The Damned Demon

Chapter 691 A Short-Lived Torment

Chapter 691  A Short-Lived Torment

Asher's voice rang through the hall, cold and emotionless, as if he were passing judgment on a matter of little consequence, "For attempting to assassinate the king, a crime punishable by the worst torment, you shall face the consequences of your treachery, Oberon."

The weight of his words hung heavily in the air. Rebecca's breath hitched, her tears spilling over as her hope for mercy began to crumble, "No…" she whispered, her voice trembling, still clinging to the faint belief that Asher wouldn't do the worst.

But as the hall stood in tense silence, waiting for his final decree, Asher's gaze hardened, "You will be sent to the depths of the Northern Rivers, where you will be devoured by the Cursed Fiends. That is the punishment you deserve. If not for the fact that you were a prince of our House, I wouldn't even grant you the mercy of a short-lived torment."

Rebecca's heart shattered, "No!!!" she screamed, her voice filled with pure horror. She tried to lunge forward, desperate to reach Oberon, but the Bloodborn Guards, led by Eradicator, restrained her swiftly. Her screams echoed through the hall as she was dragged away, thrashing in their grip. "Your Majesty, you can't do this to him! NOOO!!!"

Oberon, still kneeling, clenched his teeth so hard that blood trickled from his lips. His mother's frantic cries tore at him, but there was nothing he could say or do.

Asher remained unmoved. His voice was icy and final as he turned to the royal guards. "Now escort this traitor to the north. Drag him through the lands, no matter how long it takes. Let the people see his shame and curse his name for what he has done."

The royal guards stepped forward, roughly hauling Oberon to his feet. His body was limp, but his eyes held a determined glint. As they began to drag him out of the hall, the tension in the air thickened with finality.

Rowena, seated beside Asher, blinked slowly. She turned her head slightly toward him and asked in a low voice, "Are you sure you will be satisfied with this?" She had expected something crueler, something more befitting of the crime in her eyes.

Asher nodded, his eyes following Oberon's retreating figure, "Well… there's something I need to tell you later. But for now, this is satisfying enough." He stood up, a shadow of a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "I also have to deal with Rebecca."

Rowena stood as well, her curiosity piqued, "I can ensure she stays in line if that's what you want," she offered, knowing that Rebecca's desperate pleas would only become more frenzied.

Asher shook his head, offering her a reassuring smile, "No need. I can handle her easily these days. I will be back soon," He turned, his dark cloak trailing behind him as he left the hall. Rowena watched him for a moment, her mind churning. Was he planning something?


"Let me out this instant! You dogs dare do this to a royal member of this House?!" Rebecca screamed as she pounded her fists against the iron door of the dim, cold chamber she had been thrown into. Her desperation was raw, her voice echoing off the stone walls. She couldn't let her son face the Cursed Fiends. Not like this!

The door suddenly creaked open, and Rebecca stumbled back as the towering figure of Asher stepped into the room, his hands casually behind his back. His expression was one of mild amusement, "Don't you get tired of creating such a fuss?" he asked, his tone mockingly calm.

Rebecca's anguish flared into anger. Without thinking, she lunged at him, slamming her fists against his chest in a fit of fury, "How could you do that to my son? You have to let him go this instant! You promised me you wouldn't hurt him! I do so much for you...I-I..." Her fists pounded weakly against him, more out of grief than strength. It was as if she wanted to say more, but her pride wouldn't let her.

Asher didn't flinch. He merely stood there, watching her with a cold indifference, "I did. What makes you think I broke that promise?" he asked, tilting his head slightly, his expression almost mockingly confused.

Rebecca's eyes blazed with frustration, "You! Stop playing games with me. You sent him to those cursed waters to die! Are you telling me that doesn't break your promise?" Her hands clutched desperately at his robe, her voice breaking as she pulled at him.

Asher sighed, his grip suddenly firm as he caught her hands and forced her to let go, "You need to calm down first. I can't tell you anything if you keep acting hysterical like this."

Rebecca's body trembled as she tried to control her sobs. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to focus, but the fury still simmered behind her dark red eyes. Before she could speak again, the door to the chamber opened once more, and the Eradicator stepped inside, her presence as stoic and stony as ever.

She bowed slightly, "Your Majesty, a guard just informed me that Prince Oberon has escaped, with the help of an unknown group. What are your orders?

Rebecca's eyes widened in shock, "Escaped?" Her gaze shot toward Asher, who remained calm, a slow smirk curling his lips.

"Ahh…," Asher murmured, seemingly unsurprised. "Just search around the kingdom and our borders. Use every man we have to find him. I want no trace of him left unturned."

"Understood, Your Majesty," Eradicator said with another bow before leaving the room.

Rebecca stared at Asher, her eyes filled with disbelief, "You knew he was going to escape? You… you let him go? What are you planning?" Her voice was laced with suspicion, her mind racing to piece together his motives.

Asher's smirk widened as his cold eyes met Rebecca's anxious gaze. "Finally, you seem to get it," he said, his tone dripping with condescension. "Now you feel foolish for creating such a scene, don't you?"

Rebecca's eyes darted, her mind racing, trying to piece together the reality of what had just unfolded. "No... you're planning something bad. I can feel it," she said, her voice quivering with a mix of fear and suspicion. "You wouldn't let Oberon go just like that after he tried to kill you. You can't lie to me."

Asher raised an eyebrow, almost amused by her accusations, "Tried to assassinate me?" he echoed with a chuckle, "Do you seriously believe your half-crippled son was capable of doing something like that? Even if he tried, why would he make himself look even more pathetic and pitiful in the process?"

Rebecca's breath hitched as his words sunk in. Her mind spun as realization dawned on her, "You... you mean..."

"Yes," Asher smiled, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction, "There was no real assassination attempt. It was all part of his plan to finally do something good for our kingdom." n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Rebecca's face twisted in disbelief, shaking her head, "W-What plan? He never told me anything like that! He would never keep secrets from me."

Asher's smile deepened, his tone almost patronizing, "He didn't tell you because he knew you'd react like this—wild, irrational, and stopping him from doing something necessary. So, he took matters into his own hands, faked an assassination attempt, and left the kingdom with a very convincing reason. He's going to find out where the last Caleumbra is hiding and help us capture her."

Rebecca's eyes widened in horror, "No... no, no, no!" she muttered, shaking her head frantically, "He wouldn't do something so foolish. He'd just get himself killed! You... you must've sent him on this task. You forced him, didn't you?!"

Her voice rose as she grabbed Asher's robes again, desperation fueling her anger. Asher's face twisted in annoyance, and in one swift motion, he grabbed her wrists and spun her around, pulling her back against his chest, his grip tight as he pinned her arms against her body.

His voice was a low, menacing whisper in her ear, "You're really starting to piss me off, accusing your king like this. I've been very soft on you lately. Don't make me regret that." His breath was hot against her skin as his grip tightened slightly, "But to tell you the truth, I didn't force anything on Oberon. He made this choice himself because he wanted to prove his worth. He's trying to make up for his past mistakes. You should be glad he's finally becoming a dutiful son."

Rebecca's heart twisted painfully as Asher's words pressed into her. Her mind screamed to reject it, but deep down, part of her knew Asher was telling the truth.

Oberon had always harbored guilt over his failures. He would do something reckless to prove himself. She felt her body grow heavy with dread, "No... I can't let him do this," she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper, "That slut... Kira... she'll kill him."

Asher's grip suddenly shifted as he spun Rebecca around and slammed her back against the wall. His eyes were cold and unyielding as he stared down at her. "You are not to meddle in this," he ordered, his voice sharp with finality, "That's an order. But don't worry... I've ensured Kira won't kill him. She hates our kingdom too much to let Oberon die before she can use him. She'll find a purpose for him and keep him alive—long enough for us to get to her. Oberon will buy us time, and I've made sure he can play his part."

Rebecca blinked through the tears that clouded her vision, her mind frantically trying to grasp at hope. There was something in Asher's voice, in his confidence, that made her believe him. And what he said... it made sense. Kira would want to keep Oberon alive to further her own plans. But still, the uncertainty gnawed at her.

"F-Fine!" she stammered, her voice shaking. "I... I will keep watching. But I'm trusting you here, M-Master. Even if... even if I shouldn't." There was desperation in her tone, the kind of desperation that had nowhere else to turn.

Asher's cold smile returned. "Good. That's the only choice you have." He released her, stepping back as his expression shifted into a look of mild amusement. "Now be a good slave, and let's get going."

Rebecca's hands fell to her sides, rubbing her reddened wrists as she watched him walk out of the room, the door closing behind him with a final click. The moment he left, her shoulders slumped, and she sank against the wall. Her thoughts swirled in chaotic circles, filled with uncertainty and fear for her son's fate. Would he really be fine? Or was this just the beginning of something worse?

She closed her eyes, trying to suppress the tears that burned behind them, anxiously thinking about what lay ahead for her son.

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