Spring Winds

Chapter 65: Start Over

Chapter 65: Start Over

"Miss Shao, if you don't mind, what did you and my senior sister talk about last night?"

"L-last night," Shao Xiu Lan sputtered as her face changed from various shades of red and white.

Hmm, weird. ()

This is oddly reminiscent of Senior Sister's face this morning.

What was it that made them both act like this? ()?

Maybe it's because of something that happened the other day?

After we regrouped the rest of the juniors, Senior Sister pulled Shao Xiu Lan to the side to talk, leaving me with the task of explaining what happened back at Xiong Xian Pass to all of the curious disciples.

Surprisingly, the juniors were very interested in the giant avalanche that swept away the sea of bandits in a blink of an eye.

Although it was an accident, a missed throw of a flaming talisman, the juniors don't need to know that, haha.

It was just all in the day's work of just being one of Yun Cai Peak's martial aunties!

Anyways, after retelling what had happened and setting up camp with the others, Senior Sister finally returned with a Shao Xiu Lan.

I would've asked Senior Sister what happened. However, I didn't want to provoke Senior Sister as she had a chilling expression on her face.

Whew, I'm getting chills just thinking about it!

And Shao Xiu Lan didn't look any better.

Senior Sister must've done something terrifying to that poor girl, ah.

I should keep my distance from her; however, since it's just the two of us alone, I'm curious to ask what happened while she was alone with Senior Sister.

"Yeah," I nodded as Shao Xiu Lan started to fidget with her handkerchief, strangely enough. "I'm curious as to what my senior sister needed to speak to you about that took so long."

"T-this girl, um," Shao Xiu Lan started to chew on her lip. "Explained to Martial Aunt Jing Hua of this girl's reasons for, um, the things that I did."

"Oh, I know about that part," I smiled in an attempt to lighten the mood; however, I found it a bit difficult with Shao Xiu Lan looking so

Embarrassed? !?(_;?

But what could be so embarrassing that she refuses to talk about, ah?

Maybe she fell in love with someone and decided that the only way to be with them was with the bandits' help?

But if that was the case, that makes no sense!

Why didn't she tell that person upfront? I'm sure that they would gladly reciprocate her feelings, given her looks and personality, even if she can be a bit clingy.

Hmm, but to still not confess or do anything with her headstrong attitude, seems strange.

Maybe the one she likes already has someone in their heart, so she decided to get rid of the competition?

Aiyah, I don't know.

This is all too confusing, ah. _(:)_

Plus, this might not even be the case of her betrayal. Maybe the bandits offered her something that she wouldn't be able to obtain from any other means.

"But what did you talk about?

Like, why did you betray us back at Xiong Xian Pass?"

The young became quiet as she sucked in a few shaky breaths. Shao Xiu Lan wrung her handkerchief as her dainty hands turned a stark white. "A-actually, Martial Aunt," she stuttered out.

"The reason I did it was because I li-"

"So this is where you've run off to," a chilling voice harrumphed as a cold hand landed on my shoulder before squeezing lightly.

"Senior Sister?"

Looking up at the owner of the hand, Senior Sister looked eerily calm. Instantaneously, a chill went down my spine as I felt the coldness from Senior Sister's hand radiate into my body.

However, unexpectedly, the focus of Senior Sister's gaze was the young girl sitting across from me.

"G-good morning, Martial Aunt Jing Hua," Shao Xiu Lan greeted as she bowed her head.

"Eh," Senior Sister nodded at her before glancing down at me. "Miss Shao, I hope you don't mind if I borrow my junior sister's time."

"N-no, of course not, Martial Aunt Jing Hua."

As soon as those words left Shao Xiu Lan's lips, Senior Sister immediately started to drag me away into the woods!

Wah! It's over; I'm going to die without a body! (;;)

However, I didn't dare utter a word for fear of angering Senior Sister even more.

Once we've reached a clearing in the jungle, a little ways away from the camp, Senior Sister stopped, causing me to bump into her.

"Oof!" Trying to back away, I realized that Senior Sister hadn't said a word and that her cold hand remained tightly around my wrist like an iron shackle.

Gulp, I'm done for!

Nowhere to run now, Naran! ( ;;)

Master, it looks like this disciple won't return with all of the ridiculous snacks you requested.

The fresh morning air seemed far more frigid than usual as Senior Sister said the most dreaded words in the world!

"Junior Sister, get into your horse stance."

Wah! Senior Sister, I swear it was an accident!

Have some mercy on this junior!


Gods, my legs hurt so much!

Why must you do this to me, Senior Sister?! (`;)/

Glaring at Senior Sister's back as she led the group, I couldn't help but let some resentment bubble up from within.

Yes, I admit that what I did this morning was wrong, but did it warrant such harsh training?!

(#` 3 ')

Staying in a horse stance for nearly a few hours with weights, followed by hundreds of sword swings, and even a surprise sparring match with Senior Sister!

Aiyah! My poor legs will never be the same! ( `)

Stiffly maintaining my posture, I tried to ignore the jarring soreness in my legs as we marched on through the jungle.

Ah, and this heat isn't helping either.

Swatting away some bugs that decided to fly in face, I noticed that Shao Xiu Lan seemed to be isolated from the rest. Besides accompanying her senior brother, Bu Xiu He, the rest seemed to treat her rather coldly.

Hmm, that's no good. ( - _ - )

Noticing she was the only one without a walking partner, I decided to slip away from Senior Sister's careful watch.

It's not like she's going to notice, ah. ()

Plus, she seems busy talking with Bu Xiu He, and considering that we're both without attentive walking partners, why not.

"Hey, Miss Shao!"

"M-martial Aunt Jing Ran!" Looking at me with wide eyes, Shao Xiu Lan sputtered out her next few words. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Hmm," I hummed as I started tapping my chin. "I noticed that you're over here without a walking partner.

Don't know how dangerous that is?"

"E-eh," the young girl nodded. "This girl knows that. But I'm not alone; I have my Senior Brother to accompany me."

"Yeah, but he seems occupied." Gesturing over to Bu Xiu He and Senior Sister deep in a conversation, I flashed a smile at her, "So, I'll be in your care for now!"

"E-ehm, I'll do my best," Shao Xiu Lan nodded as she nervously wrings her hands. An awkward mood set in between us as we continued to march onward quietly, side by side.

Hmm, how do I make this less weird between us? ( o_o)?

"Hey, Miss Shao," I started as Shao Xiu Lan looked up with questioning eyes, meekly.

"Hmm? What is it, Martial Aunt Jing Ran?"

"I know the things that had happened between us. Well, more like everyone, has been, uh rocky.

But I want you to know that I don't hold it against you."

"Y-you, don't?"

"No, well. I used to, but I've been thinking about it and running it over and over in my head.

And I don't think that you're a terrible person like everyone says you are. You're just a good one who just so happened to make a bad mistake."

Shao Xiu Lan remained silent before I heard some sniffling.

Looking to the side, I saw that Shao Xiu Lan's shoulders started to shake as the sniffling got louder.

Oh, sh*t! ()

Look at you, Naran, making girls cry! (ill)

"I-I'm sorry if I made you-"

"No, no," Shao Xiu Lan laughed between sobs. "I'm not sad. I'm just happy! So happy!"

Oh, thank gods!

Whew! ( ` )

"Haha, I'm glad that you're happy," I laughed along as relief flooded my body. "Hey, I know that we haven't started on the right foot.

Can we start over?

Like, be friends or something?"

"O-oh," Shao Xiu Lan started to turn a bit red as she wiped her eyes with her handkerchief. "I'd like that, Martial Aunt Jing Ran."


First things first, stop calling me Martial Aunt. It's still weird to see people just a few years younger than me call me auntie.

Just call me Jing Ran."

"A-alright, Jing Ran,"

Woo! That's the spirit!

A new friend gained! (* ^ ^ *)

"Great! From now on, I'll call you"

Hmm, what should I call her?

"You can call me Xiao Lan," Shao Xiu Lan squeaked out. "If that's okay with Mar- Jing Ran."

"Hmm, Xiao Lan," I hummed as I tested the name on my tongue. "Sounds great!

Nice to meet you, Xiao Lan!"

"L-likewise, Jing Ran."

"Now," grabbing onto Shao Xiu Lan's shoulder, I pulled her closer to me. "To friendship and sisterhood!" ~()/~

"Y-yep," she squeaked. "S-sisterhood."

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