The Academy's Time Stop Player

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

TL/Editor: looloo

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Here

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"This little one"

Hajoon gritted his teeth.

From her words and the way she vanished in front of him, he realized that she had come to know everything.


Hajoon called out to Philaten.

However, Philaten responded with a tone of inconvenience.

-I'm sorry. Even with my senses, I cannot locate her.

Hajoon's expression crumpled at this revelation.

The reason Philaten couldn't locate her was likely because she had used the power of the Rune Language.

A power that turns imaginary phenomena into reality.

If she wished not to be found by him, even Hajoon would have a hard time locating her.

"Damn it."

Hajoon clicked his tongue in annoyance.

It was clear that Haruna was intent on taking revenge by herself.

Despite not being someone with the willpower to stain her hands with blood.

"Let me know when you find Haruna's location."


Two weeks had passed since Haruna Ruel disappeared.

In this situation, Haruna's episode naturally progressed, heading towards its final chapter.

[The Reality Behind the God in Rumors, Does God Really Exist?]

[The God of Dreams Who Fulfills Wishes, As Testified by Many]

[The Birth of the New Religion Salvation Church. A Religious Group Believing in a Real God]

All this unfolded in just two weeks.

God had intervened in people's dreams to fulfill their wishes, and suddenly, a large number of believers had formed a religious group.

It was the Salvation Church that he had seen in the game.

Though this religious group posed no significant threat, Hajoon knew that 'faith' made the entity stronger.

In other words, God had now grown into a final boss, incomparable to his former self.

In this situation, Hajoon stood quietly on the rooftop of a high-rise building, enjoying the breeze and surveying the area.

He was simply trying to locate Haruna.

As Philaten said, detecting her from a high place like this would be more accurate.

Suddenly sensing something, Hajoon furrowed his brows.

He turned his head towards the sensation of someone approaching.

-Is this our first time meeting in reality?

A girl's voice echoed.

A girl resembling Haruna Ruel.

God smiled and spoke to Hajoon.

-This is the path she chose. It's not your place to intervene.

Hajoon looked at her with a composed expression.

A body now capable of materializing not only in dreams but also in reality.

The faith of people had solidified her existence, making this phenomenon possible.

She had grown into the final boss suitable for the last ending.

Hajoon asked, looking at her.

"Did you tell Haruna the truth?"

-Yes, I granted her wish.


It was a natural question for Hajoon to ask.

The target of her revenge was the Altar, and it would undoubtedly be an unfavorable situation for the deity.

To this question, the deity readily answered.

The deity said,

-I cannot indulge in lies, even if I don't grant wishes. She said it herself. She wanted to see her family, not her grandfather, and when she learned the truth, she wanted revenge. I simply granted her wish.

So that was it?

As the deity explained, there were limitations to its 'omnipotence'.

First, it cannot indulge in lies, even if it does not grant wishes, and secondly, its incredible power is activated only when there is a being wishing for something.

The deity is an entity born from the hopes and faith people place in a god.

If it indulges in false wishes, it would essentially be denying its own existence, leading potentially to its own dissolution.

"Do you mean it doesn't matter if the Altar disappears?"

To this question, she just smiled.

Although no answer was given, it wasn't necessary to hear one.

From previous conversations with her, it was evident she easily dismissed the Altar.

-The Altar should rightfully disappear. They belonged to evil even before they worshipped me. And now, they are no longer needed.

As she said, the followers of the new religious group 'Salvation Church' were acknowledging her existence.

This was also the reason she easily granted Haruna's wish.

Presumably, the deity no longer cared whether the Altar remained or disappeared.

Her goal was to become an absolute entity, known as a 'god'.

The only god in this world.

Even without followers like the Altar, her inherent power was omnipotent and absolute.

This made her dangerous.

The moment her 'power' becomes unrestricted is the moment she becomes a true god, and also the moment the game ends.

The future was uncertain, but if it's game over, it certainly wouldn't be a good one.

-Give up, you can't handle it anymore.

She said.

To an onlooker, her smile might seem kind and benevolent as she continued to speak to Hajoon.

-Thousands, millions of people believe in my existence. In the end, this will only solidify my existence more.


Hajoon did not respond much to her words.

He had learned all he wanted to know, so there was no need to continue the conversation.

Ignoring her, Hajoon continued with what he was doing.

-You can never stop me. Haruna Ruel, that child, has finally come to me.

She spoke to Hajoon with a relaxed expression.

Her power would grow further with the faith of the people, and if she gets Haruna Ruel, the child, she could use her power without restrictions.

Hajoon believed it was too late for any action on his part, a conclusion she seemed to have reached as well. Therefore, the deity was confident of its victory.

That was when Hajoon suddenly chuckled.

Simultaneously, his power quietly surged from within him.

His aura, like a golden light, began to flicker around him.

This caused her eyebrows to furrow.

She asked Hajoon,

-What's so funny?

[You are naive because of your purity.]


[Do you think I'm afraid of you?]


The deity was under a misconception.

No matter how much the villains of the Altar raged, no matter how much a demon who deluded itself into thinking it was a 'god' grew stronger, Hajoon was confident he could handle it.

In other words, while Hajoon found it annoying, he did not consider it a threat. Moreover, there was one thing the deity overlooked.

Being recently born, it was pure and therefore naive.

It had severely underestimated the power of the Rune Language.

[It doesn't matter if millions believe in you or if your power becomes unrestricted and you become a true God.]

Hajoon looked at her calmly and continued,

[You will die, inevitably. Whether by my hand or Haruna's.]

Hajoon was certain of this.

He sincerely believed that the deity would die, even as it awakened to its true power.

Why he could be so sure was beyond the deity's comprehension.

-Why are you so certain?

The deity asked Hajoon.

Of course, Hajoon had his reasons for being so sure.

Haruna Ruel (82%)

The progress rate of Haruna Ruel's episode.

Even in this situation, the progress was slowly increasing.


Haruna Ruel (84%)

And Hajoon knew what this meant.

It was a simple yet definitive reason.

If this situation were leading to a bad ending, the progress rate would not be increasing.

Even in these circumstances, Haruna was slowly moving towards the ending.

Therefore, Hajoon was confident.

Although the future was unpredictable, in the end, Haruna would reach the ending she desired. So for now, he could afford to help her a little with her revenge.

After all, it was a future greatly distorted because of him.


Power erupted from Hajoon's body.

The mighty phenomenon created by his power quietly diminished, wrapping around his entire body.

Then it sent out circular waves, spreading outwards.


The wave of power, filled with intent.

It radiated widely from Hajoon as the center.

Hajoon had been repeating this action for weeks, even before her arrival.

Even though she had concealed her existence with Rune Language, the moment he found the slightest gap, he would be able to estimate her location.

And now, at this moment.

Hajoon's lips slowly curled into a smile.


The deity's expression contorted into shock as she witnessed the phenomenon.

Her previously calm eyes began to tremble with agitation.

Hajoon addressed the deity.

[You asked for a reason?]

With those words, Hajoon gripped Maharazu.

[I'll show you now.]


In an instant, Hajoon's figure vanished.

The deity, who had been observing all along, gritted her teeth and disappeared as well.


Raei Translations


In a dark space filled with countless pillars of a temple, Haruna walked with an expressionless face.

Drip- Drip-

Drops of red blood fell from Haruna's hand to the floor.

Around her lay the bodies of what appeared to be the Altar's priests and villains.


Haruna thought to herself.

She had such immense power all along.

Why had she been foolishly victimized?


After leaving the academy and Hajoon, she continued to feel waves of magical energy.

Haruna concealed her presence once more, feeling the energy that Hajoon sent.

Knowing that it was Hajoon who sent it, she hid herself, hoping he wouldn't come.

She felt an indescribable gratitude towards Hajoon.

Unknowingly, Hajoon had always been protecting her.

But not anymore.

It was her own battle now.

Thud- Thud-

That's when she heard it.

Footsteps approaching her from the front.

Someone was getting closer to Haruna.

Haruna raised the energy of the Rune Language again.

She was about to reach out to the approaching figure when-

"It's been a while, child."

Hearing the voice, Haruna's eyes shook violently.

It was impossible.

He was supposed to be dead.

Soon, the figure emerged from the shadows and stepped closer.

"How have you been?"


Her grandfather, Zehar, was looking at her with a gentle smile.

Ah, ah.

As she confronted him, Haruna's lips trembled.

Not only was it unbelievable that he was alive, but also her desire for revenge began to fade.

Only fear and doubt arose in her emotions.

Yet, Haruna gritted her teeth and reignited her desire for revenge.

Seeing this, Zehar looked at her somberly and said,

"Judging by your face, you've come to know everything."

Did you really do it, Grandfather?

Haruna suppressed her emotions and asked him.

Zehar straightforwardly answered her question.


Why, why did you do that?

Haruna asked Zehar why he had committed such acts against her.

Zehar looked straight at Haruna and explained,

You were chosen by that power.

Just for that reason?

Not just. That power can change everything.

His voice remained calm and composed.

Zehar was calm and still looked the same as before.

That's why it hurt her so much.

It felt like being stabbed hundreds of times with a knife.

Just for that

Runes began to rise from Haruna's body.

Tears of grief streamed down her face.

Between her tears, she let out a distorted laugh.

Just for that stupid reason, you killed Mom and Dad?

To this question, Zehar simply nodded quietly.

At that moment.


Haruna let out a scream and extended her hand towards Zehar.

The entire space trembled and fluctuated as the phenomenon, manifested by runes, took effect.

The walls and pillars supporting the ceiling, everything moved at her will, converging to crush Zehar.

But then.


Everything reverted back to its original state.

Haruna slowly lowered her raised hand and finally collapsed to the floor.

She couldn't bring herself to kill her grandfather.

Memories with her grandfather, which continued to hurt her, kept resurfacing.

Even knowing they were all lies, she couldnt bring herself to act.

Her heart felt like it was being squeezed, causing immense pain.

Her head slowly bowed.

She berated herself for being foolish and unable to carry out her long-desired revenge.

In that moment.


Once again, a wave reached her.

The wave of magical power created by Hajoon.

Haruna's eyes flickered in realization.

This time, she couldnt escape Hajoon's wave.

And the moment she was detected by the magical wave.

Click- Someone's hand was placed on top of Haruna's head.

Haruna slowly raised her head to look at the owner of the hand.

There stood Hajoon, looking down at her calmly.

Ran off to take revenge on your own, and look at you now.


Do you feel better now?

To his question, Haruna quietly shook her head.

It was rather painful.

Her heart ached too much.

Hajoon looked at her and asked,

If its hard, ask for help, I'll help you.

Haruna's eyes trembled at his words.

Her body shook.

Hajoon's words made her hesitate.

But then the next words.

Theres no need to handle this alone.

Tears uncontrollably welled up in Haruna's eyes.

Her throat choked up with sobs, and tears incessantly leaked out. Her tears dropped to the floor as she pleaded desperately to Hajoon.

Help me, Hajoon.


Watching her, Hajoon calmly responded to her plea.


Hajoon had a personal wish.

Though he couldnt change the painful path Haruna Ruel had to take.

He wished that she could find at least some happiness.


[It will be over soon.]

To fulfill the wish she desired.

From Hajoon's body, a fierce golden magic surged, swirling around as if embodying her emotions.


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