Spring Winds

Chapter 59: Cuddle

Chapter 59: Cuddle


Who knew that there would be such a crazy river under that cliff! (`^;)/

"Gods," limply pulling myself out of the waters like dead fish, I dragged Senior Sister's unconscious body behind me before plopping myself down. Lying cheek down again then river coast, I was tempted to kiss the damp soil.

Sweet, solid land.... how I've missed you so. _(:)_

Flipping my tired body over, I looked over at Senior Sister, who laid on her side, quietly sleeping.

Hmm, even when injured, Senior Sister still looks good.

As I started to sit upright, my body screamed as I felt soreness everywhere within me.

"Aiyah, my back," reaching back, I began to pound lightly at my lower back like an elderly person. "Ah, where did that crazy river bring us," squinting my eyes while shielding my eyes, the midday sun shone between the leaves and onto my face as I looked up.

Large, vibrant leaves the size of a man and massive trees the size of mountains covered the sky in a large canopy of foliage with bits of blue peeking past and the croaks and cries of animals accompanied by the soft babble of the river made for a peaceful mood.

However, I knew better than to let my guard down here.

Although this place seemed very similar to the jungle that Master sent to me too a few months prior, I could tell that this wasn't your average jungle, as evident by the large looming mountain ahead.

"F*ck." ('';)

Aiyah, why must fate play with me like this?

First, that super unfair training by Senior Sister!

Next, we were attacked and split up by those stinky bandits!

Then, Senior Sister got poisoned by one of them, and now this f*cking river has brought us right smack middle into perhaps one of the scariest jungles of them all, Lao Long Xia Jungle!

Which just so happens to be the jungle that's at the foot of Yong Yuan He Mountain!

"Arghhh, why.."

Aiyah, there's only so much that this auntie can take. (O_O)

You think that you can keep bullying this auntie and that I'll come to take it lying down?!


I suppose the treasures that I'll find here would be worth it! (<)

Hehe, mystical treasures, don't you go anywhere! ((()

"Cough! Cough"


Looking over to the source of the sound, I saw Senior Sister coughing out some disgusting black goo as she rolled herself over as she tried to sit up. "Senior Sister!"

Rushing over to her side, Senior Sister held up her hand as she continued to cough out black goo with specks of red. "I'm fine"

"No, you're not, Senior Sister," grabbing onto Senior Sister's arms, I slung it around my shoulders as I helped her up against a tree.

Sitting her down, Senior Sister looked sickly pale as thin dark purple veins peeked out of her collar.

Gripping her clothes, Senior Sister quickly fixed her clothes. "Ahem," she coughed as a faint pink glow managed to appear on her pale face. "We should probably find some shelter first."

"Em," nodding, I scooped up Senior Sister's legs and started to carry her princess style.

"Y-you, what are you doing!"

"Eh? But you're hurt, Senior Sister," I don't know why Senior Sister seems so against me taking care of her. "Don't worry, with you here; I can't get lost."

Well, I supposed we're already somewhat lost in this massive jungle, but Senior Sister, it isn't so bad. _()_/

"W-well," Senior Sister sputtered as her ears started to glow before she tried to regain her composure. "What about you!"


What was Senior Sister talk-

Oh, right!

Setting her down on her feet, I flexed my injured shoulder. Strangely enough, it didn't hurt like before, and I could even feel that my meridians didn't ache either. "It seems to be fine now, for some reason."

So strange

Oh well! _(@@)_/

Maybe this is only luck that Heaven's can grant me for the day!

"In any case, we can't stay here long, Senior Sister, so," scooping her up once more, I managed to dodge Senior Sister's quick hands. "We better get going!"

"Y-you, you!"

Hehe, Senior Sister, you're too easy sometimes.

"It's fine, it's fine," laughing, I couldn't help but commit Senior Sister's bright face to memory.

Another one to add to my collection, hehe.

"Senior Sister isn't causing this junior any trouble, so just sit back and let me take care of you."

"...that's not the problem"


What was that?"

"Tsk," suddenly, Senior Sister somehow managed to get out of my arms and started to storm off. "You're going the wrong way!"

As she briskly walked away, I could see her neck was bright red!

"Hahaha, hey, Senior Sister!"

Are you mad at this junior? Don't be!"

"..." Senior Sister didn't respond as she seemingly started to walk a bit faster.

"Hey, Senior Sister, this junior is sorry!

Wait up, Senior Sister, hahaha-

Oof!" Tripping over a pothole, I found myself reacquainted with the floor.

How pleasant. _(:)_

Senior Sister suddenly stopped and rushed over to my fallen form as she helped me up back onto my feet, "Are you alright?

Are you hurt anywhere?

I shouldn't have gone so fast"

Picking up my hands, she looked down at the scrapped palms with furrowed brows. "I'm sorry," she muttered before placing a kiss on each hand.

"I-it's fine, Senior Sister. I should've been more careful." Strangely enough, that itchy fluttering feeling I've felt before tingles through my body before Senior Sister dropped my hands down.

"Sigh," Senior Sister shook her head as she massaged the crease between her brows. "Nevermind, let's just find some shelter, so we get out of here."

"Em!" Linking onto Senior Sister's arm, we made our way deeper into the jungle while being mindful of her injuries.


"Light up!"

The wet, limp yellow sheet shook like a leaf in the wind as it struggled to stand upright. The smeared red ink began to light up with a vibrant red glow.

Yes, yes, come on! ( A)

Work for this auntie!

However, like a flickering candle in the wind, hope dashed away in a passing breeze as the talisman dissolved into pieces; the yellow paper scraps floated down into the small pile of the previous failed attempts.

"Ah come on," scraping up the yellow remains, I tried to get at least the smallest of embers to come for it; however, not a single spark ignited.

"Arghhhh, that was my last talisman!"

Aiyah, does that mean I need to do things the old fashioned way? ()

"Ah, it can't be helped," taking out a flint rock, I began to look for a stone to use to scrap for a spark.

After I managed to catch up to Senior Sister, it had already fallen to dusk, which wasn't great as this jungle held a plethora of spiritual beasts and monsters.

I was not looking forward to facing, especially considering Senior Sister's condition and being separated from our original large group of cultivators.

Luckily, we managed to find a small cave that seemed deep enough to house for the night, but shallow enough that a monster wouldn't be in it.

At least, not one that we would notice. . _. )

"Ah, hah!" A rock!

The scraping sound resumed soon enough, but after some time still, nothing came from the flint.

"Argh," chewing on my lip, I scanned the flintstone in hand, looking for any flaws in this rock.

I couldn't believe my luck! How could I've forgotten to put away my talismans before jumping off that cliff!

"Now I'm stuck with freaking using the old method," pouting; I scraped the rock a few more times before, "Wa!

I did it!" ~(><)/~

Nestled in the nest of twigs and sticks, I kindled the small flame as it lit up the darkened cave. I guess I still have some skills within me!

Mentally patting myself on the back, I looked back at the figure sitting cross-legged, and they closed their eyes and mediated as black liquid seeped out of their cut palm, spilling onto the cave floor, corrosively.

Furrowing her brows, Senior Sister stretched her lips into a thin line as she concentrated removing the poison from her body.


Suddenly, Senior Sister coughed up more blood as it dripped onto the floor and a bit on her clothes; stained the front of her robes.

"Senior Sister!"

Resting her head on my shoulder, I tried to soothe her coughs as she did for me by rubbing circles on her back, careful not to touch the point of impact.

"Senior Sister, are you alright? Do you need some water?

Here, why don't we come closer to the fire."

Moving Senior Sister closer to the warm hearth, I sat her down against me, so that she had some support. "Here, Senior Sister, have some warm water."

"Thank you," coughing hoarsely; she weakly reached out a pale hand as she grasped the cup. Taking in a small sip, Senior Sister suddenly started to cough even more as water began to spill over the front of her clothes.

"Senior Sister!"

"Cough, cough," shaking her head, she continued to cough into her hand as red began to seep through. "I'll be fine just hand me my bag"

Quickly snatching the little embroidered bag that hung with the rest of the drying clothes, I handed it over to Senior Sister.

Shakily opening the bag, she reached in and pulled out a small brown pill before swallowing it as she held the front of her chest.

How could this happen to Senior Sister?

How could I let this happen?

"Don't cry," Senior Sister suddenly said as she cracked out a weak smile. "I'll be okay by tomorrow."

Despite Senior Sister's best efforts, this only made me feel worse.

"This is all my fault; I should've been more careful, Senior Sister. I-"

"Enough," she sighed as she leaned up against the cave wall. "This isn't your fault; this was my choice anyway.

That elder bandit is the one to blame, cough, cough!"


Even so, I'm still the reason why Senior Sister looks like this now.

Why she looks so frail and weak, if only I were strong enough to finish off that b*stard, then Senior Sister wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place.

A pained choke began to climb up my throat as I tried to swallow it down.

"Junior Sister come here"

Sniffling a bit, I walked up to Senior Sister and sat beside her. Cuddle up to her side; I rested my head on her shoulder.

Instinctively, she wrapped her arm around me and began to rub my arm in a soothing motion.

"... I'm sorry, Senior Sister"

"Shh it's not your fault," Senior Sister muttered as she began to close her eyes. "This senior knows what you're thinking

You wouldn't have been able to fend him off

He's strong, perhaps just as much so as the elders back at Yun Cai Peak

What are you, barely at the early Core Foundation, going to do against someone already in Nascent Soul?"


"Sigh," Senior Sister sighed as she rubbed my arm a bit more as I leaned in closer. "Sleep, junior sister it's been a long day.

You need your rest.

Don't worry

You've done enough already."


The fire had already burned out as dawn approached as the air was still crisp and cool.

I couldn't find it within me to sleep, so instead, I just did a bit of cultivating and watched Senior Sister sleep all night, to make sure that nothing happened.

Luckily, it appeared that Senior Sister was successful in ridding herself of the toxins, as color returned to her cheeks and the dark purple veins ceased to appear.

It looks like Senior Sister will be alright.

"Sigh thank heavens," yawning; I leaned more into Senior Sister's warmth as my eyes grew heavy.

Thank goodness Senior Sister is okay.

If Senior Sister were to leave one day suddenly

I'm not sure what I'll do without her.

[1] King Yama - ruler of the underworld.

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