Spring Winds

Chapter 53: Pouch

Chapter 53: Pouch

"Whew! It's finally time to go back home!" Hopping out of the carriage, I couldn't help but stretch my stiff limbs. (^^)

Around me, civilians bustled by as people filtered in and out of the teleportation station. The air is filled with liveliness as sellers hawked their wares, and children played in the snow.

Taking in the fresh winter morning air, I greedily inhaled the cold air.

Finally, no longer within my confinement! No longer being held down in bed by Senior Sister and made to rest, haha! (.)

I'm free! Haha, free, baby!

Free to explore the glorious outside world, haha! ()

And, I'm even free to go about the world again for a mission! Woo hoo!

Although, I can't say that I'm too happy with the extra 'missions' that Master sent me in secret.

Ten level-three fire pheasants!

Five level-five king rainbow cod!

Third level-eight ten-thousand-year-old clams!

The went on and on until it practically reached the ground! That old man! ()

Sending me out again to retrieve his luxurious groceries as if I was some errand boy, tch!

Is this trip really for pacifying demons, or is it an errand run disguised as a mission? (_

But, even so, Master's offer this time is pretty tempting

No! Where is your dignity, Naran?! ()

Don't you remember what happened last time? You barely got yourself out in one piece!

But. This time I have Senior Sister around.

It would be nice to have some extra help this time around. We can even split the profits if Senior Sister is willing to bend her rules a bit.

Huh, I'll need to think about this more later. (_`)

"It's cold out," suddenly, a cloak draped itself over my shoulders as Senior Sister walked up behind. "You've just recovered, it's not good for you to get sick again."

"Hmph," puffing my cheeks, I pouted as Senior Sister started securing the cloak around my neck, "Senior Sister, it was just a small fever. I'm fine now!" (#)

"Hmm," after fastening the knot, Senior Sister brushed the snow off my shoulders. "It's better to be safe than sorry."

Senior Sister, I've already recovered from that fever long ago!

Tsk, plus, I'm already wearing a fur coat along with cotton undergarments, and a belly warmer[1] that Senior Sister insisted that I wear. Not to mention, she placed a warming ward around me before we left.

What am I? A fragile noble young miss that hasn't seen the light of day in the real world!? (*m*)

Senior Sister, I've gone through much colder than this is in much less, so I think I'm fine!

Whew, tugging at my collar, I could feel beads of sweat starting to run down my neck. It's getting pretty hot now.

Of course, I could only keep my grievance within as Senior Sister left my side to say farewell to Ye Chen.

Helped out of the carriage, Ye Chun engulfed Senior Sister in a massive hug. Unfortunately, the thick garments that he was wearing didn't help much as he struggled to wrap his arms around completely.

"Hah, poor Senior Sister," she only got to see her family for such a short time and to have to spend her New Year celebrating in the wilderness.

Well, that's just not very ideal cause I'm pretty sure that there are no fresh dumplings in the wild

Or is there? ()

Hmm I'll have to ask Master about that when we return.

"Pleasant seeing you here," a familiar melodic voice called out softly. "I wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again."


Turning around, a young miss in red stood out in a sea of white and grey.

Oh! It's that big sister that I met at the palace!

Hmm, what was her name again? Fei Fei something

Ah! Fei Fu Qu! That's right! ()

Standing out in this dreary weather, she smiled like a bodhisattva as she walked up to me. "Oh, yeah! It's nice to see you again. How's your maid?"

"She's resting," she smiled. "It's such a coincidence to see you again. Such a small world, isn't it?"

"Em, it is!" I know Senior Sister told me to stay for this lady, Fei Fu Qu, but she seems like such a nice person!

Agh, I don't know what to do ()

"You-" Fei Fu Qu started before I suddenly was pulled away.

"Excuse us," appearing out of nowhere; Senior Sister cut Fei Fu Qu as she started to make her way to the station entrance, leaving Fei Fu Qu behind. "Junior Sister, it's time to go."


Senior Sister, wait-"

"Miss Zhu," reaching out to me, Fei Fu Qu grabbed my hand with a smile as she gave it a squeeze. "Stay safe."

"Hah? Uh, okay," slowly letting go of her hand, I followed behind Senior Sister as she led me to our station.

However, I couldn't help but look back at Fei Fu Qu's lonely figure as she began to disappear in the crowd.

"Still looking back," Senior Sister muttered coldly.

"Eh?" Is Senior Sister mad that I met up with that big sister? But it wasn't even intentional! "Em, no," I just feel bad for Fei Fu Qu.

She looked so lonely, standing by herself. (..)

"Hmm," Senior Sister harrumphed as we came to a stop. Looking down, she nodded her head to my hand. "What's that in your hand?"

"Huh?" Looking down at the hand that Fei Fu Qu grabbed, a small red pouch, no bigger than my palm sat in the center.

How did I not feel this in my palm?

So strange.

"What is it?"

"Let me see," snatching up the small bag, Senior Sister narrowed her eyes at the little gift as if wanting to pry it open of its secrets.

"It's just a protection amulet," handing it back to me; she frowned slightly. "Though I'd rather you throw it away, perhaps it would come in handy later."

"Okay," admiring the delicate gold embroidery for a second, I quickly tucked it away into my breast pouch, before latching on Senior Sister's arm like a sticky rice ball.

Hehe, it feels good to cling onto Senior Sister like this. I'm not sure when I developed this habit, but it's starting to feel like second nature. ( )

"You-" Senior Sister suddenly started to redden at my gesture. Hehe, how long has it been since I've seen that look?

"Onwards!" I want to go on our first mission together as soon as possible! "Adventure awaits us, Senior Sister!"

"H-heh, slow down," surprised, Senior Sister's continued to glow as I tugged her along behind me. "We still have time!"


Adventure waits for no one! We must hurry!

Plus, this should be our first official mission together! We're finally getting some action! Aren't you excited?! (((o(**)o)))

So let's go!"

"Alright, alright," Senior Sister nodded as she tried to cool her features.

Hehe, it's always good to look at Senior Sister's face. Especially so when she acts cute like this! ( )


What in the world

"Snore heh pork

Hehe, come back roasted duck snore!"

Who knew that one quick stop back home would lead to seeing this abomination.

Standing in what I think is the main hall of Yu Lan Peak, I couldn't help but be in absolute awe at how much has changed within two weeks.

Master, you outdid yourself this time. _

Sleeping atop a mountain of bones and scraps, Master snoozed without a worry in the world.

Heck, he even has a half-eaten duck leg in his hand!

It's self-evident that the Master had eaten himself into another food coma.

And I should probably wake him up before Senior Sister gets here because if she does

Well, it wouldn't be a good outcome for anyone. (_;)

Looking around, I found a random stick that looked long enough to reach over the mountain made of food remnants.

As I came a bit closer, I couldn't help but cover my nose at the stench that protruded from the trash pile. "Geez, how the hell does Master live without us here?"

Cautiously inching the stick closer to him, I gave a few experimentally pokes.


Poke, poke.

"Em," wiggling a bit, Master grumbled something in his sleep before scratching the spot I poked him.

"Tch, still not going to wake up, huh?!" (_

We're on borrowed time right now, Master! Senior Sister should be back any minute!

Poke. Poke.


Poke, poke, poke, poke-

Like an ancient beast stirred from its rest, Master rose from his bed of bones, grumbling as he sat in annoyance. "Argh! Who dares awaken this grandmaster-"

Eyes landing on me, Master's demeanor suddenly changed. "Oh! It's just my dear little disciple! Well, hah, you're back pretty early!"

Hastily getting down from his pile, he tried to wipe himself clean, but it didn't seem to do much good as it only smeared pre-existing stains.

After a few swipes, Master seemed to have given up. "Eh, it's fine," shrugging, he began to scratch his messy beard. "So, what brings you back so soon, my dear disciple?

Oh! Could it be that you're already finished? Where's this master's food that I requested you to get? "

"What? No! Senior Sister and I had just arrived back."

Although, apparently, it seems we're a bit late as about two-thirds of assigned squads have already left earlier this week.

If anything, we're already behind schedule.

Hehe Senior Sister wasn't too pleased with such news. (;)

But no matter!

Senior Sister is such a fantastic genius, and with my talent, I'm sure that we will be the first to finish even if we're the last to start, haha! ( )

"Anyways, Master, I'm just dropping by to check on you and to get a few things-" suddenly covering my nose, I didn't like the smell that was wafting from Master.

Pinching my nose, I asked, "Master, when was the last time you bathed?

Or even changed your clothes?" Suddenly, I started to have a bad feeling coming up my gut.

Or perhaps that was just lunch. (lll)

"Hmm," Master hummed as he began to stroke his beard in thought. "I've lost count at this point Eh, don't remember!

But it's okay! Who cares! It's not like my eldest-"

"What. In. Heaven's. Name"

Whelp, we're dead.

[1] belly-warmer - a pouch that people would wear under their clothes. In which they would place hot stones in them to warm their stomach.

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