The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 411 - 411 THERE WAS JUST... NOTHING


ELLIS lifted the glass of wine and took a sip. She looked out of the floor to ceiling window showing the amazing night lights of the city below. She was currently inside a private room of a restaurant. She picked this place because of the privacy it provided to its customers.

The reason for this was because she was meeting with Olivia today. It’s important that the two of them weren’t seen together. Who knew what kind of article would come up if some paparazzi took a photo of them. Especially since Astrid and Olivia’s son would appear in a program together.

She didn’t want there to be any stupid speculations about them. So, it’s better to be careful.

She drank another sip of wine. As the sweet and tangy flavor flowed down her throat, she couldn’t help but remember the conversation she had with Olivia earlier.


Ellis looked at the Terminal number on the virtual screen in front of her. It was Olivia’s number. Which Grant helped him to get. After the other married that noble, she changed her Terminal number. Something that was quite a hassle to do since an individual’s Terminal number was almost their identity.

Olivia probably wanted to have a clean break from her past so she did that. Besides, didn’t Ellis also do the same? She changed her Terminal number because she didn’t want others heckling her about how she’s feeling or how she’s doing.

They did it for different purposes but the underlying reason behind it was the same. So, the two of them could cut contact with each other completely.

And now, fiver years later, Ellis had to contact the other once again.


She really didn’t want to, honestly. But circumstances forced her to do just that. On the bright side, maybe she could take this chance to finally have that closure. After all, with all the things that happened five years ago, she barely got any of that. In fact, she didn’t even manage to have a final talk with Olivia before the other went off and married that guy.

Ellis took a deep breath and started to type her message. She could just video call the other. But she didn’t want their meeting to be through a virtual screen. She needed to be able to look the other in the eyes and see her reaction in person once they meet again. Because she wanted to know if she still had feelings for the other. And the best way to do that was to see the other in person and looked her in the eye.

After typing her message, she quickly sent it.

[This is Ellis. I think you already know why I’m contacting you like this. We need to talk. I will send you the time and place. You can just reply if you can meet me or not.]

Surprisingly enough, the reply was quite immediate.


Ellis stared at that simple ‘okay’. She didn’t even have to wait that long for the other’s reply. Which meant that Olivia was also expecting that she would contact her soon enough.

She shook her head, decided not to think too much, and sent Olivia the time and place where they would meet.


And now, Ellis was here, waiting.

Contrary to what she expected, she actually didn’t feel nervous at the thought of meeting Olivia. Truth to be told, she didn’t feel any particular emotions. Might it be excitement or anxiety, there was nothing.

This should be a good sign, right?

But then again, she might be just feeling this way because her brain had been telling her not to feel those emotions. Continuously convincing her that it was real. So, that she could prove to herself that she was indeed over her.

Ellis smiled helplessly. To second-guess herself like this. It seemed that she really wasn’t that unaffected as she might have believed.

She was about to take another sip of wine when she heard the door of the private room opening. She set down the wine glass on the table before glancing back.

The one who walked into the room was a woman with greenish-blue hair that was slightly above her shoulder. She was wearing a white chiffon dress with a flowing skirt and black ribbon belt. When she raised her head, her pair of turquoise eyes stared straight at Ellis.

Olivia Crane, no- now it was Olivia Thornley.

She looked more mature. – That was Ellis’ first thought.

She nodded at the other and gestured for her to sit. “Please, do sit.”

Olivia’s eyes slightly widened. She tried to hide that by gazing to the side but Ellis had already seen it. Her little movement was a sign that she’s very surprised right now. Surprisingly, the other’s little habit was still the same.

Was she surprised to see her? Or was it because she didn’t expect Ellis to be civil? Was she expecting her to be antagonistic right from the start? If that was so, then she had to disappoint her.

Because as she stared at Olivia like this, she felt nothing inside her but infinite calmness. Her heart didn’t tremble, her emotions didn’t shake, there was just... nothing.

Ellis should be relieved by that. But somehow, it just made her sad. She once thought the other would be the ‘one’. The person she would spend her life until she died. The one she would build a family with. She thought it was the same for her, that she was that person for her.

But five years ago, Olivia easily proved her wrong. She broke her heart so thoroughly that Ellis felt like there was nothing more left in her to break. She even thought that there’s no way she would survive it. But after a year, she was able to get back on her feet. Then, a year after that, she was completely back to normal.

Time could really heal all wounds.

And now, she had proven that it could also erased the once intense love you felt for someone.

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