Spring Winds

Chapter 56: Yong Yuan He

Chapter 56: Yong Yuan He

"So, what kind of food do you like, Miss Zhu," squeezing her Savior's arm, Shao Xiu Lan giggled as she leaned into her. "This girl isn't that bad of a cook, so if Miss Zhu would like to eat anything, just let me know~."

"H-haha, that's very kind of you, Miss Shao, but you don't need to do that."

"What? Nonsense," she giggled as she pulled away to flash her Savior her signature smile. "It would be this girl's honor to feed that one who saved-"

"Junior Sister," interrupting her, Ye Lian Hua suddenly appeared by Zhu Na Ran's side. "There's something that I need to discuss with you."

"O-oh, okay," Zhu Na Ran smiled at her senior sister with a twinge of relief and worry. "If you will excuse me, Miss Shao."

"O-of course," curling her fists under her sleeves, Shao Xiu Lan painted on an amiable smile as she watched the pair leave practically hand in hand.

However, she didn't miss the slight glare that Ye Lian Hua sent her way as she did so; like a passing breeze, it disappeared as soon as it came, leaving behind a slight chill.

'B*tch,' Shao Xiu Lan cursed within as she flicked her sleeve and turned to leave as she made her way over to her fellow sect members.

Nightfall had come, so the two groups had set up camp for the night. The warm glow from the campfire did little to dispel the dark shadows that came over her heart.

"Xiao Lan, how has wooing your suitor been," her senior brother, Bu Xiu He, smiled as he offered her some hot tea. "Any progress?"

"No," she muttered out as she took a sip of the warm beverage.

"Perhaps she doesn't swing that way," he laughed. "That's alright; I'm sure that you'll find the one that you're destined to be with.

"Em, but my savior is that one that this junior wants."

"Aiyah," Bu Xiu He couldn't help but shake his head at his stubborn junior sister as she sulked in silence. It's been a few days since his junior sister tried to woo the Martial Aunt Jing Ran, yet to no avail.

And it seems like his junior sister's patience is wearing thin.

Since young, Shao Xiu Lan has always been favored by their master, the sect master of Xue Lei Guang, and spoiled by her senior brothers and sisters.

This was especially so when his junior sister had to pick a cultivation partner out of the eligible male bachelors that their master had selected.

However, instead of picking one, Shao Xiu Lan threw a fit, saying that she would never partner with a man in her lifetime. And that she would only be with one of her choosing.

This sudden bow dealt a great deal of shock to their master as he nearly had a heart attack from her words alone.

Their master was so furious that he ordered that she kneel in the ancestral hall for three months to reflect on her actions.

Even so, Shao Xiu Lan didn't give in. She even threatened to kill herself if their master didn't let her be with the one she wanted.

At this, their master had finally relented and just let her do as she pleased and chased after whom she liked, regardless of gender.

'Hmph, if only that b*tch weren't in the way, then maybe I could've become closer with Savior,' Shao Xiu Lan grumbled about another of her failed attempts.

Ever since her Savior saved her from that horrific beast, Shao Xiu Lan knew she had fallen for Zhu Na Ran.

After all, who wouldn't fall for someone so dashing? Swooping in like one of those heroes from those romance stories that her senior sisters would often read.

'Hehe, Savior is truly one of a kind.'

Kind, talented, and attractive, her Savior checked all the checkmarks of her ideal cultivation partner.

However, there was only one problem.

The martial aunt of Yun Cai, as well as and the senior sister to her Savior, Ye Lian Hua, was the dark menace that stood between her and her happiness.

Although she has to admit that her talent and position were below that woman, her looks didn't fall too far behind.

With supple white skin and soft willow eyebrows, she possessed all the traits of a noble young lady just beginning to bloom into a beautiful flower.

'Hmph, why does that woman both try to divide us?

Heh, Could it be that she likes Savior too?

Hmph, even with cultivation techniques preserving her youth, it's plain as day to see that that woman is nothing more than a spinster.

How could she be worthy of Savior?'

Downing the rest of her tea angrily, Shao Xiu Lan bade her fellow members farewell as she made her way back to her tent.

As she did so, a nefarious plan started to brew in her mind.


Following her senior sister like a baby duck would do with its mother, Zhu Na Ran followed Ye Lian Hua until they reached a quiet and secluded mountain area not too far from where they had set up camp.

Since her senior sister swooped in and helped her get out of that sticky situation, Ye Lian Hua had not said a word.

On the one hand, she was a little glad that Ye Lian Hua was at least acknowledging her existence again; she couldn't help but feel a bit fearfully the further they walked.

'Senior Sister must be planning my demise, right? ()

She must be mad, no furious, right?!


If her senior sister wasn't upset with her, why else would she give me the cold shoulder for the past few days and not say a single peep to her?

'Is this going to be extra training?! I don't want to do more training with Senior Sister! ()

My arms and legs are already exhausted from traveling so long, and it doesn't help that Senior Sister keeps insisting that we keep moving without breaks!

Only stopping to sleep and eat, ah! ( `)

What do I do?!

Should I take my chances and just go back to camp by myself?' ==(*`)

If she slipped away now, she would have to face her senior sister's wrath for doing so, eventually.

And that's assuming that she could even get away at all!

And even if she did, there's a chance that that little girl would still be there, waiting for her.

'Ah, I guess I should just lay down and die at this point.

What difference would it make?' _(:)_

Although that girl was perhaps just shaken from the whole encounter, it was a little inconvenient that Shao Xiu Lan insisted on sticking by her side and assisting her even with the most minute of tasks.

Usually, Zhu Na Ran wouldn't mind much; in fact, she loved making new friends!

It wasn't often one would come across another woman in the cultivation world; however, she admits that Shao Xiu Lan was unusually


'Maybe this is how Senior Sister felt when I stuck around her for the first time.' (_ _|||)

Suddenly, Ye Lian Hua came to a halt and turned around, causing Zhu Na Ran to bump into her mindlessly.

"Oof! Oh, gods!

I'm so sorry, Senior Sister!" Hastily brushing the front of Ye Lian Hua's clothes, she tried to wipe it clean, nervously.

However, as soon as she tried to pull back, her senior sister grabbed onto her wrist with an iron grip.

'Ah! Now Senior Sister is going to kill me!' ==(*`)

Squeezing her eyes shut, Zhu Na Ran waited for her senior sister to start her lecture before her brutal training.

Suddenly, however, Zhu Na Ran found herself trapped in her Senior Sister's tight embrace.

'Huh? (_`)

What kind of outcome is this? Could it be that Senior Sister isn't mad at me?'

Awkwardly wrapping her arms around Ye Lian Hua, Zhu Na Ran didn't expect her Senior Sister to lead her over here just for a hug.

"Um, Senior Sister, are you alright? Do you want to talk about anything," awkwardly patting her back, she didn't know what else to do. "Uh, did I do something wrong?" ( )?

Ye Lian Hua didn't say anything as she rested her head on her shoulder. Zhu Na Ran couldn't help but scrunch her neck like a turtle back into its shell, as her senior sister's warm breath tickled her neck.

"Just," the older girl muttered, "let me stay like this for now.


"Em, okay," Zhu Na Ran replied as she fiddled with Ye Lian Hua's silky strands of hair. 'Heh, Senior Sister's hair is so soft.

Relaxing a bit, Zhu Na Ran leaned into Ye Lian Hua's embrace as she rested her head and closed her eyes.

'Hmm, Senior Sister smells nice. ()

I wonder what perfume she uses"

Oddly enough, her senior sister smelt like water.

Not like in a mildewy kind of way, but more like that of a fresh spring with lotus flower infusions.

At least, that was the only way she could describe it. 'In any case, it oddly fitting of Senior Sister's name.'

"... Lian Hua"

"Hmm," Ye Lian Hua hummed in response.

'Shoot, did I say that out loud?' ()

"Eh, nothing, Senior Sister." (;)

"Alright," her senior sister sighed as she finally separated from her as Ye Lian Hua's usual calm resumed.

"Feeling better now, Senior Sister," she asked with a twinge of hope. 'Please be in a good enough mood not to make me spar with you!' ( )

"Em, I am," Ye Lian Hua nodded with a soft expression. "Now, get into your horse stance."

'W-wah, what! Senior Sister!'

'I knew it! Senior Sister, how could you do this to me!'


"Whew, this path seems endless," resting her hands on her knees, Zhu Na Ran could help but feel a slight tremor in her arms and legs as she tried to catch her breath.


What did I do that warranted such a harsh training last night?!

Horse stance until my legs go numb and sword swings until my arms turn into noodles, why!' ()

"How are you feeling," coming up behind her, her senior sister patted her back. "Tired?"

'What do you think, Senior Sister!' `

"I'm, hah, okay for now," she huffed as she took a swig of water from her jug.

"Hmm good," Ye Lian Hua nodded, "because we're approaching the most dangerous part of these mountains."

'Wah! Already?!' (;)

"So, where are we headed?"

"There," pointing into the distance, Ye Lian Hua gestured over to the dark and looming mountain that seemed to cast a dark shadow on its valley below, yet had an ethereal glow to it.

Around the base and surrounding jungle of the mountain was a dense layer of demonic qi before slowly dissipating into pure qi as the mountain's tops became surrounded by white fluffy clouds.

"Yong Yuan Hen Mountain[1]."

Zhu Na Ran remembered hearing that name before, somewhere in one of those mind-numbing lectures that her senior forced her to attend.

'Hmm, if my memory is correct, Yong Yuan Hen Mountain is one of the eight heavenly pillars used to seal away the demonic realm.'

She couldn't remember the story's finer details, something about like an ancient array and such. And that if the seal broke, the world would collapse or something like that.

However, she did remember that Yong Yuan Hen Mountains was rich in qi and rare spiritual herbs.

A giant mountain of treasures! ( ) YES!!

'And of course, who could forget all about the rare weapons and treasures that might be lying around willy nilly!'

Sure there's probably danger at every corner and turn.

But since when did things like that deter her from an adventure?()

Already forgetting about her previous pain, Zhu Na Ran practically thrummed with excitement as she thought of the possibilities.

"Hehe, what are we waiting for~! Let's go," quickly rushing off; she nearly ran there on her own, before she was yanked back by Ye Lian Hua.

"Not so fast. We have another problem," Ye Lian Hua got into a ready position along with the others as they unsheathed their weapons.

"Huh?" Her eyes scanned the surrounding terrain until they landed the wall of fur-wearing bandits that surrounded them from above the snowy slopes.

All of whom didn't look too friendly.

"Oh, sh*t."

[1] Yong3 Yuan4 Hen4 - Eternal grudge/ resentment.

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