The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



ASTRID'S breath hitched as Wulfric's straightforward confession hung in the air, casting a soft glow over the room. A kaleidoscope of emotions washed over him, swirling in gentle waves of uncertainty. Wulfric's words seeped into the depths of his being, igniting a spark of awareness that had remained dormant until just recently. No, saying that it was totally dormant was not completely correct. It's more accurate to say that it was semi-awakened.

Astrid's mind raced, replaying memories they shared together since they met, searching for clues to decipher the troubles of his own heart. In the midst of this emotional whirlwind, he couldn't deny the unique bond he shared with Wulfric, but the elusive definition of "love" was still just beyond his grasp, making him unsure of what to do at the moment.

As he gazed into Wulfric's eyes, he couldn't deny the undeniable bond that had grown between them. The way Wulfric had been trying to secretly protect and support him, in the guise of a fan account, no less, or the way he would do these amusing antics that would put a smile on him every time.

This probably wouldn't fit Wulfric's image, but somehow, the other's presence had slowly felt like a comforting embrace. Being with Wulfric would bring him that unprecedented warmth that he would have never expected that the other could actually make him feel.

But amidst this newfound realization, there was a still lingering uncertainty within him, like a delicate flower on the cusp of blooming.

Astrid longed to explore the depths of his emotions, to decipher what was truly inside his heart. He wanted to unravel the enigma that Wulfric represented to him, to understand the profound impact their connection had on his very being. But still, he was uncertain if what he truly felt was that profound and mystical feeling of love or if he was simply infatuated. The fact that he still couldn't tell was already telling enough.

He raised his head and stared at Wulfric's handsome face. The other had a slight frown. He could even read the anxiety in those pair of golden eyes. He must be very nervous waiting for his answer.

To say that his confession did not surprise him was simply an understatement. In fact, he was so surprised that his brain didn't function properly for the first five seconds. His words of 'I'm in love with you' kept echoing in his mind. He must admit, this confession was very Wulfric-like.

His first reaction was probably should be asking him if he was sure of his feelings. But that would just be very insulting to Wulfric. He knew the other well enough to understand that he wouldn't confess like this if he wasn't completely sure of his feelings.

For it to be the first thing he said after the discussion they had last night must mean that it must be the only thing he had thought of since then. Showing just how serious he was. So, how could he reciprocate that with doubt?

At the end, the only thing that Astrid could think of saying was;

"Thank you."

Wulfric blinked, then a bitter smile crossed his lips. "Is this your reply?"

"No--!" Astrid quickly said, thinking that the other might have thought that he was rejecting him. "It's just, receiving love from someone was something that one should be thankful for. So, I'm thankful."

Wulfric seemed relieved hearing that. "Was that all you felt, just thankful? Aren't you doubting what I said? After all, I can't even answer your question last night and now I'm suddenly professing my love to you. Don't you find it suspicious?"

Astrid looked at the other with a bit of a helpless feeling. This kind of straightforwardness could really make people speechless. But it's also one of the things he liked about him.

He smiled and shook his head. "No. Because I know you're not the type to joke about that. Besides, the fact that the word 'love' even came out of your mouth already felt like some kind of miracle. How could I doubt you?"

"I don't know if I should be glad or be offended," Wulfric said with a wry smile. "Then wouldn't you at least ask me how I reached this conclusion?"

Astrid suddenly felt like this was a very weird 'after-confession'. He should be the one asking the things Wulfric was asking. This unconventional turn of events made him light-hearted, as if the burden he's carrying had been lifted. It's like the fog covering his eyes had cleared and he could finally see the road in front of him.

He smiled. "Well, if it's not as long as an essay, then I wouldn't mind hearing about it," he said in a joking tone."

"Don't worry, it probably wouldn't even be as long as a paragraph," Wulfric said. "I actually just had an epiphany. It's like being struck by lightning. When you walked passed me earlier, only one thought filled my mind, 'ah, I'm in love this person'. I could probably say a lot of things to back that up. But all those words would just pale in comparison to the feelings I have for you. At the end, the best way I could convey this feeling was to say 'I'm in love with you'."

Astrid felt his heart skipped a beat. He could even feel his face heating up. Really, he couldn't tell if Wulfric lacked a romantic bone in his body or if he was just a natural born romantic. Because how could these direct to the point words sound as romantic as it did when he said it?

"Can I hear your answer to my confession?" Wulfric asked right after. "Just so you know, it's alright to reject me. So, tell me your answer honestly."

Astrid raised his brow. "You won't get mad?"

"Why would I get mad? It's your prerogative to reject me. After all, I'm the one who confessed," Wulfric responded. "Besides, I won't give with just that. I will try my best and exhaust everything in me until this love becomes a two-way street."

Astrid blinked and then chuckled. "Then please try your very best to do just that."

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