Supreme Lord Shapeshifter

Chapter 116: Beheading The Crimson Werewolf- Part 2 (Mud Turtle)

Chapter 116: Beheading The Crimson Werewolf- Part 2 (Mud Turtle)


The Mud Turtle Organization was a powerful organization that generally did dark work and developed itself in the trading stuff with different organizations and cities.

Most of the financial power they had directly earned from the lime stone drug. Soon after, they agreed with the organization, which is located on a different continent.

Normally they only had the chance to sell the "Lime Stone Drug", on the Atrem Continent, but with the last agreement now they can sell it to other continents

But that didn't seem to be the case at the moment.

An old man with brown hair could hear screaming from the window of the room, from the city surrounding the organization central place "Mud Turtle Hall or Mud Hall". For half an hour, members and shapeshifters tasked with protecting the city came and reported to him.

The brown-haired man was named Brewn. Brewn was the director of the Mud Turtle Organization and was terrified right now.

He had a chance to see the man who attacked the organization a couple of times.

The man had a middle-length black hair and in his hand, there was a black blade that looked like it can cut anything and he massacres all the shapeshifters who were attacking him with using any kind of means.

Brewn knew he couldn't fight against someone like that. That's when he activated the first plan that came to his mind.

"Starlight Summoning, we have no choice but to do it. If necessary, we should use all the Starlight Stones we have. Otherwise, the Mud Turtle Organization will end today."

Brewn ran out of his room like lightning with this plan in his mind and began collecting the number of stones and people needed to activate the operations.


Brewn soon found the people and starlight stones that were needed.

There were also 10 other Starlight stones, but they were their source, and if they spent them, they would have no power to rebuild the organization.

Brewn and the Advanced Level two members who were with him performed the ritual directly.

A creature soon accepted the contract.

Brewn started watching the creature that came. The creature, which looked like a werewolf, had red fur and was about three meters tall. He looked pretty strong and solid.

"Crimson Werewolf King - (C) / (T)

"RG-3 (Peak King One Ring Level)

"Crimson Werewolf Clan"

"Crimson Werewolf - King"

"STR = 182.0"

"Agility = 183.1"

"Endurance = 180.8"

"INT = 180.4"

Crimson Werewolf King, who had looked around for a few seconds, made a confirmation sign with his head and spoke.

"I can feel who the target is. I'll be back to pick up 50 Starlight Stone after I kill the target."

Brewn and the members with him lightly approved with their heads. Then Crimson Werewolf King disappeared.


Martin was slightly tired. He was killing shapeshifters who had been attacking him for at least half an hour and most of them started to think about fleeing.

At the time, he thought about his points and the system showed him how many points he earned.

"320,000 Paradigna Points"

Martin couldn't stop himself from smiling because of the points he earned. He wasn't expecting it that many points for just killing about thirty minutes, But after he thought about it, he thought it was normal.

He was attacked by more Intermediate Lord shapeshifters than he ever expected. He also killed many numbers of Beginner Lord Level shapeshifters.

It was normal for him to earn that many points.

After thinking about it for a while, he smiled and focused slightly. Therefore, it was not appropriate for him to evolve directly to King Level.

"Paradigna, use 250,000 Points to increase the level of Blade Mastery Ability."

The Paradigna System, at the time, asked him for approval. As Martin understands - if the points he going to spend is too much or not doing an action he does, as usual, the system asks him to approve the decision again.

"I approve"

Martin approved it with his thought. A few seconds later, he was starting to feel beautiful. He loved this feeling.

But it didn't take long. Five seconds later, Martin was back in normal and felt that his physique had improved. At that point, the system sent him a table of information showing new developments.

The status table was naturally about Blade Mastery.

Blade Mastery Level 20 (Max) (For leveling up to Intermediate Blade Mastery, the user needs to go to trial of ?????)

Passive Blade Damage + 100%

Passive Blade Control + 100%

Passive Reaction Speed +100%

Passive Blade Sharpness +100%

Passive Attack Speed +60%

Passive Movement Speed +60%

Passive Black Hearth Poison Damage +15%


Updating The Battle Power -

New Battle Power = 2000 (King Level Two Ring)


Martin took a deep breath. He could feel that all his physique improved. At that point, he felt the air before he ripped forcefully, He retreated lightly and avoided a claw blow from his enemy.

He was starting to look at the creature that attacked him.

He realized the creature was a werewolf and he was at the level of King Level One Ring Peak. Martin smiled and then with deep eyes he looked at the Crimson Werewolf King,

This creature was stronger than Imp Sword King and Poison Ice Scorpion King, combined.

Even If, Imp Sword King and Poison Ice Scorpion attack this werewolf at the same time they could not hurt him at the least.

Crimson Werewolf smiled lightly when he noticed Martin's gaze. And then he started thinking.

"This shapeshifter in front of me has a very high specialty. He is not good at me at "pure power" but still, I can't beat him without risking my life."

Crimson Werewolf King was not a fool nobody in the king level was a fool, if they were fools they could not be elevated into the king level anyway.

In just a few seconds, he knew Martin was not an easy kill for himself.

At that time, Martin. took a deep breath and took a slow step and went straight into the attack.

Crimson Werewolf King didn't know what was going on. Directly, he had lost his right arm and a toxic force began to enter his entire body. It's like he's lost all the power and energy he had instantly.

"Which clan can have such dark energy"

That was the last thought of Crimson Werewolf King. Martin did another small attack without a care that he directly killed Crimson Werewolf King.

If Martin hadn't used his points for Blade Mastery, he would have fought, but he would certainly have been hurt by such a war. Going.

Martin had just cut off the arm of the creature across the street to try the poison.


Even, Martin did not expect to himself this fast


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