The Calamity of a Reborn Witch

Story Art Work: CoRW - Book 1 & Book 2 (to come)

Story Art Work: CoRW - Book 1 & Book 2 (to come)

The Calamity of the Reborn Witch (CoRW) updates every Tuesday & Saturday with the occasional Thursday thrown in. If I miss a day its probably due to an appointment and an upload will follow the next day.

Since I cant just throw up pictures, I figured Id leave an Authors Note as well. I appreciate each and every one of you for giving this story a chance. I know it's not the usual genre readers come to RR for. If you glanced over CoRW's reviews youll see a lot of what to expect in Book 1, but there are a lot more surprises in store. I hope youll enjoy the characters, the good and bad. I would also like to express that everything in this story happens for a reason, though it may take some time for those reasons to become visible. You'll see what I mean as the story progresses.

If you enjoy the read please show the story and its author some support by rating or leaving a review ? Enjoy the Artwork below, more to come later.

Love from Lafeara,


P.S. This chapter was recycled from a Temporary Hiatus Note back in August so please don't be confused by the comments!

Gods & Goddesses of Lafeara

<img /gjTccsP.png">

Spells of Lafeara

<img /52dlhER.png">

Left to Right. Top to Bottom.

Fire. Air. Ice. Earth. Water.

Family Tree's and Character Art

<img /MtmcZdN.png">

Turnbell Sisters

<img /ryUubnN.png">

Lafeara Royalty

<img /yJ3XEU0.png">

Political Families of Lafeara

<img /jOZCTc9.png">

Royalty of Ventrayna

<img src="">

Hargreve Family

<img src="">

Side Characters of Lafeara

^ There are obviously a few others but my skill (not to mention time to play) with artbreeder is limited xD

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.