The Genius Female Forensic Pathologist, The Psychological Anatomist

Chapter 51: Reversal of Verdict: The Truth

Chapter 51

"Mu Mian, everyone should be responsible for their own actions. If she committed a crime, she should face legal judgment," Fang Rui said, looking at the crowded traffic. "However, our immediate priority is to find evidence first."

"Lin Qianjie also committed a crime, but he escaped legal punishment," Mu Mian argued. "Lu Tian is a good person. She was forced into committing a crime!"

Fang Rui noticed the red light, stopped the car, then looked at Mu Mian: "This shows the limitations of the law, and we need to work hard to improve it. Any tragic experience is not an excuse for committing a crime. If Lu Tian really committed a crime, then she should be held responsible for her actions."

"But that's so unfair!"

"Mu Mian, there's no absolute fairness in this world."

Back home, Mu Mian hung the seashell wind chime by the inner window. When the wind blew, the shells made a crisp sound.

So noisy!

After a while, Mu Mian put it away again, storing it in a box.

The next day, Fang Rui and Zhang once again found Shen Yuanyuan's best friend, Shen Meilin.

"Officer Fang, what can I do for you?" Shen Meilin asked. "We've told you everything about Yuanyuan. Please don't keep coming to find me; it's affecting my work."

"Did Shen Yuanyuan have any other close friends?"

"She had quite a few friends. Which one are you asking about?"

Fang Rui took out Lu Tian's photo and handed it to Shen Meilin. "Did Shen Yuanyuan know this girl?"

"Isn't this Lu Tian?" Shen Meilin recognized the person in the photo immediately. "She was Yuanyuan's good friend."

"How did they meet?"

"They met in a small psychological support group about six months ago. The people in that group all had various psychological issues. They often held gatherings privately to comfort each other, and it was quite effective.

After Yuanyuan was raped by Lin Qianjie, she developed PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), so she joined this group to seek solace. Later, she met Lu Tian in this group. Lu Tian was especially kind, often inviting Yuanyuan out and giving her gifts."

Shen Meilin remembered something and took out her phone. "This is a photo of Yuanyuan and Lu Tian together."

Fang Rui and Zhang exchanged a glance. It seemed that Lu Tian was likely seeking revenge for Shen Yuanyuan.

"Later, when Yuanyuan's lawsuit failed, she couldn't bear the stress and committed suicide. Lu Tian even gave her parents some money to help them buy a good burial plot for Yuanyuan."

"Can you send me this photo?"


After leaving the restaurant where Shen Meilin worked, Zhang's thoughts were still in disarray.

"Boss, if Lu Tian knew Shen Yuanyuan six months ago, how could she still fall into Lin Qianjie's trap? Could Lu Tian have deliberately set up Lin Qianjie to rape her?"

Fang Rui analyzed, "Lu Tian's plan might have been in two parts: if the rape charge stood, then Lin Qianjie would face legal judgment; if he managed to escape punishment like last time, then he would face Lu Tian's judgment."

"But why would Lu Tian help Shen Yuanyuan? They were just friends. Is it worth committing a crime for a friend you've just met?" Zhang asked, puzzled.

"Do you remember what Lu Tian's mother said in court? She said Lu Tian was molested as a child," Fang Rui paused. "Shen Yuanyuan's case might have triggered her, so she wanted to seek justice for Shen Yuanyuan, and also for her younger self."

Fang Rui immediately called Lu Tian to the interrogation room.

Lu Tian was still wearing the white dress she had worn during the trial. Her expression was calm, not at all like a criminal awaiting trial.

"Miss Lu, you know Shen Yuanyuan, don't you?" Fang Rui asked.

"Yes, I met her in a psychological support group. I've always had bipolar disorder, so I often participate in such support groups. It helps me manage my emotions and also allows me to help others."

Fang Rui continued, "Miss Lu, since you knew Shen Yuanyuan, you must have known what kind of person Lin Qianjie was and what methods he used. So why did you still go to various events with him?"

"For money!" Lu Tian answered. "I needed money. You should know about my family background. We're very poor, and I have parents and a younger brother depending on me, so I need to earn money. I thought with Yuanyuan's experience as a lesson, I could avoid such things happening, but I underestimated my judgment."

Zhang interrupted, "Miss Lu, do you think this reason is convincing?"

"I could be after his money, but that doesn't mean he can force me to do things I don't want to do."

Fang Rui said, "On July 19th, you followed Wang Xiaoya onto the yacht. When they weren't paying attention, you put rat poison in the ice tray.

On July 20th, you deliberately provoked Lin Qianjie to rape you and tricked him into the room because you knew there was a camera installed on the balcony of the opposite building that could capture what was happening in your room. You also deliberately made a lot of noise while resisting.

After losing the trial, you immediately went abroad for a vacation to create an alibi for yourself.

Miss Lu, am I correct in my analysis?"

"Officer Fang, your story is very imaginative," Lu Tian's face showed a mocking smile. "But do you solve cases by making up stories? Though maybe that's how all you judicial personnel work. Lin Qianjie also got away by making up a story, labeling me as mentally ill, and was acquitted."

"We're already collecting evidence," Zhang retorted. "Any crime will leave traces. If you confess now, it will be considered a voluntary surrender, and the judge will give you a reduced sentence."

Lu Tian sneered, "So you have no evidence. I'm sorry, but before my lawyer arrives, I have the right to remain silent."

Fang Rui also knew that the chain of evidence was not complete, but judging from Lu Tian's attitude, she was undoubtedly the culprit.

Lu Tian's lawyer arrived at the station quickly.

"Isn't Nie Yan a prosecutor? How did she become Lu Tian's lawyer?" Chen Xue was a bit surprised.

After Lu Tian's case ended, Nie Yan was framed for accepting bribes and was dismissed from the prosecutor's office. Before joining the prosecutor's office, Nie Yan had been a criminal defense lawyer. After being dismissed, she joined a small law firm and returned to being a lawyer.

Mu Mian looked at Nie Yan in front of her and felt she was so unfamiliar. The previous Nie Yan, although she didn't smile much, had a light in her eyes. But now, Nie Yan's expression was cold, reminding her of Lin Qianjie's defense lawyer.

"Officer Fang, you have no evidence to prove that my client is related to Lin Qianjie's poisoning case. Summoning her here privately is a violation of procedure. We have the right to file a complaint against you!" Nie Yan's tone was a bit aggressive.

Fang Rui explained, "This is not a summons. We just asked her to come here to understand some situations."

"Then why are you detaining my client?"

"We're not detaining her. We'll let her go after we finish talking."

"Can my client leave now?"


Nie Yan left the city bureau with Lu Tian.

After get

ting in the car, Nie Yan held Lu Tian's hand, "Lu Tian, don't be afraid!"

"Sister Nie Yan, they've guessed the truth. They'll soon find evidence to incriminate me! But it doesn't matter. Exchanging my life for that scumbag Lin Qianjie's is very worthwhile. And Wang Xiaoya died too, we've gained."

"Lu Tian, do you trust my abilities?" Nie Yan looked at Lu Tian.

Lu Tian said without hesitation, "I trust you."

"Then you should believe that you will be found not guilty." Nie Yan hugged Lu Tian. "Lu Tian, no matter what evidence they find, you must not admit that you put the poison. You must deny it, firmly deny it. Leave the rest to me."

"Alright, Nie Yan, thank you!"

Lu Tian looked at the azure sky, the sunlight felt piercing to her eyes. Perhaps this world is very dark, but there will always be someone to be the light that illuminates this world.

She was willing to commit a crime for Shen Yuanyuan, and Nie Yan was also willing to do anything for her. Only girls would selflessly help other girls!

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