The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 303: The life of Mystery

Chapter 303: The life of Mystery

The six men looked at Lu Wei with shocked expressions as they found it difficult to digest his words. Initially , they thought that they had heard Lu Wei wrongly. But as Lu Wei shared the pictures of the flight explosion that had taken place years ago , the six men realized how serious the matter was.

"So you are telling us that Xinghe and Xiao are orphans and you've known about it all these years ? Yet , you never bothered to tell any of us about it ? Unbelievable , Wei !", Zhi Xi looked at the man with an expression of disbelief across his eyes ,"Although Xinghe is the source of the relationship between us , the six of us are no less than real brothers now. Most importantly , this involved Xinghe and Xiao. How could you keep us in dark ?!"

"That's right , Xi.", Zhi Bo nodded his head in agreement as he glanced at Zhi Xi before he directed his gaze towards Lu Wei ,"And not just us , I feel the two girls deserved to know about this truth too. Why would you do this to them , Wei ?! Just why ? They are our sisters , for god's sake !"

Lu Wei smiled wryly at the five brothers of his looking at him with questioning gazes before he took a deep breath and replied,"Xinghe was just thirteen years old then. Not to mention , she was in coma for four months. She couldn't stand on her own feet for an entire damned year. How can you expect me to tell Kiddo that her parents were dead , when she was already going through the unbearable pain given to her by her own blood family ? 

"How was I ever supposed to do that ? Would it be any different than shattering her already broken heart , her wounded soul and her last bit of remaining willpower to fight back , for the sake of herself ? I just couldn't do it , guys."

The five men thought about the dilemma the man must've gone through back then and realized how difficult it must've been for him to make that decision at that time , on his own. They completely understood the reason behind Lu Wei's decisions. Because at that time , Rong Xinghe was so weak that she couldn't be left alone for even a second. She was , after all , pushed down a running train by her own brother that night. That one night. It had changed everything for the girl and for the six men.

After coming out of the coma , the girl had simply stopped living , she was simply existing. Like a living corpse. The Rong family wasn't a topic they dared to discuss in front of her back then. There were times when she used to tremble with fear just by the mention of their name. Naturally , telling her about her parents' death would have resulted into something even worse then. They couldn't really blame Lu Wei for what he did.

"Alright. We get it.", Mo Zixuan nodded his head ,"But what about not involving us into this ? Wei , we six have taken decisions for Xinghe together from the beginning. How could you take this decision on your own then ?"

"There was a sound recording left by Uncle and Aunty Rong for my dad , when they realized that their flight was hijacked way before they boarded it and that six electromagnetic bombs were detected inside every sensitive component of the aircraft. They knew it was too late to use their parachutes as they were already tampered with. So they had no choice but to leave a message for their daughters.

"It said that dad wasn't supposed to tell anyone about their death , as that would risk the mission they both were working upon. They wanted my dad to tell Xinghe and Xiao that their parents loved them dearly.", said Lu Wei , as he tried to remember the details of the recording clearly ,"There was more to that recording. But I wasn't able to retrieve it completely as it was destroyed beyond repair during the blast. Anyway , this was why I never told you guys about the blast. I don't know what their mission was , but all I knew was that it was their last wish. I couldn't bring myself to disrespect that."

"Can I have a look at the recording ?", at this time , the silent Zhi Al spoke up as he looked at Lu Wei earnestly.

"Yeah , sure.", Lu Wei replied ,"My manager has stored every detail of that investigation safely. It can be arranged. Do you think you can retrieve it , Al ?"

"I will try. I just hope that this recoding isn't decoded by someone else before us.", said Zhi Al worriedly.

"Why would you say that ?", Zhi Bo asked , looking at his younger brother with a muddled gaze.

"Uncle and Aunty Rong have lived a life of mystery. And the biggest mystery was their mission. It was a matter of discussion for the entire nation for years , till date. What if the recording has some information about their research ? It should be kept away from the reach of dangerous terrorist groups and apt diplomats , in that case.", the man said.


Meanwhile , in the old house in the suburbs of City M , Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe had dealt with most of the attackers. Rong Xinghe had realized by now that her man was an amazing soldier as well. She had read many of Xi Yuan's interviews before and knew that being in the Armed Forces had always been his first occupational preference , ever since he was a child. But he had to shoulder his responsibilities as the eldest son of the family and take over the position of the CEO of Xi Corporations at the age of eighteen. So although he was a trained Army Officer , he couldn't serve the Military. 

But even if he couldn't join the army , he never really forgot it. He was still perfectly skilled at both combat and defence. Rong Xinghe , of course , knew how well Xi Yuan enjoyed the game of numbers too. Military was once his dream , but business was his habit now. So she was simply amazed by her darling's fighting skills , and felt at ease that he could protect himself , if met with some unforeseen danger someday.

Just when the girl was occupied in her own thoughts , a soft melodious voice resounded throughout the house ,"Xiao Xinghe , Xiao Xiao. How are you both ? It is me. Your mom."

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