The Academy's Time Stop Player

Chapter 73

When Kim Hajoon first heard the term "Time Stop Storage," he assumed it was simply a function similar to an inventory that stored items.

In a way, it didn't seem any better than the "Permanent Unlock" ability he'd gained at level 5.


[Time Stop Storage.]

[You can stop a designated object and store it in your inventory.]

[The designated object can be stopped for up to 10 seconds. Living creatures cannot be stopped or stored.]

[Objects in the inventory remain in a stopped state.]

[Objects from the stopped-world inventory can be freely used and function normally. However, objects used in the stopped world cannot be used in the non-stopped world.]

"Not bad."

It was more versatile than he had originally thought. It was, quite literally, the ability to select and stop a single object in the real world. The potential applications of such a skill were vast.

Determined to test out this newfound ability, Hajoon quickly rose from his bed. He lifted the nearby desk and mentally commanded, 'Designate.' Slowly releasing the chair, it hovered in mid-air, clearly showing that only the chair was affected.

Without hesitation, Hajoon focused on the floating chair, thinking the word 'Store.' An inventory window with 20 slots appeared in thin air, and the chair began to be absorbed into one of them.


"So, it's something like this?"

At a glance, the skill seemed very similar to a typical inventory system. However, what Hajoon particularly liked about it was the ability to stop objects in the real world. If used properly, couldn't he effortlessly block attacks, even if they were made during a time stop?

Moreover, his gaze shifted to his bed.

"Didn't it say I can use the stored items comfortably in the stopped world?"

This implied that he could, theoretically, get a good rest in the stopped world. But he had to be cautious. Any item used in the stopped world couldn't be utilized in the real one. Naturally, Hajoon considered purchasing a more comfortable bed for the dormitory, specifically for the stopped world.

'I'll have to buy a separate bed for resting in the stopped world.'

Smirking, Hajoon was about to lay back down when...



His phone buzzed. Picking it up, Hajoon noticed a barrage of messages.

[Anna: Hajoon, have you decided on a club yet?]

[Anna: We need to submit the application by the weekend, so I'm currently sorting things out.]

[Anna: Take your time and let me know by tomorrow.]


Right, there was that to consider too.

Club activities.

Upon reflection, this was the biggest issue.

According to the rules, if one is a student of Rokia Academy, they must participate in club activities.

Conversely, this meant that Hajoon's resting time would decrease.


After pondering for a moment, Hajoon sent a message.

[Is there no way to leave?]

[Anna: Probably not?]


To be honest, it was quite bothersome.

If you don't have the time for club activities, you might even have to participate during the weekend.

However, he couldn't just opt out of them either.

There were episodes related to club activities in the game, of course.


Hajoon crossed his arms and considered his options for a moment.

He didn't want to waste his precious break time on mere kids' activities.

But he also couldn’t just avoid participating in club activities.

In that case...

"Why not create one myself?"

A surprisingly good idea came to mind after only about 10 seconds of contemplation.

Why not just create a club of my own?

"I'll need at least one member though..."

To establish a club, he'd need at least one member.

Of course, there was someone he had in mind.

A girl who, in the original storyline, had nothing to do with this game.

Without hesitation, Hajoon immediately sent a message to the girl.

[Want to join a club I'm starting?]

[Lee Jooah: Huh?]

Lee Jooah.

Since she had nothing to do with this game’s storyline, she'd probably be okay with it, right?

Time passed, and after Sunday came Monday morning.

At 6 a.m. that day, all the first-year students boarded the Wing Bus, headed somewhere.

"Ugh..." Hajoon's expression wasn't the best.

Honestly, he felt like he was being dragged into the military. After all, this whole training camp felt similar to a school retreat.

"Hmm... Kim Hajoon, it seems like you didn’t prepare much for this trip," remarked an instructor approaching Hajoon.

True, they were told they could bring essentials and food freely for the training camp. Almost all the students, except for Hajoon, had thick bags stuffed with various items. But Hajoon had come empty-handed.

Of course, Hajoon had prepared. He had stored everything in his inventory.

To the instructor's question, Hajoon replied in a textbook manner, "We’re not going on a vacation, are we?"

"Hmm..." The instructor looked puzzled, staring at Hajoon as if he was the last person expected to say such a thing. Despite Ha-joon’s words, he had packed even more than the others, all stored in his inventory.

The skill "Time Stop Storage" was really handy since anything stored inside it remained in a paused state. This allowed him to pack perishable food without worrying about it spoiling.

Soon after, the Wing Bus touched down on the ground.

Hajoon turned his head, looking out the window at their destination.

It was an open field in the mountains. Inside the barbed wire that surrounded the area stood a huge building and a training facility.

"Alright, we've arrived. Prepare to disembark," the instructor announced.

The students swiftly exited the Wing Bus. There were a few men in red hats, who seemed to be assistant instructors of the training camp, guiding them toward the assembly hall.

It should be noted that each class was guided to a different assembly hall. Special class students, in particular, were led to a separate hall, implying that the training's intensity would be tailored to their level.

Upon entering the hall, a familiar face was seen: the student council president, Lee Joohee. Besides her position as the student council president, outstanding senior students had the opportunity to assist in the training camp.

"Wow... It's the president."

"Gosh! Did the president actually volunteer as an assistant instructor?"

Some looked at her with faces of amazement, while others with slight apprehension. There were rumors that the training intensity under Lee Joohee was unimaginably rigorous. If even these superhuman-awakened students found it tough, that said a lot.

Naturally, seeing her, Hajoon let out an exhausted sigh.


A man wearing a distinct black hat, standing above the assembly hall, reprimanded the students.

Upon hearing that, the students tightly shut their mouths, waiting for the assistant instructor's next words.

The man wearing sunglasses scanned his surroundings once, then nodded in satisfaction before speaking.

"Nice to meet you all. I am Kim Johwan, the assistant instructor in charge of your training during this field exercise."

Kim Johwan.

His face hidden behind sunglasses and a black cap, the students didn't recognize him at first. But upon hearing his name, they looked at him with a mix of wonder and recognition.

He was the famous Kim Johwan, a former top-tier hero who had prevented the Gwangju Dungeon Break incident before retiring. There wasn't a single student in the academy who didn't know his name, so they began to gaze at him with sparkling eyes.

"From what I've heard, you first-year students are some of the most exceptional."

Just as they began to revel in the praise, he exploited their momentary lapse in attention to unleash his magical power.

A dark and oppressive aura.

This power began to envelop the hall.

The once enthusiastic expressions of the students changed to ones of grave concern.

The force of his magic felt as if it could strangle them.

After observing the students for a moment, he furrowed his brow, making his expression even more intimidating, and then spoke.

"The moment you entered this training center, know that I won't tolerate even the slightest lapse in attention. This is a place where you will learn to grow, hone your combat skills, and master the methods to defeat villains."

The students gulped audibly. He continued to release his magic power, steadily observing the students and then pointed out a few of them.

"Those I've pointed out, step forward."

First was Han Siyoung, followed by Anna, then Liam, and finally, Lee Jooah.

A total of four students stepped forward.

"You're the ones who withstood my magic power, to some extent."

The selected students wore puzzled expressions, and even the ones who couldn't withstand the aura looked curiously at a particular boy amongst them.

And the focus of everyone's attention, that boy,

Shiver! Shiver! Shiver!

was shaking uncontrollably.

His face was perfectly calm, yet his body trembled as if he was in the midst of an earthquake.

All the students watching Hajoon were dumbfounded, and an instructor standing by, witnessing this, simply closed his eyes and shook his head.

By now, even he had come to understand Kim Hajoon's peculiar nature, having long given up on his ever-elusive sense of responsibility.

Then, Kim Johwan continued.

"Everyone, focus! We're going to form teams based on these four. Naturally, the four selected will be the team leaders."

At this, all the students looked at Hajoon with an expression that said, 'Of course...'

In some ways, it was truly remarkable, but how was he so quick-witted?

Despite the students' gazes, Hajoon just flashed an unabashed grin.

'That was close.'

Of course, Hajoon didn't want to be a team leader. He knew all too well the responsibilities that came with being one in a place like this training center.

Whose fault is it when a team member errs? It's the team leader's responsibility.

Blaming the team leader for failing to manage their members properly? Why would anyone even want to be a leader in a place like this?

As expected, Hajoon's judgment was wise.

"As a team leader, you're granted rights, but with them comes equal responsibility! Team leaders are expected to guide their members well and safely conclude the training in three days."

Of course, he had seen this scene in the game, so he already knew about it. But he thought it was a relief that it went by without any hitches.

But something felt off.

Lee Jooah, who had grown with the power of a divine beast, was one thing, but where did the other one go?

Hajoon began to look around for Haruna.

However, there was no need to search, as she stood right behind him.


And the moment he saw her, Hajoon was at a loss for words, completely baffled.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

She was shivering just like him.

It was then that Haruna, sensing Hajoon's gaze, looked up and smiled cheekily at him.

Her smile was undeniably one of satisfaction.


This one... if anything, she's become sharper...

Well, she was fooled once at the beginning of the term, so it's inevitable she'd be more alert now.

"Alright, we will test your physical abilities on the first day. Everyone, move to the hall outside!"

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