The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Chapter Thirty-Six: Apothecary Extraordinaire

Chapter Thirty-Six: Apothecary Extraordinaire

After breakfast, I returned to my room to get dressed for the day before returning to the kitchen. Sekh and I looked at Niva before heading to the Barclay’s shop. Tilde yawned and took a seat on my shoulder, and she lectured me more about the AI and how it was the best thing since sliced bread. For example, if I made a spear, I could ‘save’ its ‘recipe’ and order the AI to make more if I had the materials used in the spear’s production in storage. The best part was that it worked for everything I made. 

But it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Having the AI make my spear as it was now would take weeks. Cooking a pot of soup would require a few days. Once the AI had an influx of data and experience, the production speed would drastically increase until it could crank out like 100k enchanted spears in a minute. I pondered how useful it would be for ammo creation. Once I had created one 9mm round, the AI could mass-produce them for me. If I made an even better 9mm with tougher metal and better firesalts, I could ‘replace’ the original 9mm’s ‘recipe’.  

Tilde’s right. I gotta use the AI as much as I can. There’s a lot I must do, and there’s not enough time in the day to do it. 

Before we walked into the incredibly packed store, I told the AI to highlight everything on the list Kokan gave me with waypoints, which took about four minutes. 

Even with the increased prices, there are a shit ton of people here. It’s always packed to the seams. How long is that going to last? 

We perused around the first and second floors, taking in the clothing for sale. None of it fit Sekh and me, so we ignored that and proceeded to the fifth floor once the AI was finished. It was all so simple to steal the things I needed. I stood by the stairs and waited for the right time to take that bundle of silver grass lying helplessly against the window. The wooden pot didn’t know what hit it when my thin web smacked against it, causing it to vanish to a realm where it couldn’t be traced. 

At least, that was the plan. And while nothing went wrong, the evolution of my skills was something I wasn’t expecting. 

[String Shot] and [Web Bomb] have evolved and combined. Initializing new skills... 

New Skill: [Web] 

New Skill: [Web Manipulation] 

Now that was interesting. I didn’t know evolving and combining skills produced two skills. Logic dictated that you’d be left with less when multiple things fused together, but common sense couldn’t be applied here. 

After looking through the Skill Menu, it turned out not to be a downgrade.  I asked Tilde, who told me that [Web] and [Web Manipulation] were base skills all adult spiders knew. Since that was the case, the spiders we fought in the mines weren’t considered mature until they acquired those two skills. Regardless, my webs were still the same. They hadn’t grown any stronger or weaker, I could still technically use [Web Bomb], and the changes were in name only. But [Web Manipulation] was a game changer. 

We walked up a floor until we came to a collection of bottles that held medicinal oils. From off to the side, I shot a web from my cheek and nearly flinched when a separate window opened in my view. 

“It’s...from the web?” I asked. Sekh looked alarmed, but I told her what I saw. She explained that it must’ve been [Web Manipulation] showing me the point-of-view from my web. Once the silk left my body, I could control it. Since the manipulation skill was Lv. 1, I had less than a second.  

But again, this was more than excellent. The sheer feeling of evolving and growing ever stronger, day by day, was unmatched by anything else I’d felt in my life as Shuuta Fenton. 

It took just a few more minutes to finish my ‘shopping’ thanks to the overwhelming number of customers. Erin wasn’t flying solo anymore, but it was still no small wonder why more people hadn’t robbed this place. Kokan had said theft carried a harsh punishment, so that was a deterrent, but still. I guess it didn’t matter to me at all, so I threw that out of my mind as we stopped by a butcher. I asked the AI to search for one, and we followed the waypoint. When we arrived, we were greeted by the beastly stench of cured meat hanging from hooks. Sekh’s gluttony growled in her belly, choosing to look with her stomach and not her eyes. 

“And I can pick which one I want? Really? Really really?” she excitably said. Her lion-like tail wagged a mile a minute as she stared at me with those glimmering silver eyes. 

“Really really,” I said, trying not to laugh. “Just know that I only have 33lbs free in my storage.” To test the AI, I told it to use [Analysis] on the hanging meat, highlight the top 10 with waypoints, and share that data with Sekh and Tilde. 

The data will be shared, my lord. A robotic, stiff voice echoed around my head. Sekh regained her composure and looked at the glowing carcasses. A heavy-set Dwarf with a beard so thick I couldn’t see his mouth waddled over and offered his assistance. Sekh looked at me, I nodded, and she allowed the employee to assist her while I hung out with Tilde. It took about ten minutes for adorable Lionfolk to find the perfect cut of beef out of the ones highlighted and another five for him to chop off 25 pounds. That came out to more than I was expecting. If I had something like [Estimation] and [Haggling], I’d brought the cost down to something more reasonable, but fuck it. 

It wasn’t my money, so I didn’t care. I paid the man for the overpriced beef while Sekh carried it in her arms. Her tail danced side to side, but when we were alone, I stashed it in my storage while returning home. However, life had other plans for me because I stopped by a furniture shop to buy a small bed for Niva and a desk for myself and arranged for it to be delivered to Ichiha’s shop. I couldn’t have Irisa sleep on the floor, and Niva was my responsibility. I didn’t splurge on anything at all. The things I bought were as basic as basic could be. 

My shopping took a little over an hour and a half. When we returned home, I told Ichiha to expect a delivery, then went upstairs to the kitchen. Kokan was weaving my silk into thick bandages at the table. Twenty-three were already made, and he stretched out his arms and gave me a light wave. 

I retrieved everything from his ‘shopping’ list. He looked them over and nodded when Sekh and I joined him. Tilde landed on my shoulders and sat down. “Hmm... This is concerning,” he said. 

“Why? I got everything you needed, right?” 

“You did, but the herbs are in a drastic state. They’re dried and crumbly, not full and leafy. The oils are losing their luster, too. That damnable woman must’ve taken advantage of Noelia’s selfish buying spree and raised the prices. No doubt a heartless heathen like her would swap the fresh for the old just in case the price rose even more. But we can work with this.” I watched Kokan retrieve the necessary tools and asked about Irisa, who was at Smithy’s Corner. She really wanted to stay and watch over Niva, but there wasn't much for her to do. 

“Has she moved at all?” I asked, tapping the desk with my fingers. 

“She’s been squirming, but that’s about all,” Kokan replied, sitting down. “Ah, I can see it in your eyes. You want to learn, right? Do you have [Alchemist] and [Apothecary]?” I didn’t, but I could because Noelia’s attendants had them.  

New Skill: [Alchemist] 

New Skill: [Apothecary] 

I pumped those to Lv. 3. [Spear], [Firearm], and [Blacksmith] went to Lv. 4, which left me with 10SP. I wanted to save them but said fuck it and spent them on a skill to help me identify medicinal plants. 

New Skill: [Herbalist] 

Sekh hasn’t spent her SP yet. I don’t blame her since she can manually learn her former skills easier than anyone else. 

Tilde put on her instructor hat and asked if learning it was a mistake since I had an AI at my beck and call. After thinking it over, I defended my choice because the AI learned from me. It processed my experiences and knowledge, so acquiring a skill that would impart information only helped me in the long run.  

“Good. Good. Now it seems you’re getting it. The AI will learn faster the more you do shit. Brewing potions, making weapons, creating pots and pans, screwing Big Tits with your big dick, killing some monsters, and chowing down on them drowns the AI with delicious, delicious data.” Tilde licked her lips and rubbed her stomach. 

“Was that screwing part necessary?” I asked. 

“You’re damn right it was! Without sex, like 99.999999999% of the world wouldn’t be alive!” 

“Umm... R—Right...” Kokan stammered over his words and coughed to change the subject. He quickly switched into ‘lecturer mode’ and went step by step. He said he had a lot to do, and yes, that wasn’t an understatement. He guided and instructed me on just about everything. From the correct technique to prick off herbs from the plants to how I should hold the mortar and pestle to even the proper way to pour water into a mixture at just the right speed and angle to prevent any bubbles from popping up. Sekh wanted to follow along, but Kokan asked her to make more bandages. She was naturally good at it. Knowing her and her past, I doubt she had the luxury of always having potions or a healer nearby, so making her own remedies was vital to her survival. Her fingers deftly folded the individual strands in a weave-like pattern with surprising haste and delicateness. 

Much like how a painter required a fresh canvas before starting, we needed to take the bloody, swampy bandages off Niva and clean the wounds. Kokan did her front and taught me the proper procedure, which was more involved than I thought. Still, I was very thankful for his guidance. It was put to the test when I oversaw cleaning her back. The lengthy scars that spanned from her neck to her waist reminded me of my past, but I couldn’t let the bygones of a world that didn’t matter force me away from what was vital. But it was hard, though. My back started to tingle with tension and disgust, but I powered through the discomfort and finished my job. 

After Kokan retrieved the bloody rags and towels and stashed them in the nearby hamper for later cleaning, it was time to make some medicine. First up on the list was powder for the bruises, pain, and burns. By taking the roots and leaves of a comfrey plant and grinding them up with water, you can toss in baccano seeds to make something creamy and thin. But by adding the dust of a verde shroom, the mixture becomes chalky and solid, which can be broken off and crushed to make a fine powder. After registering the creation with the AI, Kokan and I applied the powder where necessary with a pair of gentle brushes.   

Before we wrapped her up with bandages, we made a simple cream for swelling with silver grass, crushed baccano leaves, water, and the seeds from a green hippsal plant. The mixture was brown and goopy and smelled like death, but when placed over the powder I made, it worked to reduce the scarring while still being incredibly efficacious. 

Of course, that was if the ingredients were fresh and ripe and not dried and old. He cursed and explained the remedies we were making probably lost about 75% of their healing prowess. I searched for the same herbs of better quality, but nothing came up. Kokan said I’d have to go and gather them myself if I wanted anything of reputable quality, but he quickly added Niva would make a recovery. It’d be a while longer. 

We rubbed the goopy cream over the powder we’d applied early, then wrapped everything up with bandages weaved from my silk. Finally, Kokan grabbed some thread and rechecked Niva's ears. It was probably just for show since we doubted they would heal, but nonetheless, he applied a generous amount of medicine to the sutures after cleaning them. 

Now, it was time to tackle the eye. When the orange flowers of the bluth herb were infused in boiling water, they left behind an orange liquid. We strained the flowers and poured in fox grass oil, which turned them scarlet. Kokan added a splash of coconut oil while I cut open an aloe vera plant to extract the gel. He stirred that in until the drops were colorless with the texture of water. Kokan said a Cyclops’s eye was incredibly prone to dryness and disease. When left in a terrible state, it could lead to mono-eye degeneration. It was vital to keep it moisturized, and the drops we made were perfect for that. In addition, it would help remove puffiness and discomfort. 

We had to take a break to allow the delivery guys to bring up the desk and bed. I carefully picked up Niva and placed her in Kokan’s room while they were here, then brought her back to the conch after they left. 

Niva’s crotch and inner thighs were our next target. Kokan said the rashes were from an aphrodisiac applied via a knife. Along with increasing sexual sensitivity, the cream used on Niva was more closely related to a poison that could kill a person. Perhaps whoever raped Niva afterwards didn’t like the aphrodisiac to the point that they used their claws to remove the skin from her thighs. Kokan explained the root of a horseradish plant had natural anti-inflammatory properties, and he added in the oil of an evergreen tree with a snippet of watercress. 

While mixing, he said the sexual disease Niva had targeted the veins and arteries in the penis and caused internal inflammation. It was rare for it to spread to the inner thighs. If left alone, the blood would clot and burst, leading to death via internal bleeding. It was dangerous by itself, even more so because Niva’s current condition was far less than ideal. Once he was done stirring, Kokan grabbed one of the aloe vera plants I’d cut into, lathered the thick solution onto it, and used that like a rag to apply the medicine to Niva’s thighs and crotch. 

“This’ll take care of the rashes and inflammation. The watercress I added works well with scarring in sensitive areas,” Kokan said, throwing the aloe vera plant away in the garbage. I asked about Niva’s dead spots, but Kokan shook his head and said the most we could do was keep it clean and moisturized. Niva’s tail came up, but again, he said he couldn’t do anything to encourage regeneration. Still, he rubbed the pain reliever powder over where it once was. 

For the actual disease, Kokan used what he could to make a basic anti-bacterial drink. After infusing yarrow with its white stalk, he added a drop of baccano oil and horseradish root to the boiling liquid. While that cooled off, he plucked the leaf of a gold bull blossom, the most expensive ingredient I’d stolen, and added that, salt, ginger, and a dab of honey to a mortar and pestle. When everything was combined, he added the liquid, mixed it for a few more minutes, then had me open Niva’s mouth while he slowly dripped it on her tongue. 

It felt odd massaging her throat to encourage her body to swallow, but I did it. When we were done, he told me that would help with the disease that causes blood to leak out through her feces and urine and reduce her fever. 

The final thing we had to do was check her gums. Kokan performed his exam while I used a brush to rub crushed yarrow stalk against her gums. 

“Okay, everything looks good. Let’s keep Niva hydrated but be careful not to give her too much water at once.” I nodded, and we started to talk about the detox. The stuff to make it was on the table, but the shelf life was just a few hours. I solved that problem by saying that items in my storage were frozen in time, and thus, it was time for one last lecture while he made an extremely black liquid that looked like tar. “She’s still in critical shape, so giving this to her now will kill her. I can only estimate how long she’s been forced to swallow potion after potion, but her tolerance is exceedingly high. There’s more to play here than that, though.” 

I understood what he was trying to say without saying it. Frankly, if I compared potions to something like acid or cocaine, then Niva’s been high non-stop for months. The sleep she was getting now wasn’t restful, but it was something. But when she does wake up, she’ll probably feel like total shit from the withdrawals. 

Her HP hasn’t increased, but it also hasn’t decreased. That’s something, right? 

Only God knew what would happen when she took the detox, but I didn’t rightly believe in that bastard. He was a selfish twat. 

I stashed the detox potion while recreating the remedies I'd watched Kokan produce. He sat and helped me when I said the AI came with an auto-craft function. The one caveat was that the item had to be made solely by my hands, but it didn’t say anything about receiving any verbal help. Kokan was speechless about something so powerful existing. Even though it took days to weeks to recreate them, knowing I could make something the same way each time brought stability to a profession where using little too much or too little could drastically alter a medicine’s effect. Such a mistake could end in death, and I had a way to avoid that.  

As a man of his knowledge should be, he was strict with his standards. Sometimes, it took multiple attempts to make the anti-pain, burn, and bruise powder. But I was glad for his teachings because I knew the AI was gaining a lot of data. 

Once I had his approval, I registered my creations and told the AI to make them. 

At once, my lord. Its robotic, monotone voice swirled around my head. Within the center of my vision appeared a drop-down menu with their estimated time to complete. I couldn’t have it block my sight, so the AI, once asked, moved that menu underneath my map. 

Kokan excused himself to clean up, and Sekh, Tilde, and I returned to our room. 

“How’s Niva?” Irisa asked when she stepped back into the kitchen after taking a bath. Her dirty, soot-covered skin and filthy blacksmithing apron were replaced by a comfy tank top, glistening green skin, and shorts that showed off her long, muscular legs. She joined her father, Sekh, and me at the table. Tilde was exhausted, so she was napping in her bed. 

It’s 7:40. The sun’s starting to go down. 

“The same as ever,” I replied, telling her of the medicines we made. Kokan brought up the desk and bed and told Irisa she didn’t have to sleep on the floor anymore. I thought she’d be happy, and maybe she was, but her eyes subtly told a different story when I said it was for Niva. 

Irisa probably wanted to sleep in the same room as Sekh and me as a stepping stone for the three of us cuddling together in the same bed. Sekh and I liked her, and she fancied us, but I wasn’t ready for her to see me in such a defenseless state again.  

I want to sleep with her... I’m just scared, though... Maybe one day we can share a bed. I’m aware of our feelings. 

Ichiha soon started dinner after closing the shop. Sekh’s stomach growled, and I chuckled at her blushing expression. 

“Yeah, it’s about time. Let’s head to the backyard,” I said, explaining that we stopped by a butcher to get some meat.  Ichiha asked if I would be willing to share some tomorrow morning. I nodded, and Sekh and I went to the backyard. The clouds were covering the crimson glow of the sunset, yet its radiant redness couldn’t be contained. 

I prepared the makeshift stove, fire pit, frying pan, and the spices appropriately acquired from a certain store. Everything was laid out, so after getting a fire going, I retrieved the chunk of meat, handed it to Sekh, and used a knife from the arsenal to cut her off a decent slab. Storing it away, I tried to remember Greggie’s advice when cooking steak.  

I don’t have all those fancy spices, but I got salt, pepper, and garlic.  

“And then rub it with the oil, right? And add some to a pan? Do I wait for it to heat up?” 

“My liege?” Sekh sat beside me and placed a hand on my knee.  

“Ahh, sorry. I’m trying to remember what Greggie said…” I stopped agonizing over it. After pouring a bit of oil into the pan and meat, I added my three spices to both sides. I dropped the steak in fat side down when the oil was hot. Pressing on it, I told the AI to analyze the steak and display its current temperature and cooking time.  

The capability to do so isn’t there yet, my lord.  

Okay, I guess I’m winging it.   

The sizzle of the meat was music to Sekh’s ears. She focused her attention while holding a plate in her hands. Once I felt the fat was rendered, I think, I turned it to its flat side and waited. I remembered Greggie mentioning he liked to baste his steak, but I didn’t know what that entailed. Asking the AI didn’t work because it needed more data.  

When I thought it was time, I pressed a fork into the steak and lifted it up. Greggie said you wanted to make sure there was a crust, but I didn’t know what that was. 

With a sigh, I flipped it over. “If Greggie was here, he’d know what to do. In my world, he was ranked 247th amongst all Michelin Star Chefs. And he’s not even 22 years old. I bet he could use the same shit I did and make something a trillion times better.” 

“I wouldn’t eat it.” I asked why. Sekh stared at the steak and looked strong and determined. Her lovely crimson tunic fluttered in the breeze and knocked her hood down. “Your cooking is what I desire, not his. Besides, he betrayed and abandoned you when you needed help the most. Even if he lives long enough to present you with an apology feast of the most sought-after dishes throughout the world, I'd burn it in front of him because his food isn’t worthy to enter my mouth.” 

I remained quiet until I thought the food was done. Sekh stabbed it with a fork and brought it to her plate, then cut off a decent chunk. The insides were dark brown, and it was tough. I didn’t fail to see how chewy it was… 

But Sekh ate every piece with a pretty smile while I watched her with adoration. Not once did she cough, spit it out, or make an excuse to not finish her meal. 

Maybe this is what Greggie feels when someone eats his food.  

“Oh, you got a little bit on your lips. Here, I’ll get it,” I said. I leaned in close and licked the steak juice staining her lips. She froze solid for a quick second, then moved a finger to the once juice-ridden spot. She washed it with her tongue and smiled. Placing the plate down, she threw herself at me. I fell to the ground with Sekh straddling me. I smiled up at her and rubbed her shoulders and upper arm. She leaned down and pressed her lips to mine, giving me a deep kiss while slipping her tongue in my mouth. “Mmmn... You taste like steak. It’s delicious.” 

“Thank you for the delicious meal.” 

“Cooking for the one I love is kinda fun. It brings joy to my heart,” I replied, wrapping my arms around her back. Tears of happiness flowed from her cheeks and splashed down to mine. After enjoying some time together, I stashed everything in the arsenal and returned to the kitchen. Ichiha and her family were playing tic-tac-toe. We joined and enjoyed a pleasant conversation for an hour or so. 

Then it was time for bed. After changing Niva's bandages and reapplying medicine, Sekh and I carried her to the bed I’d bought. It came with blue sheets, a white blanket, and a black pillow. I’d made sure to buy soft sheets that wouldn’t discomfort her wounds, so I had nothing to worry about when I pulled the blanket up to her chest after turning her to the side. Her gums were barely bleeding, and Sekh tended to that. 

Irisa stood by the doorway and stared at Niva. We chatted, the topic obviously about the nearly dead girl, but then she yawned and wiped her eyes. After some quick hugs, she wished us goodnight and returned to her couch. I watched her lie down, then closed the door and turned around. I looked at a sleeping Tilde and asked the AI about her once I summoned its hologram in mid-air. 

The multicolored stone jiggled and wiggled before speaking. “After unlocking [Biological AI], the Conduit requires substantial rest to return to normal operating parameters, my lord.” 

“That’s fine. Let her rest. Let’s get ready for bed, Sekh.” I stretched my arms and started to disrobe, but Sekh remained still. Her piercing gaze stared past me. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Wait...? Niva?” I turned around, and there she was, leaning up in her bed. 

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