. He didnt expect Grindelwald to smell Inferius scent.

Yes, I went to look for him, Sean gave up looking for the smell, admitted openly, and changed the subject, However, instead of discussing it. I have something for you, and he informed me about it.

Grindelwalds eyes narrowed slightly, It seems that you really did your best.

Sean shrugged, This is my only goal now. Whether its for you or me and other people in this world, this problem needs to be dealt with.

He is really kind, Grindelwald licked his lips, Tell me what you were planning.

Sean explained how to make the two Grindelwalds into one. After he finished speaking, he touched his chin.

It was a long time before he opened his mouth and said, Clever idea. If we do what you say, it is highly likely to succeed. Oh, and the worlds problem will be lifted as well.

Grindelwalds smile gradually became presumptuous, and Sean looked at him.

Why dont you say anything? I approved your idea, and the success rate is very high. Grindelwald smiled.

Sean spread his hands, Approval does not mean you accept it. Obviously, you are not prepared to cooperate with him.

Grindelwald smiled more, You are really smart. Although that plan has a huge loophole, I dont want to cooperate with you, and you are right about it.

Grindelwald seemed very happy to see Seans expression and said leisurely, Sean, you underestimate the power of time too much. Yes, you are right. I am Grindelwald, and he is Grindelwald, too; were essentially the same.

Its just that, his eyes suddenly turned cold, I have been imprisoned for nearly a hundred years. I havent seen a better world, and I havent seen my vision have been realized. I am very dissatisfied because I am Grindelwald.

Sean sighed silently.

He was still talking, It can be seen that you want to convince me with the wine I like, all kinds of developments in the wizarding world over the past century, and that kid named Capone. Its kind of interesting by the way you think it is.

Its just that I dont need him. I need a situation where that kind of world will come to a realization. Tell me, Sean, can it be done if I become one with him?

Grindelwald raised the wine bottle to him, It cant be done, right? As I expected.

Grindelwald was not even twenty years old when he was imprisoned. Although he is still Grindelwald, he is obviously more idealistic at that age, and idealists will be upset if their dreams are shattered.

Sean said, I know it is almost impossible to convince you.

Now that you know it, go away then. Merry Christmas. Grindelwald waved his hand.

Sean didnt move but took out a bottle, So I choose to let yourself convince you.

The moment Sean took out the memory bottle, Grindelwalds eyes changed. His eyes became sharp, mixed with deep anger.

This is his memory from 1996. Sean said truthfully.

Grindelwald snorted, and the chill gradually dissipated.

I couldnt understand how you feel about all of this. After all, I have never experienced it myself. But I think you should take a look at this memory. Maybe you can get an answer to your question, or if you still think youre not convinced and you just maintain the current situation, there should be no loss for you, right?

Sean said quickly while observing his expression. No one knows Grindelwald better than Grindelwald himself, and he feels that he will not refuse it.

The chill lasted for a while in the room, and Grindelwald put aside the wine bottle in his hand and stood up.

Ill give you a chance. But if this thing cant convince me, dont come looking for me in the future. Now, lets welcome the world in 1996. After saying this, he disappeared directly into place.

Although Sean felt that he was quite sure, he had to admit that he was still a little worried. If he doesnt want to cooperate at all, then it would be a big problem.

He turned into black smoke, got out of the window, and quickly came to the dilapidated old house of the Dumbledore family. Pushing away Dumbledores old bedroom, Grindelwald was already waiting inside.

Looking at him, Sean didnt talk more and took out the Pensieve he had prepared. He handed the memory bottle to him and exited the room.

In the room, Grindelwald raised the memory bottle without any hesitation. He uncorked the bottle, put it in the Pensieve, and buried his head.

Outside the room, Sean leaned against the moldy wall of the corridor, kicked the wall with his heels, and listened to the movement in that room.

There was no sound.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Sean had been mentally prepared for a long time and became a little anxious.

What kind of memory does the old Grindelwald leave behind? And how could that memory convince the real Grindelwald?

Just as Sean was thinking about it, he suddenly felt goosebumps popping out all over his body and shivering. An indescribable but absolutely unforgettable magic fluctuation passed through Seans heart.

Sean walked quickly to the window and looked up at the sky. The originally clear sky suddenly turned dark, and a heavy rain seemed to be brewing.

Seans eyes froze.

This is the effect that both Dumbledore and the old Grindelwald mentioned before.

This time is not as substantial as the one when old Grindelwald was exposed to being a time traveler, but it is far more than the one when Dumbledore checked the hundred-year memory.

Seans breathing became rapid. The old house of the Dumbledore family was enchanted. Although it is not as good as the invisibility cloak, it can still cover up things to a certain extent. But the world will still know some of it.

Both Dumbledore and Grindelwald said that the impact this time would not be small but within a controllable range.

Looking at the current situation, Sean couldnt help but worry a little. Although Dumbledore and Grindelwald are powerful, they are not Gods.

Sean knew that it was in a controllable range. This definition of being controllable may be within their strength, not him.

I hope there will be no more problems after this Sean whispered to himself.

Wizards, magical animals, and Muggles, with a keen sixth sense, looked to the sky all over the world.

Here it is again the same situation A wizard muttered to himself in horror.

Whats wrong with the world? A wizard anxiously discussed with his colleagues.

The magical animals began to return to their nests. The animals living in groups shivered slightly and huddled together.

Inside the castle, the professor and students who were arranging Christmas decorations looked up together and looked at each other in horror. Hermione grabbed Daisys hand and worried about the situation.

In the lonely temple floating in the sky, many floating figures in black robes raised their heads together.

Its started again.

I have a feeling that this may have something to do with Grindelwald.

In the principals office at Hogwarts, Dumbledore looked out the window, his eyes lit up, and muttered to himself, Sean, you did it.

On the island in the middle of the lake. Grindelwald smiled, Well, I guess its time.

On the side of Godrics Hollow, Capone looked at the big tree not far away and took a deep breath. He pulled back the ribbon Sean had magically created for him.

The exquisite packaging twisted for a while and changed back to its original appearance. Capone just gripped the box tightly and smiled a little.

The packaging did not disappear but swelled and expanded and turned into a big book.

Hogwarts, A School History? Capone was a bit surprised, and there was a card on the title page.

Merry Christmas, Capone. May both of us have good luck, Sean Wallup.

Sean Capone squeezed his eyes hard.

He took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. After a moment, he walked towards the big tree in the distance.

Just as he took a step, he suddenly looked up at the sky. Capones eyes widened. He had indeed prayed for time to disappear, but he felt that he regretted it as it was not the perfect time now.

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