The Human Giant

Chapter 235 235: Dego Mountain


In the dead of the night sky was a beautiful large full moon that blessed its light across the land of the Dego people. As people who had lived in their isolated villages for most of their life, they were not afraid of the darkness.

Instead, they had embraced the darkness in ways no other village nearby had done, even after a thousand years. As they worshipped the Dego God, the God of Darkness, and the Monster Lord.

Which took up the form of a black Three-Headed lion with crocodile scales as skin, green snake eyes, and a tail that was a fusion between a Blood Reaper Hawk and Purple Devil Slug. As the worshippers of this Dego God, the Dego people firmly believed that they were the Dego God's children and, by extension, the children of monsters.

As the children of monsters, what did they have to fear in the darkness of the night? While others quivered afraid of what could be lurking in the darkness where light couldn't reach, the Dego people made it a tradition to embrace the darkness every full moon to show their God that they still knew they were the children of monsters and followers of the God of Darkness.

Today was the Dego people's most special day of the month as the night sky exposed the full beauty of the full moon. Not only was the full moon blessing the Dego people, but the clear night sky also exposed the expansive mountain range known as the Demon Crown mountain range.

With the Demon Crown's centerpiece being the Dego mountain which held a special place in the heart of the Dego people. Unlike the ordinary mountains surrounding it, Dego Mountain was unique as the plants on the mountain released a purple glow whenever night arrived.

When the rest of the mountains were consumed by the darkness of the night, the only sole exception would be Dego Mountain which looked like a demonic purple gem on a crown of darkness. Tonight the Dego people's hearts were thumping out of their chests as they watched from a distance the plants of Dego Mountain waved hypnotically.

With their purple glow, their movements looked like each plant was doing its best to perform its most demonic dance for the Dego God. Paired with the deafening howling wind coming from the mountain, many of the Dego people believed that the time for the Dego God's reincarnation was coming.

With their hearts and belief reinforced by the magical seen of Dego Mountain dancing, the Dego people cried tears of joy as they could finally be reunited with their God. Regain their monster bodies and souls and join their God in defeating the wicked God of light and its various gods and pets like the Rainbow Phoenix. 

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Yoze, I'm having trouble sleeping. Can you stop training tonight? You have been practicing all night." Leah looked at Yoze with frustration in his eyes and his eyes became a darker shade of red due to lack of sleep.

"Just a few more hours. I have been working on trying to incorporate the Death Finger into the Twin Fists."

"Unfortunately, their core concepts are so wildly different that it is extremely troublesome," Yoze said, with his bandages completely soaked in his sweat.

For the last few days, other than traveling with Leah to get to his new home, Yoze had been trying to find places to train and develop his martial art techniques with a clear focus on improving and evolving Twin Fists to allow him to add other martial art techniques into his chain attacks.

Even though most of his time was spent running, eating, and sleeping, he was able to get a decent foundation for what he wanted Twin Fists to become. He whittled away most of the unnecessary actions that Twin Fists had that made it an offensive martial art technique.

Keeping only the essence of its chain attacks which was an attack pattern that allowed chained attacks that were impossible to block or escape from. While it sounded easy to get rid of the parts of Twins Fists that made it an offensive technique, for example, Koi Fists and Bull Fist.

In reality, trying to separate the two was extremely hard and required the person to have an extreme understanding of the martial art technique. Only someone like Yoze, who was extremely talented and had been practicing Twin Fists for a long time and broke through its limits on several occasions, would have the skills necessary to perform a separation.

After doing something so difficult, Yoze had to do another impossible task of integrating other martial techniques into this foundation without it crumbling or making everything worse. So far, he attempted to integrate Death Finger, Martial Wheel Sphere, Wind Kick, and Shoulder Rush.

Each of these martial art techniques was unique in its way and were the one that Yoze wanted to integrate first. Death Finger focused on concentrating all the user's power into one finger and sending all that power into their enemy's heart to cause it to explode.

Martial Wheel Sphere was one of the few martial art techniques that were a part of the Martial Wheel martial art set. Even without the support of the Martial Wheel Sect's body cultivation method, this was still a powerful martial art technique that allowed its users to create a 360-degree sphere of offense and defense.

Wind Kick was a martial art technique that was inside the Beast Hunter Sect's library and was one of the few techniques that both the user and their beasts could perform on their own. Once used on an enemy, the user would kick them so hard that they would be sent flying tens of feet into the air, where they would be helpless to block the incoming kicks.

Lastly was Shoulder Rush, which was an extremely simple martial art technique where the user gathered their strength into their shoulder and slammed into their enemies. While it was simple, Yoze felt that this would be a good addition to the basic version of the evolved Twin Fists.

With these four techniques planned to be the first additions to the new Twin Fists, Yoze wanted Death Finger to gain a good understanding of how to incorporate the other techniques. It wasn't the hardest to incorporate, but it was extremely difficult as using the method that Death Finger suggested to gather all the power from one's body into a single finger required the dedication of the whole body.

Having to dedicate oneself to a single attack before being able to even do another move was a combo killer and needed to be changed. Unfortunately, his understanding of Death Finger was lacking to be able to adapt Death Finger enough to become a single portion of a chain attack.

To make up for this, he had been dedicating some time to practicing Death Finger to the point where he had a similar level of understanding as Twin Fists. With The Death Finger being composed of four levels that showed how much power one could focus on a single finger, Yoze had been able to reach the second level.

Meaning that if he wanted to, he could concentrate 50 percent of the entire power of his body into a single finger. If others used this technique, being able to send 50 percent of a person's body into a heart was enough to make it explode.

Only if the person that this technique was being used was much stronger than the user of this technique would it fail to destroy the heart. But for most martial artists reaching the second level was enough and the limit most people could reach in their lifetime without dedicating their whole life to the Death Finger.

As for Yoze, he didn't dare to use 50 percent of his body's full power anywhere around Leah or close to anywhere near a mountain, as he predicted he would cause part of a small mountain to collapse. If that collapse was near a village, hundreds if not thousands of lives would be lost in that disaster, so he only ever used 10 percent.

Yet even that ten percent was enough to cause fierce gusts of wind to travel down the entire Dego Mountain, causing all the plants to desperately hold onto their leaves, or they would be stripped naked. Not only was the wind generated strong, but they sounded like the howls of a devil awakening from its slumber, which scared all the animals in the forest enough to refuse to sleep the rest of the night.

"A few more hours? I don't want to disturb your training, but in a few more hours, the sun is going to come up." Leah sighed with helplessness.

"The sun is going to come up? Was I practicing for that long?" Realizing that he had once again entered the zone and had unknowingly been training all night, Yoze decided to follow Leah's advice and stop tonight's training.

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