Spring Winds

Chapter 63: Flying Sword Ride

Chapter 63: Flying Sword Ride

"How far are we from reuniting with the rest of the group?" Peeking over Senior Sister's shoulder, I tried to read the tracking array, which merely pointed forward.


How is that little arrow going to tell us when we'll be any closer to grouping up with the others? ()

And how far did that river take us? It feels like we've been walking forever!

Ughhh, and this heat is killing me. With each passing second in this humidity, I'm sure that I'm going to melt into a puddle at this rate. (.

"Whew, how much longer?" Yanking at my robes' collar, I tried to remove the icky feeling it had against my skin to no avail. Even with specialized Dao robes that could withstand thunderbolts, it seems like it can't prevent this horrid heat from penetrating through my clothes.

"Not much further," Senior Sister replied as she continued to march forward as if the tropical climate did not affect her. "If you stopped dragging your feet, we would get there faster."

Aiyah, look at Senior Sister, cold as an ice block

Walking ahead with a veiled hat over her head, Senior Sister remained silent as she hacked away the path. It was hard to see what expression Senior Sister had on as the white veil skewed my vision of her.

Ah, I wish I could cling to Senior Sister's back like a baby, comfortable and cool while we voyaged through the jungle.

However, Senior Sister promptly rejected that idea. (; _ ;)

Which, I understood, of course. Senior Sister was still recovering from her poisoning, and I'm sure the extra weight on her shoulders wasn't necessary.

Especially in this terrain filled with a bunch of terrifying things, having to carry someone on their back wasn't an ideal situation.

Plus, if I even dared to ask Senior Sister, I'm sure she'd tell me that I need to train harder, ah.

Sigh. _(:)_

I guess I can't ask much from Senior Sister right now, especially after that nose bleed incident.

Senior Sister nearly passed out from the sudden blood loss!

If she didn't have that blood replenishing pill on hand, who knows what would've happened to her!

Ah, that poison is too vicious! Luckily Senior Sister is strong enough to combat the effects for now.

Argh! If only I were a bit stronger, maybe then we wouldn't have gotten into this predicament.

"Oof!" Bumping into Senior Sister's arm, I felt something pull me back, barring me from moving forward. "What are you-


A mere step away from me was a plunging cliff! ('';)

What the heck, when did this cliff appear?! `

"Pay attention," Senior Sister chided as she lightly pinched my arm. "You don't know what's out there."

"Eh," I nodded as I rubbed the area she pinched.

Geez, that hurt. (; A ;)

"Sigh," looking down at the tracking array, a furrowed crease appeared between Senior Sister's brow. "It looks like it can't be helped."

"What can't be helped?"

Senior Sister didn't answer my question as she suddenly unsheathed her sword. As she did so, the sword suddenly floated towards the ground, hovering above the surface. Stepping on with ease, she held her hand out towards me. "Hop on."

"Hah?" We're going to fly! ( )

Wow! I never thought that this day would come!

Grabbing into her hand, I jumped onto the Senior Sister's sword with her. However, I must've done so too quickly as the sudden motion made the blade shake.

"Wah!" As I felt myself start to fall off, an arm wrapped around my waist and brought me close, preventing myself from falling off. "Hah, thanks, Senior Sister!"

Whew, that was a close one! (*)=3

"It's no issue," Senior Sister muttered as she loosened her hold. "Just hold on."

"Okay!" Hugging Senior Sister's waist from behind, I heard Senior Sister let out a shaky breath. Hmm, she must be nervous.

After all, I'm sure that this is the first time I've seen Senior Sister using a flying device. Maybe she's nervous now that she has a passenger onboard?

"Are you nervous, Senior Sister?" ( )?

"N-no, I'm not," Senior Sister coughed before taking a few deep breaths. "Let's go."

"Okay!" This is so exciting!

I never flew on a sword before!

Suddenly I felt the sword lift itself higher off the ground as it approached the cliff edge.

Ohh, here we go, hehe! (((o(**)o)))

As it inched closer, I felt the sword beneath my feet start to accelerate as it began to rush closer and closer!

"Wah! Hahaha!" (((v)))

As it launched itself off the edge, the wind rushed across my face as the sword suddenly took a nosedive!

"Hahaha!" Feeling the rush of adrenaline, I felt a weird fluttery feeling in my gut as I hugged Senior Sister's waist tighter and buried my face into her neck.

This is so much fun! ~()/~

"Hahaha! This is amazing!"

The sword then started to go gradually upwards before stabilizing into a leisurely pace, slowly flying above the treetops and clouds.


As I felt my excitement simmer down, I checked to see how Senior Sister was doing. After all, I wasn't sure how the sudden use of massive amounts of qi affected her. It could accelerate her already weakened condition. "Are you alright, Senior Sister?"

"I'm fine," Senior Sister breathed out, her face a bit red and her heart beating quickly. Perhaps from the sudden adrenaline rush and expenditure of qi.

"Hmm, are you sure? You look kind of red." Maybe Senior Sister's using too much energy? "If you want, I can help man the sword."

Although my cultivation can't compare to Senior Sister's, I have enough stamina to power a flying sword, despite Senior Sister saying otherwise.

"No, it's fine," Senior Sister sighed as she rubbed her face with one hand. "Let's just hurry up and find the others."

"Oh, alright," I nodded as I rested my chin on her shoulder. "Just tell me if you need anything." (* ^ ^ *)



We continued to fly above the treetops as Senior Sister stared at the tracking array intently. Peeking over her shoulder, I watched as the arrow had grown shorter, indicating that the rest of the group was nearby. "We're close.

We should be able to spot them any second now."

"Ehm, alright." It's about time! We've been traveling for more than half a day now! Ahead, I could see the sun slowly descending the sky as it hid away behind Yong Yuan He Mountain, painting the sky a dark orange hue.

"The sky looks nice today." ( ^ - ^ )

"Eh," Senior Sister hummed as she looked up briefly before back down on the array. "It's gorgeous."

"Ehm," I nodded as I rested my head on Senior Sister's shoulder. I tilted my head to the side to look out across the vast sea of green.

Hmm, no sign of anyone just yet.

"How are you feeling, Senior Sister?" Throughout this ride, Senior Sister has been gripping my hand rather tightly.

I wonder if it's from the stress or if she needs something to hold.

"I'm fine," Senior Sister replied with her usual calm composure.


"Eh," Senior Sister replied and stopped talking as she watched the tracking array intently. "We're here."

Steering her blade to the ground, we floated down past the thicket of the jungle before landing on the floor. "They should be around here somewhere," Senior Sister said as she sheathed her sword before looking down the array.

As I looked around, I saw that the jungle was still surprisingly bright as the remaining specks of light cast an orange hue on the ground. However, beyond that was plunging darkness as the sun started to retreat.

"Hmm, well, if we're going to find them, we better be quick.

I don't like the idea of staying out here past dark." After all, I'd rather not have to deal with a bunch of monsters and whatever else is out there.

"...you b*tch!"

Huh? What was that?

Turning my head to the sound, I looked for any signs of life. "Senior Sister, I think someone is over there," pointing through the brush, I started to wander towards the sound; Senior Sister followed close behind.

Cautiously walking closer with soft steps, the scuffle grew louder.

"Why should we keep this traitor with us!"

The shouts followed by the sound of someone being thrown onto the ground.

What the heck is going on here? Pushing aside the shrubbery, I peeked through to see what was happening on the other side.

Laying on the ground, Shao Xiu Lan struggles to get up as she is protected by Bu Xiu He and surrounded by the other Xue Lei Guang disciples. Meanwhile, across from them was the rest of our group as they shouted and pointed fingers at the others.

"Because of this b*tch, we don't even know where our Martial Aunts are, or if they're even alive!"

"Yeah! And who knows what would happen if we kept this woman with us!"

"There's no telling if or when this sl*t would betray us the next time something came up! I say we ditch her and continue our mission!"

A series of shouts and agreements came from our side as they started to get riled up. "How is Xue Lei Guang going to compensate our sect when we return?!"

No good; at this rate, a full-fledged battle could happen at any second!

However, before I got up to intervene, Bu Xiu Lan suddenly stood up and walked in front of the Xue Lei Guang disciples, blocking them out of sight from our group.

The Xue Lei Guang disciples didn't say anything, unsure of what was going to happen. That is until Bu Xiu Lan spoke up, "It was my junior sister's fault that you'd lost your martial aunts. And for that, I apologize for not disciplining her enough."

Suddenly, Bu Xiu He dropped down to his knees as he bowed before our group.

"Senior Brother!" Shao Xiu Lan and the Xue Lei Guang disciples exclaimed, wide-eyed as they watched Bu Xiu Lan kneel before our group.

"Heh," one of the disciples scoffed in scorn. "You think your apology is enough, Bu Xiu He?!

Why is it that your junior sister is not the one apologizing! She's the one who started all of this!

She should die!" Rushing forward, the disciple swung his weapon down towards Shao Xiu Lan!

"Junior Sister!"

"Sh*t!" Getting up, I tried to rush forward to stop this, but I was beaten to it as a sword flew past me.

Shao Xiu Lan froze in place, eyes wide as the disciple charged towards her.

However, before it could reach her, a sword suddenly blocked the incoming attack with a crisp clang.

"That's enough."

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