The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



WULFRIC had been so busy in the past week that he didn't even have the time to check his [Cyberspace] fan account. There were a lot of things to be done and to do them much faster than scheduled. He couldn't afford any distractions. And that's certainly what would happen if he managed to check any news about Aster.

He couldn't believe the amount of patience he actually had that he managed to stop himself from peaking even once. But because of that, he became more dedicated to the mission. Of course, it's not only because he wanted to finish it and open his [Cyberspace], he also really wanted to put those bastards in jail.

And his dedication paid off. Their army was able to finish this mission a few days earlier than expected. The only downside was, they couldn't connect this crime to General Lancaster. Or any Lancaster, for that matter.

It's either that family was getting better at hiding their crimes. Or this really had nothing to do with them. In any case, once the interrogation was over, they would know the truth. And he could leave that to his subordinates. Or rather, to Hildred, since that guy would be back from vacation with Ed. He told Leland to tell the other to join the interrogation team as soon as he returned.

This was definitely not him trying to shirk his responsibility or something. He's just confident that Hil would do a better job than him. If he was the one doing the interrogation, he might just end up killing those bastards before he could even get a useful information out of them.

Anyway, since his job was already done, it's time for him to have some fun.

Wulfric opened his [Cyberspace], full of excitement. It hadn't been five seconds yet when he saw something that made his whole body freeze on the spot.

It was a video of an advertisement that was tagged by random people to his account too many times.

The moment he played it and he saw the young man standing on the frozen lake, his heart skipped a beat. Then it continued to beat faster and faster as the video continued to play.

The young man transformed from cold and indifferent, to bright and charming, and finally, to dark and seductive. Every image hit Wulfric's heart like a speeding aircraft. Every time that the young man would look at the camera, he felt like his heart would jump out of his throat.

But the last image was the one that left the deepest impression on him.

It was not just his heart that was affected. His whole body was reacting. His blood was boiling and his every cell and nerves were tingling. It's like he was being electrocuted, but in a soft kind of way.

He couldn't take his eyes off the video, or rather, the young man on the video. When it ended. He played it again and again. And then, he paused it on the part where it showed the silhouette of the young man's bare back. He stared at it as if possessed. Until he felt something hot dripping from his nose.

He touched it and saw his finger with a red liquid that definitely looked like blood.

Wulfric's eyes widened.

"What the fuck--?" he cursed, shamefully wiping it off with the sleeves of his shirt.

He just had a fucking nosebleed! And there's only one culprit.

He glanced at his Terminal screen where the image of Aster's back was still showing. And he felt like his nose would bleed again.

He closed the video window for his peace of mind. Or should he say, for the peacefulness of his currently raging hormones?

After he calmed down a bit, he couldn't believe that Aster actually filmed such a scene. What was his agent thinking, letting him film something like this? Although someone might say that there's hardly anything that could be seen there, but what about the people in the filming site? Didn't they see Aster without anything covering his upper body when they filmed this?

At the thought of that, he couldn't stop the rage that suddenly filled him. Just how many people saw Aster in that state? There's definitely not only the director, there's also the staff. Then how many staffs were there? Just thinking about it made him want to beat someone.

As his anger was simmering inside him, he happened to see the comments below the video.

[Wow. Aster is so charismatic! I'll probably won't get tired even if I watch this video a thousand, no, a million times!]

[Who is this enchantress? He's definitely seducing me with that stare.]

[Even though I only saw the silhouette of his back, I can tell that it's sexy as hell.]

[If you do a photoshoot just showing your back, I'll definitely buy a thousand digital copies of that magazine.]

-? [Hey, you should dream a little higher. Not only the back, but the front as well.]

Of course, these were not the only comments on the ad video. Most of them were positive comments, praising Astrid and congratulating him for being the new ambassador of EMMA. But for some reason, our dear Wulf here could only see the comments that could make his blood boil.

Yes, just like now.

As Wulfric read those comments, he realized that the people on the filming site were not the only ones who had seen Aster like this. He glanced at the number of views on the video and saw that it's already on the hundred millions. This didn't necessarily mean that hundreds of millions of people had watched the video, but it would still be on the millions, regardless.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He couldn't describe what he's feeling. He was angry and frustrated and irritated, and he just wanted to destroy something.

No matter what this feeling was, Wulfric knew what he needed to do next—go back to the capital as soon as possible.

What he didn't know was that Astrid's billboards all over the capital would be the first ones welcoming him.

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