The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 460: a war of galaxies

Chapter 460: a war of galaxies

In the main headquarters of the Great Aragan Republic, an extremely important gathering was being held underground which featured virtually all the leading superpowers of the current earth.

The President of the Aragan and Oakland Republic were present, the leaders of the Seafarers Alliance, the Mercenary Alliance, and the Apocalypse military organization were also present which gave emphasis to the importance of the gathering.

Not only them, 2 Elite Commander representatives from each of the big 5 were present also with Elite Commander Helix being their default leader.

The main motto of this gathering was to promote peace and preparation.

After decades of rampant hunting of the unaffiliated Elite Commanders, the big 5 were finally ready to make peace with them after a recent discovery by the best scientist of the Apocalypse military organization.

After all these hegemons who with a snap of their fingers, a war that could span across the whole earth would emerge sat down, the door to this underground base opened again with a creak.

Through this opening, 3 newcomers entered the hall- Elite Commander Achilles the Vicious one, Elite Commander Titus the thunder God, and Elite Commander Manna the Earth Man.

These 3 were the representatives of the Elite Alliance. After getting to the large table, Elite Commander Titus and Manna went to sit with the other Elite Commanders while Elite Commander Achilles went to sit with the 5 leaders.

It may seem like he was undermining the prestige of the 5 highest leaders of the current planet earth, but considering the legends that he had set since the great battle of supremacy, he deserved this honor and much more.

For a soldier of his caliber, honor was still an underestimation, reverence was the best form to welcome him.

After he sat down, he swept a glance across everyone in the room and the gathering finally started. A female Elite Commander of the Apocalypse military organization stood up and started the proceedings.

She didnt engage in meaningless talks, she went straight to the point.

A few months ago, a joint strike team led by Elite Commander Helix penetrated the defense perimeter of the last standing base of the Lauren Race.

Every Lauren being was killed on sight, only the Lauren Ranagan female was taken hostage. After the operation, she was immediately handed over to the Apocalypse military research center.

There, she was directly dissected by Professor Madwill as she was unwilling to cooperate with us. After applying a series of forbidden medical techniques, Professor Madwill was able to summon the Ranagans remnant will.

This was a first medical breakthrough of its kind, and it proved the theory that the grasping of special abilities is somehow related to our soul.

The medical breakthroughs that we got due to this discovery were numerous, but this is not the mean reason why we called for this gathering. The main reason is that we discovered much more.

Esteemed Elite Commander Achilles, you were right, and we were wrong, earth is on the verge of facing an apocalypse that may perhaps wipe us out.

The Prophecy from Elite Commander Arnold was correct, we should have believed you, and that is the reason why we now seek to smoothen our crooked paths and relationship.

The female Elite Commander took a deep breath. We are sad to say this, but we have only 345 days left.

Seeing that neither Elite Commander Titus nor Manna contributed a word, even Elite Commander Achilles, the female Elite Commander sighed and continued.

According to the information that we got, the Lauren race is a Galactic race that evolved and began trans versing space approximately 3 millennia ago.

Our scientists were correct; the Milky Way Galaxy is not the only Galaxy out there. According to the memories of the Ranagans remnant will, theyve discovered 11 other Galaxies out there.

Each of these Galaxies has a superpower race like the Lauren race which is the undisputed strongest. Unfortunately for us, we were born in the same galaxy as the Lauren Race.

Of these 11 Galaxies, the strongest of them all is the Tamaric Galaxy. According to Lauren research, it is the oldest and first galaxy that was formed by the raging chaos power in space.

And apparently, we got special abilities due to the influence of the chaos power in space which gave birth to high-grade soldiers.

We didnt get it before because an atmosphere attached to our ozone layer blocked it, but this was breached after the first Lauren spaceship arrived.

As the Lauren Race is the absolute overlord of the Milky Way, so also is the Naman Race the overlord of the Tamaric Galaxy and they are way more powerful than the Laurens.

They already invaded and conquered 2 other Galaxies, making them even far stronger than ever and their ultimate ambition is to conquer and rule the whole universe with an iron fist.

It was this pressure that prompted the Lauren Race to start invading other planets. They want to grow their soldiers, they want to form an army strong enough to fight when the Namans finally descend.

Now, it is the turn of the Human Race. The Lauren Galactic army would descend in less than a year, and if we are unprepared, we either all die or agree to become vassals to the Laurens in preparations for the ultimate battle.

Esteemed Elite Commander Achilles, this is the main reason why we called for peace and I believe this reason is good enough to warrant that.

Sir, for your Elite Commanders that died to our hands across the years, we are ready to compensate for them all to the best of our ability.

All we hope is to get your help to prepare the human race for this apocalypse that is about to descend upon us.

After saying to this, the female Elite Commander stopped as she and everyone else in the room looked at the terrifying soldier.

Feeling their gazes, Elite Commander Achilles coldly remarked. You have my help. Then, he slowly stood up and looked straight at the Aragan President who stiffened up on feeling the piercing gaze.

Keep your compensation to yourselves, we never told you that we needed your help to strive. About the war, I already hinted countless times to you but you always ignored it.

Putting that aside, all I want you to know is that my alliance already has a plan for the war. The guaranty for success does not lay with me, it lays with the chosen one.

The Aragan President revealed a calm expression on his face. And who is this chosen one?

Clark Pendragon.

[Thanks for reading.]

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