The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]

Chapter 498 HAVING... FUN?

Chapter 498 HAVING... FUN?

REAS' Mecha collided with the laser barricade around the ring. If this was a Mecha battle that happened in reality, the Mecha would have already suffered from electrocution from the laser barricade. But since this was inside the VirtualNet, the health gauge of his Mecha only decreased. Like a situation in a game.

In fact, with how his Mecha had been repeatedly trounced since the start of battle, he, the pilot, would have already been sent to the hospital if this was a real-life battle. But Reas didn't feel any pain at all. This was not only because they were inside VirtualNet, but because the pain setting of his avatar was set to zero.

This was not Reas' usual avatar setting. As an aspiring soldier, training in the virtual world using that kind of setting wouldn't help him at all. It would only give the illusion that he was invulnerable to pain, which would then lower his guard and make him reckless. Traits that a soldier should never have.

So, why was his current avatar setting like this?

It all started when he and the general entered the Mecha Hall.


Reas couldn't help but stare at the huge, black Mecha in front of him. As much as he didn't want to, he couldn't stop his admiration. How could he not? The Shadow Striker was in front of him. It's like seeing one's favorite artist or something.

Shadow Striker was the number one Mecha on the Mecha Hall. It had set a record that hadn't been broken for 15 years. Well, technically, it wasn't the Mecha that was on top of the list, but its pilot's name. But all the videos of the Mecha fights he had watched only showed the Mechas and not the pilots. So, it's natural that his admiration fell on the Mecha.

Although, he must admit that before he personally met Wulfric, that admiration was still on the pilot. But after that disastrous first meeting, as a way to cope, he simply transferred all that admiration to the Mecha.

Kind of lame, but that's his coping mechanism. Kind of hard to throw that admiration away when he thought of the other as the best Mecha pilot in the Empire. Especially more so since he also aspired to be the best Mecha pilot out there.

"You've seen my Striker?" he heard the general asked from the side.

"I've watched a couple of matches," Reas said, reluctantly turning his gaze away from the Mecha and looking at the general. "Maybe several."

The general grinned, in that kind of annoying manner that made one want to deck him. "So, you're a fan."

Reas coldly glanced at the other. "I want to remind the general that you're still on my bad side. So, let's not go there."

The other raised his brow. "Okay. I'd very much like to be on your good side, though."

Reas scoffed. "And having a Mecha battle will really solve that? I haven't even started questioning you on why you're living on top of my brother's apartment."

"First, it's several floors above Aster's apartment. And for why I have a suite there, well, if you have asked this several days ago, I probably wouldn't be able to give you an answer. But since you asked now, I can honestly say that it's because of the need to constantly see Aster."

"So, you're a stalker?" Reas said in a dry tone.

"Whoa, I highly disagree. A stalker is an individual who engages in unwanted and persistent behavior that often caused the person they're targeting to feel harassed, fearful, and intimidated," the general said in a very righteous manner. "I'm not like that, and I haven't made Aster feel that way. At least, not after that disastrous first meeting, as you might have put it."

"How self-aware, General," Reas said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"All in all, it's because I love your brother," the other said, completely ignoring Reas' little comment. "I love Aster. I can say a lot of flowery words to describe just how much I love him, but it will probably just make you cringe, so I'll just stop with 'I love him'."

"That's a good call. I'm still very much pissed, though," Reas said honestly.

"And that's why we're here. You can try to beat me to your heart's content."


"Well, you know you can't beat me. Unless I allow you, of course. But that would be an insult for you, so I won't. Instead, I will put my pain setting to the maximum. So I would feel all the hits you'll be able to land to the maximum degree. Of course, you should set your pain setting to zero. Because you'll be beaten up a lot if we battled it out."

"Okay. That's it. Let's do it, let's fight."

A silvery white Mecha appeared. Reas transported himself to the cockpit of the Mecha. He might not be able to beat the other, but he sure as hell would make sure he would land a couple of hits.

Ensuring that the other person experienced pain would certainly provide an outlet for the built-up anger, irritation, and vexation he had been harboring since earlier.


However, after over an hour of fighting, Reas still hadn't yet landed a single solid hit on the other.

It should have made Reas even more frustrated, but weirdly enough, it didn't. He wasn't even angry. He was glad that the other wasn't taking it easy on him. If he did, then that would be worthy of anger.

Probably because, as they fought, he could feel his skills increasing in real time. It's definitely the effect of fighting with someone like this guy. As much as he didn't want to admit it, the general was definitely the current best Mecha pilot right now. And fighting him like this was like having a one on one tutorial lesson with a master.

Surprisingly enough, he discovered something as they fought. That he was actually having... fun?


While the two were having 'fun' fighting, Astrid was anxiously waiting at his apartment, wandering where they were.

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