The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Chapter 110


Translated By Arcane Translations

Translator: FusionX



Miragen knew her feelings for Robert weren’t simple.

Anyone but a fool would have realized it.

His unusually kind attitude towards her, the strangely complicated expression on his face whenever he looked at her.

Miragen knew Robert harbored special feelings for her too.

Yet, a line was always drawn, a tantalizingly close yet ultimately unreachable distance.

She had even frowned at his seemingly playful behavior.

While they weren’t officially in a relationship, his attitude sometimes angered her.

What did he think of her, anyway?

If someone asked her what she knew about this man named Robert, she wouldn’t be able to answer confidently.

They had simply met one day and somehow become quite close.

She hadn’t developed feelings for him for any particular reason.

She wasn’t even sure when it started.

If he didn’t contact her for a while, she would feel inexplicably upset, and if they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, she would call him and complain.

She wasn’t oblivious to the fact that her feelings had gradually deepened.

Therefore, she assumed his visit to the Imperial Palace today was for another reason.

He had told her it would be difficult for him to come when they last spoke, even though she had invited him.

So she had internally given up and resolved to focus on her work.

She hadn’t even imagined he would actually show up.

“I came to see Miragen.”

He called her by her name, something he hadn’t done before.

What had changed his mind?

She had heard he was with Adriana on the day he became Duke.

While she knew they were close, the fact that she wasn’t there had bothered her.

She didn’t intend to be jealous.

She was simply… bothered.

It annoyed her that their relationship was still awkward, unlike his interactions with others.

She had optimistically assumed it would change eventually, but he had suddenly visited her and called her by her name.

Caught off guard by these unexpected events, Miragen couldn’t hide her emotions.

Her usually playful face flushed crimson, and a wave of heat emanated from her flustered heart.

Closing the distance seemed to come naturally to Robert.

He approached her and gently brushed her hair aside, reattaching the brooch on her chest before smiling softly.

To any observer, they would appear to be a couple who had been together for a long time.

She had a lot to say, but Miragen wanted to create some distance first.

It wasn’t that she disliked it, but if she remained this close, she felt like her heart would explode.

Her own behavior, so different from her usual interactions with other men, amused her, but it was Robert, after all.

She had asked him previously if he had dated many women because she was genuinely curious.

How could he be so skilled if he hadn’t?

While she secretly hoped that wasn’t the case, Robert had answered that he had only been with one woman in his entire life.

He hadn’t wanted to include Theresa in that count.

It had been a false love, after all.

Even then, he had answered with Miragen in mind.

…Was that really true?

A sudden doubt crossed her mind, and her expression darkened slightly.

Robert didn’t miss it.

As if he had been waiting for it, he smiled faintly at Miragen, who had created some distance between them, and spoke in a gentle voice.

“It seems you’re not pleased with my visit. Was it too sudden?”

“That’s not it. Do you remember what I asked you last time?”

Robert paused for a moment, considering her question.

He likely knew she was referring to their encounter in the South.

There was only one memorable question she had asked him then.

“Are you referring to your question about my experience with women?”

“Yes, that one.”

“As I mentioned before, I’ve only been with one woman in my entire life.”

He hadn’t wanted to include Theresa in that count.

It had been a false love, after all.

Even then, he had answered with Miragen in mind but Robert smiled faintly when he saw her suspicious gaze.

Well, if he had to count, it would be dozens of times.

He wondered what expression she would make if she knew those dozens of times were all with the same person.

Robert enjoyed spending time with Miragen.

He found her reactions amusing.

She often asked strange questions, acting aloof while secretly enjoying his teasing.

She claimed to be the princess, yet her actions were more like a child’s.

Being with Miragen always made Robert realize that hiding his emotions wasn’t easy.

He couldn’t help but smile when he looked at her.

What was he supposed to do about it?

Miragen grumbled, telling him to stop teasing her, but her strange questions and flustered reactions amused him.

She acted all high and mighty while being so easily flustered.

“It seems you had a good time with Adriana? I was surprised to hear you were together when you became Duke.”

“I would have invited you if I could. It would have been a clear way to show them that things are different now.”

“…You could have invited me.”

He acknowledged her point.

The church and the Imperial Family had always been somewhat opposed to the Taylor Dukedom.

Wouldn’t it be strange for him to appear with the princess on the day he became Duke?

As if realizing how embarrassing her words were, Miragen fanned herself with her hand and pouted.

“There would have been unnecessary rumors if you were there. Don’t you think so, Your Highness?”

“That’s true. I wasn’t asking because I didn’t know. I was just surprised that Adriana was there. But…”

Miragen trailed off, glancing at him before continuing.

“Why are you calling me ‘Your Highness’ again? You were calling me by my name just fine earlier.”

“It was a slip of the tongue. Haven’t I always addressed you that way?”

He had called her by her name on purpose.

He wanted to see if she remembered him doing so, and she had.

Calling her Miragen was certainly more comfortable.

He found her enjoyment of being called by her name amusing, but his feelings toward her were a bit complicated.

He wished he could treat her like before, but if he did, the consequences would be unbearable.

So he deliberately drew a line, but he couldn’t deny the occasional desire to cross it.

He was afraid of his own actions, of pushing the boundaries too far.

But human emotions were complex, weren’t they?

Several people were regaining memories of past regressions.

Perhaps one day, Miragen would remember too but he hoped that day never came.

Not all of her memories were pleasant.

“What are you thinking about? You said you didn’t want to come earlier, but you actually didn’t want to see me, did you?”

“What I was thinking about… well…”

He looked at Miragen for a moment.

Any answer would be an excuse.

He knew exactly what would fluster her.

She always acted composed while being easily embarrassed when he teased her directly.

He smiled faintly at Miragen, who was staring at him intently, and then answered softly.

“If I was thinking about the person in front of me, that would be the answer, wouldn’t it?”

It wasn’t a lie, so he smiled gently.

Miragen froze for a moment.

Her shoulders trembled slightly, and her eyes fluttered closed as if trying to regain her composure.

He knew why she had asked him about his experience with women, she must have assumed he was already skilled at handling women.

“I see…”

She tried to act nonchalant, but her flushed face betrayed her.

Even though she covered her face with her hands, her cheeks were still crimson.

He chuckled at her frantic attempts to regain her breath.

He wondered how she would react in the future.

If everything went well, she would witness even more but that was a matter for later.

Robert found himself imagining a future where everything was perfectly resolved.

A future where his revenge on the Crown Prince was successful, the cycle of regression ended, the Taylor House prospered without bearing the stain of treason, and he could simply wait for his death without any worries.

Honestly, it was a future with little chance of coming true.

But if it did, he might seriously consider love.

If that day ever came… he didn’t know what expression he would make.

He might even doubt it was real.

After all, he still couldn’t believe he had actually become the Duke.

Miragen regained her composure and, taking his hand, walked forward.

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› This text was ripped off from .

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); }

As if scolding him for his absentminded behavior, she went ahead on her own.

He quickened his pace, following her lead.

He needed to focus on the present.

There was still much to see and experience with Miragen.

“Where are we going?”

“Why are you asking me?”

She looked at him incredulously when he asked.

He had decided to let her choose their destination.

Whether they went to the Imperial Palace or somewhere else, he was fine with either.

“You said you had something to show me. Are we going to the Imperial Palace?”

Miragen considered his question, then shook her head.

She probably thought it was a shame to go back to the palace right away.

He agreed, so they turned away from the palace and headed in a different direction.

It was a somewhat secretive outing, but it wouldn’t be a problem as long as they weren’t caught and so, the Duke and the Princess ventured out together.


[Translator Notes]

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