The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 471

Chapter 471 - Then Don't Blame Me


Upon hearing Su Ming's words, the middle-aged woman scoffed. “So, you're resorting to the law now, huh? Go ahead, call the cops. Let's see them come and arrest me!”

Honestly, dealing with people like her was a headache. Su Ming found it incredibly frustrating.

Truth be told, a little noise wasn't a major offense. She hadn't committed murder or any other grave crime. Even if the police did show up, they'd probably just give a stern talk and nothing more. Once they left, Su Ming would surely face an even wilder backlash from the woman. People with no sense of decency often have a scant regard for the law.

“What's the problem here?”

Just then, a middle-aged man's voice boomed from inside, his temper sounding even more volatile than the woman's. He barged through the door with a kick.

Su Ming was at a loss for words, seeing how aptly this family of three fit together.

And there was the man, as round as a beach ball. Su Ming mused that in an earthquake, this family wouldn't even need to run; they could simply roll down from the upper floors.

“What's with all the blabbering?”

“Are you going to take responsibility for delaying my son's weight loss?”

“And why do you look so familiar?”

The middle-aged man's first two sentences were harsh, but his last remark was accompanied by a puzzled frown. Su Ming shared the confusion; the family did seem strangely familiar.

Oh no!

It hit Su Ming all at once—they were the same family from the apartment above his old rental. The elderly couple was nowhere to be seen, but this trio was unmistakably the same.

“Wait a minute! Aren't you that broke college kid who used to live below us? And now you dare to rent a place here?”

“Kid, you better watch it. I'm telling you, I'm the one making noise. What are you going to do about it?”

Recognizing Su Ming, the middle-aged man became even bolder, his frown deepening as he taunted him.

In his eyes, a poor college student was powerless. Even if Su Ming had managed to scrape together enough money for a nicer place, he posed no threat. To the man, bullying someone like Su Ming was a source of perverse pride.

“Alright then.”

Su Ming cracked a smile. “Are you sure about that?”

“Get out of here!”

The middle-aged man bellowed, slamming the door shut. He continued to yell inside the house, “Son, keep on filming; Dad's right here with you! Honey, start chopping the meat; we're having dumplings tonight! They say we're too loud? Well, let's drown them out with our noise!”

Su Ming shook his head slightly upon hearing the man's voice. He had initially thought that as neighbors, there was no need for retribution.

“The old saying goes, ‘Better a nearby friend than a distant cousin.' But since you've shown no kindness, don't expect any from me,” Su Ming mused.

He pulled out his phone and called Boss Fong, who was groggily waking up. The ringtone startled Boss Fong into consciousness, and he grumbled irritably, “Who in the world is calling this early? Have they lost their mind? Oh, wait—it's Mr. Su!”

Boss Fong's nerves jolted him fully awake. He quickly got to his feet, his hands shaking as he took the phone to the living room and answered the call, feeling remorseful for his earlier outburst.

”Mr. Su!” Boss Fong greeted him with utmost respect.

“Have all my properties been rented out yet?” Su Ming inquired.

”Not all of them, Mr. Su. Most of the houses have been taken by various business owners, but there are a few individual rooms still available. The locations of your properties are prime, so the rent is on the higher side, which makes them unaffordable for many. But rest assured, I'm doing everything I can to expedite the process…” Boss Fong explained hastily, worried that he had disappointed Su Ming.

”Boss Fong, relax. I'm not calling to rush you into renting out all the properties immediately,” Su Ming reassured him with a smile.

“Then what can I do for you?” Boss Fong asked, still puzzled.

“I need you to find another place for my parents to live,” Su Ming requested.

”Is there an issue with my previous arrangement, Mr. Su?” Boss Fong asked, clearly alarmed.

”No, your arrangement was fine. The place itself is quite nice, but the upstairs neighbors are incredibly loud. My parents couldn't get any sleep last night,” Su Ming explained, still smiling.

Upon hearing the news, Boss Fong was livid. He had gone to great lengths to find a location with a pleasant environment that was also conveniently close to the city center. Moreover, from there, Su Ming could even see his workplace. However, the upstairs neighbors were causing an intolerable racket.

“I apologize, Mr. Su. I should have checked the place more thoroughly beforehand. Rest assured, I'll take care of the people upstairs right away!” Boss Fong exclaimed, his voice laden with urgency and a promise. He was genuinely alarmed this time.

“Boss Fong, there's no need for panic. Just follow my instructions and find a new place for my parents to stay. After that, come to see me. I have other plans in mind,” Su Ming directed calmly.

“Understood, Mr. Su,” Boss Fong replied.

After ending the call, Boss Fong quickly dressed and rushed to Su Ming's location. Meanwhile, Su Ming descended the stairs, opened the door, and entered his home.

Inside, Lee Sumei and Su Tao were waiting with concern. Upon seeing their son, they approached him eagerly, “Son, are you okay?”

“It's fine. The upstairs neighbors are indeed being quite unreasonable, but I've informed my boss about the situation. Coincidentally, our company has a few vacant houses that haven't been allocated yet. We'll move into one of those for now,” Su Ming explained cheerfully. “Mom, Dad, please start packing your things. We're preparing to move.”

Lee Sumei and Su Tao exchanged glances before voicing their concerns, “We've already troubled your boss this morning, and now we're imposing on him again. It feels like we're causing him too much inconvenience. This doesn't sit right with us.”

“Don't worry about it. Yes, he's my boss, but he's also like a brother to me. We have a partnership. This is a minor issue, so there's no need for concern. I'm always there to lend a hand when he needs assistance,” Su Ming reassured them.

Hearing this, Lee Sumei and Su Tao nodded in agreement. Truth be told, they were indeed feeling quite unsettled living there.

The couple didn't have much to pack, so they were ready to go in no time. Just then, Boss Fong arrived.

“I deeply apologize for the oversight in my previous arrangements, which led to your discomfort. Please be assured, this time I've secured a much better house for you,” Boss Fong said with sincerity.

This time, Boss Fong went out of his way to secure a very pleasant living arrangement for Su Ming's parents. The neighborhood was exclusively inhabited by the company's senior executives, all of whom were highly cultured individuals, making it highly unlikely for any disturbances or noise to occur.

Furthermore, given that these executives were regularly working overtime, they simply lacked the energy to cause any commotion.

For these busy professionals, they probably wished they could fall asleep without even the need to brush their teeth.

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