The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 68: Some things are always inevitable…

Taniel’s reservation at the “Starry Sky” restaurant was for noon.

And at this moment, it was just before sunrise.

Jason, of course, wouldn’t foolishly wait around. After borrowing a carriage from the old baronet, with Finch driving, Jason and Taniel returned to the bachelor dormitory at the police station.

The morning sun rose, and the chill was driven away once again.

The thin morning fog began to slowly disperse.

In room 305, Bondi was informing Jason about the investigation in the cemetery.


The atmosphere was slightly oppressive.

It wasn’t because of the content of the investigation, but rather… because of Jason!

Or, to be precise, because of Jason’s hair!

Jason had lost his hair.

To put it simply…

Jason was bald!

In the recent explosion, satiety could heal the fatal injuries Jason suffered.


satiety couldn’t grow hair!

Therefore, not just his hair, even Jason’s eyebrows were gone.

His originally not-too-ugly face now looked exceptionally fierce without hair and eyebrows.

Of course, it was equally brilliant.

Especially at this moment, when Jason took off his hood, his entire head was emitting a bright glow under the reflection of the morning sun.

Bondi, who was in the midst of speaking, couldn’t help but be drawn to this brilliance.

Finch, after a glance, tried hard to focus his gaze elsewhere.

Taniel’s face, however, turned red from holding back.

“If you want to laugh, go ahead,”

“I don’t mind,” Jason said as soon as he finished speaking.



Taniel couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Jason looked at Taniel impassively.

The unwavering stare reduced the laughter more and more.

“Cough cough,”

“Jason, I didn’t mean to,” Taniel said.

“For lunch, in addition to the reserved ‘Gazing at the Starry Sky,’ I will add a special dish: ‘Eel Jelly’!”

“However, I need to discuss this with the chef, so I’ll leave for a bit,” after saying so formally, Taniel stood up and walked towards the door.

This young teacher from Deer Academy worried that if he stayed any longer, his hard-earned savings would be drained just like that.


He just couldn’t help it!

That shiny bald head!


Suppressing his laughter, Taniel ran down the stairs.

Even though it was restrained laughter, for Jason who had more than twice the average person’s perception, it was still clearly audible.

However, Jason didn’t chase after him.

After all, lunchtime was long!

He had plenty of time.

“Continue!” Jason turned his head and urged Bondi.

“We’ve checked and, just as you said, Jason, many of the bodies are missing from the unnamed graves in the cemetery, but we’ve searched the entire cemetery and found nothing,”

“I contacted some informants, and they don’t know either.”

“As for Santel?” as he said this, the Sheriff paused slightly with a puzzled look on his face.

But he immediately continued:

“He’s buying bodies!”

“After tracing through several informants, I can confirm this.”

“In the past two months, he has bought a total of six corpses.”

Buying corpses? Jason was startled.

This answer was somewhat unexpected for Jason.

In his mind, even if Santel wasn’t directly involved with the missing bodies, there would be an indirect connection.

But now it seemed different.

Santel, guarding the cemetery, shouldn’t have been in need of corpses.

He had no need to purchase them from outside.

Even if half the bodies from the unnamed graves were gone, there was still the other half left.


He absolutely couldn’t touch the bodies in the cemetery!

And the reasons that could prevent Santel from disturbing the cemetery bodies were few.

Among them, an order from the shadowy figure who made him the “Tomb Guardian” was the most straightforward reason!

“What does the other party want with these bodies?” Jason couldn’t help but frown.

Subconsciously, he wanted to inquire of the old Sir.

However, Jason quickly abandoned that option.

The other party was very likely to know something.

But, he would definitely not inform him.

If the other party had wanted to speak, he would have done so before Jason left.

“Is it because he doesn’t want to speak?”


“Some kind of restriction?”

Jason thought, and then, he noticed the Sheriff was looking at him with a very strange expression.

“What’s the matter, Bondi?”

“As I’ve said, if you want to laugh…”

“You can laugh as much as you want,” Jason said.

“I don’t want to bear the consequences of mocking you.”

“Don’t worry.”

“It’s just hair loss, the follicles aren’t damaged, it will grow back in a few days,” Bondi said, waving his hands.

The Sheriff wasn’t a fool like Taniel; he could tell that Jason, who verbally didn’t care about his baldness, was actually quite concerned about it at heart.

Then, the Sheriff fell into silence.

His face showed hesitation and conflict.

“What happened?” Jason asked again.


“Are you ‘undead’?” Bondi asked through gritted teeth.

And he braced himself for the worst.

It is wrong to pry into someone’s privacy.

In the normal world, that’s the case.

And in the ‘Mystical Side’?

All the more so.

Although he hadn’t been in official contact with the ‘Mystical Side’ for days, some things remained the same.

Naturally, Bondi was well aware.

But Bondi desperately wanted to know the answer.

For this, he had already prepared to pay the price.

However, what the Sheriff didn’t expect was that Jason nodded very straightforwardly.

“Yes,” he answered.

“Is it because of the ‘Hulk Potion’?” the Sheriff asked immediately after Jason nodded.

“Yes,” Jason nodded again.

To cover up his own secret, the ‘Hulk Potion’ was a good pretext.

Moreover, Jason didn’t mind leading those who were hostile towards him with false information.

Asymmetric information could give him more advantage.

Advantage against that ‘puppet master’!

Without truly understanding the other party and their purpose, Jason had to ‘arm’ himself like this.

Even after understanding the other party, such ‘arming’ was also indispensable.

Because it would affect who would emerge victorious between him and the opponent!

Of course, it would be best if his old teacher resolved everything.

But Jason’s nature made it necessary for him to prepare for the worst.

Unexpectedly for Jason, right as his voice fell, Bondi was looking at him with a face full of nervousness and expectation.

“Then, do you know of any resurrection potions, Jason?” Bondi asked.

“Resurrection potions?” Jason was taken aback.

Seeing the hope on the Sheriff’s face, he ultimately shook his head.

He did not know where the Sheriff’s hope stemmed from, but he could guess roughly.

It must be because of someone, right?

But the more it was so, the less Jason could deceive the other party.

A well-intentioned lie could bring temporary comfort, but it was more likely to result in greater pain and hurt.

“Is that so?” Bondi’s face was filled with disappointment and bitterness.

The Sheriff wanted to say more, but Jason, as if sensing something, turned his gaze towards the window.

Bondi and Finch subconsciously followed Jason’s line of sight.

Instantly, both of them held their breath.


on the glass,

pressed against it…

was a face!

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