The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 430 - 430 TO BE HAPPY


ELLIS looked at Astrid’s bewildered expression and knew what the other was thinking. So, to make it clearer for him, she added, “It seemed that this was the decision that Olivia came up with after much deliberation. So, she modified her deal with the Aegis Army and made it so that their whole family could fake their death and live with a completely different identity.”

How did she know that? It was because right after she read about the news of Olivia and her family being in an accident, she suddenly received an encrypted message from the other.


Ellis looked at the news with trembling hands. She read it again and again to make sure that she wasn’t simply having a visual hallucination. But no matter how much she blinked her eyes, the title of the article still remained the same.

Olivia... dead?

Although she and the other had a bad history between them, Olivia even added to it by forcefully making her a part of this issue, but she had never wished harm on her. Even when the other broke her heart and left her hanging, she had never wished that something bad happen to her.

Now that she was seeing this news, of course, she didn’t feel happy at all. Even if she no longer felt the same way for Olivia, the other was still someone she once loved. So, now, that there was a possibility that the other could be... dead, how could she be happy?

As she complicated feelings continued to pile up inside her, an encrypted message was suddenly sent to her Terminal. She was suspicious at first. What if it was some kind of virus that could hack her Terminal? But then she saw the symbol attached to the mail. It was the symbol of the Aegis Army.

Remembering that Olivia made a deal with this army, she suddenly thought of the possibility that the other might have left some kind of letter or message to her. It’s not really unfounded for her to think so. After all, the only possible reason why that army would send her an encrypted message like this was because of Olivia.


Then, wouldn’t that mean that the other was still alive? And that she only faked her death, just like her original plan? But then why would Olivia’s husband, as well as Livi, also

She clicked on the mail and saw that she needed her fingerprint scanned in order to open it. Just by that, it felt like her conjecture was already correct. Because asking for her fingerprint meant that this message was solely for her. If its not from Olivia, then who else could it be from? It’s not as if someone from the Aegis Army would specifically send her a message.

Feeling more hopeful, she quickly let her Terminal scan her fingerprint. The moment she did, the mail opened, revealing a letter.


By the time you receive this, the news have already spread about how I and my husband and son were involved in a car accident that, unfortunately, led to our death. Knowing you, you will probably feel saddened by the news. Which, honestly, you shouldn’t have, considering everything I’ve done to you.

But that’s what’s amazing about you. And that’s why I’m even more sorry for what I did. I could have easily not get into a relationship with you, it’s not even relevant to my revenge, and yet I still did. Just because I couldn’t resist your kindness and your warmth. I pulled you into something that was doomed from the start. I gave you false hope, and then subsequently broke your heart.

I’m sorry, for everything. I don’t deserve you, really. I never did. And I’m glad that you were able to pick yourself up after all the shit that I’ve done. Apologizing to you now would just be the height of hypocrisy, but I decided to still do it. You don’t need to forgive me. No, in fact, you shouldn’t.

Anyway, since you might feel saddened by news of my ‘passing’, I just want you to know that I’m alright. I’m probably on the way now to another planet far away from the capital with Benjamin and Livi. The Aegis Army faked our death and gave us new identities, so we could start over as a family of three.

You’re probably wondering how that came about, since the deal was only for me to fake my death. But after the conversation we had, I decided to tell Benjamin everything. I asked for forgiveness for what I was about to do to his family, for using him for my revenge, and for not being a good mother to our son.

I was already expecting his anger and hatred after that. But being the person that he is, he apologized to me instead for what his parents had done to mind. What a foolish man. And you know what he said after? He told me that if I was planning to stage a fake death, then he and Livi should also be part of it. Because we’re family.

Like I told you, he’s a fool. A fool that I don’t deserve. Both he and Livi deserved more than me. But being the selfish bitch that I am, I decided not to let them go. I will atone for my sis not from afar, but by their side. From now on, I will try my hardest to be the best wife to Benjamin and the best mother to Livi.

I will be happy and I hope that you will be too.

Someday, I hope that we could meet again under a better circumstance.

Wishing you all the best,



Reminiscing the contents of that letter, which, by the way, was erased completely after she read it, she felt glad for Olivia. At least, Benjamin Thornley seemed to really love her. With a husband willing to leave everything for her, she had no doubt that the two, along with their son, would be happy.

She just hoped that Olivia would truly make an effort for that to happen.

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