Superstars of Tomorrow

Chapter 401 Song In The Nigh

Star Cup’s victory ceremony wasn’t broadcast live, so many people waited for the media news release after the victory ceremony concluded.

No one was disappointed, especially those in Jinzhou. The reporters had dropped a "bomb".

Chu Bo knows how to mute himself?!

He didn’t explode after getting high from singing, and he even finished the song?!!

All people from Jinzhou who saw this news didn’t believe it. It wasn’t just them. Even the Chu family couldn’t believe it either. After contacting Chu Yang for confirmation, the Chu family saw Chu Bo in a whole new light.

"What sort of shock did he suffer to learn how to censor himself?" Chu Bo’s mother was rather curious.

"Was he really forced to concede?" Chu Bo’s father stroked his chin and pondered all sorts of possibilities. He knew that Chu Bo’s requests to hold concerts in other continents had been blocked by the various cultural departments, but he hadn’t paid too much attention to it.

Chu Bo’s grandfather was beaming with satisfaction. "Not bad, seems like my teachings were effective."

In the old master’s opinion, he was certain that his efforts in forcing Chu Bo to reflect on the error of his ways had borne fruit. Indeed, this old man is great at educating kids.

As for many Jinzhou fans...

We don’t believe it! Impossible!

How could our Jinzhou’s number one merciless "bomber" learn to censor himself in such a short span of time?!

Definitely fake news! False rumors!!

When the Star Cup organizers released the edited videos of Chu Bo and Fang Zhao’s joint performance, many people went to analyze it meticulously. They really weren’t able to find any instances of Chu Bo hurling obscenities. That spectacular singing also meant that it couldn’t be a fake Chu Bo.

Among Jinzhou fans, some had mixed feelings about Chu Bo’s change. Others were skeptical, thinking that it might have been a kind of "once in a blue moon" thing. The remaining people...

We won’t believe! We won’t listen! The organizers have definitely doctored it! This is censorship! Our Jinzhou’s number one insult-hurling machine wouldn’t just go offline like this! We won’t accept it!

Regardless of what others thought, manager Chu Yang had already started to busy himself. Since Chu Bo had controlled his mouth at Star Cup’s victory ceremony stage, applications for future performances and concerts would be much easier to negotiate.

After the evening performances, there was still a short meet-and-greet session to allow the students some closer interaction with Fang Zhao and the other guests.

The students posed a lot of questions, but Fang Zhao only chose to reply to a few. He told whatever he could to the kids and didn’t touch upon anything that involved military secrets. Besides this, Fang Zhao discovered that many students were actually very interested in his ears. He wasn’t upset, but he didn’t talk too much about it either.

The rest of the time was spent signing autographs, taking photos and exchanging contact details with the other special guests. By the time Fang Zhao returned back to his campus dormitory, it was already close to midnight.

Fang Zhao let Nanfeng and the other two rest and walked back to his own dormitory block. At this time, Huangcheng’s commerce streets were still buzzing and brightly lit, but the inside of HuangArt was much quieter.

When he opened the door to his dormitory, Curly Hair was standing guard at the doorway, wagging his tail and whining like a spoiled child.

Fang Zhao took a look at the automatic feeding machine. The ten kilograms of dog food that had been left there in the morning had already been emptied.

"You ate so much? Where does it all go?"

Fang Zhao lifted Curly Hair up. It was impossible to tell that this dog could consume in a day what other dogs consumed in a month.

He had known that Curly Hair ate a lot in the past. But he had always attributed Curly Hair’s large appetite to his special body. However, ever since they had returned from Planet Bu, Curly Hair’s appetite seemed to have grown even greater.

"Did you eat secretly eat too much on Planet Bu and expand your stomach?"

Curly Hair frequently had eaten a lot of stuff without anyone noticing on Planet Bu. In addition to the bugs he had eaten in the desert, they had also visited the ocean a few times. Fang Zhao had heard from Nanfeng that Curly Hair had even gone swimming in the ocean. Nobody knew what he ate and how much he ate.

Fang Zhao also wouldn’t get an answer. This dog only knew how to whimper.

The game console was still running. Fang Zhao looked through the gaming records. Curly Hair had just been playing, and had been gaming all throughout last night. There wasn’t anyone to look after him or bring him out for walks, so Curly Hair had stayed in the whole day. When he hadn’t been eating or defecating, he’d been gaming. Somehow, he still seemed rather alert and looked looked as though he could pull another all-nighter.

The games that Fang Zhao had previously downloaded for Curly Hair were all completely cleared. Now he was playing a new game that featured different stages, a leveling-up system, and monster battles. Curly Hair was addicted to it.

After putting in new dog food, Fang Zhao patted Curly Hair’s head and said, "Moderate gaming benefits the brain; too much gaming dulls the mind. Reasonable arrangements, remember?"

Curly Hair drooped his ears and looked at the floor.

Fang Zhao pulled up one ear and pressed, "Got it?"

Curly Hair whimpered and wagged his tail vigorously.

"You are fortunate that we don’t live in the Period of Destruction!"

Fang Zhao also wouldn’t get serious with a dog. Although he knew that Curly Hair’s IQ was always rising, he still wouldn’t treat him using human standards.

However, he still had to be taught. Fang Zhao decided to bring Curly Hair out running tomorrow. If he spent all his time on the gaming console, he might fall out of shape.

He ordered a batch of dog food from the usual Muzhou farm then ordered some more from other farms. The dog food storage really wasn’t large enough for Curly Hair’s appetite.

Fang Zhao arranged the notes he wanted to bring to Mo Lang before heading to bed. As Fang Zhao lay in bed, he thought, Ten kilograms of dog food in a day doesn’t have any visible effect on Curly Hair. He can eat so much despite his size. What exactly am I keeping?

Fang Zhao had thought about this many times but still hadn’t figured it out yet.

The world was huge and full of bizarre things. Perhaps this was one? Fang Zhao himself had also transmigrated and received a new life. Compared to that, a small dog being able to eat ten kilograms in a day wasn’t that big of a deal. People would be scared if they knew, so he still had to keep it secret.

Fang Zhao didn’t bother musing over it when he couldn’t figure it out. However, Fang Zhao couldn’t sleep well. He kept feeling as though there was someone singing.

Despite living in the New Era for quite some time now, his vigilance honed during the Period of Destruction hadn’t weakened. The sound didn’t trigger alarms in Fang Zhao’s mind, so he didn’t wake up immediately. However, Fang Zhao’s mind had already subconsciously started to analyze where this sound was coming from.

Why would there be a tune coming from somewhere nearby?

It was within the dormitory. But other than himself, there was no other person in the dormitory.

Fang Zhao opened his eyes abruptly and was awake in an instant. He picked up his rarely used gun and walked out of the room silently.

Just relying solely on his hearing ability, he could hear that the sound had come from just outside the room a while ago. Now it had stopped, and there was only the sound of Curly Hair’s games coming from outside.

Was it the music from the game console?

No, no it wasn’t.

Fang Zhao could differentiate the sounds emitted from the game console versus live music.

The lights outside weren’t turned on. The only lights were from the game console and the display screen. There was only Fang Zhao and Curly Hair in the dark and small dormitory.

Fang Zhao double-checked that there wasn’t anybody else in the dormitory. However, he was almost certain that he hadn’t imagined the voice he had heard in his sleep.

Fang Zhou didn’t return to his bedroom and instead melded into the darkness. His eyes and ears could catch everything going on around him. He was just like a hunter in the night, waiting for an opportunity.

Curly Hair was deeply engrossed in his game and had his head in the gaming helmet. While he was fighting the stage boss, he growled and bared his fangs at the monster boss shown on the screen. If that monster were real, Curly Hair might very well have rushed forward to bite it.

At the instant the stage was cleared, congratulatory fireworks popped up on the screen. And at the same time, the tune that Fang Zhao had heard in his sleep sounded again.

It was somewhat shaky and sounded a little weird. The pitch wasn’t precise, but Fang Zhao could recognize that this wasn’t the music from the game. Right now, it came from... the dog’s mouth.

Having cleared yet another stage, Curly Hair’s head was shaking as he wagged his tail enthusiastically!

Less than 10 steps away.

Fang Zhao: "..."

The psychological battering he took was quite huge.

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