The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



EVEN when the video of the ad ended and the program that was supposed to air at that time appeared on the screen, silence continued to linger between the Townsends. Astrid was starting to think that his family didn't like the ad because of that.

Was it not too their taste? Did it come across as crude instead of creative? But it looked fine to him. In fact, he liked the shots the director used. The continuity between shots felt like the whole ad was not divided into three themes. And yet, despite that, one could still feel the different vibes of the three.

He thought it was a pretty good ad. Because it wasn't mentioned or shown in any shape or form that it was for a perfume product, it just increased the anticipation and appetite of the people watching. And since it's an ad for EMMA, they would immediately thinking that it had something to do with 'fashion'. They would then search for what this ad was all about, which in turn would increase its engagement.

Anyway, that's really not the main point right now. He glanced at his brother, as well as his parents through the screen Terminal, all three were silent with no expression on their faces.

Since Astrid was not the type to just stay silent when he could just ask what the problem was, he said;

"What do you think?"

"That was..."

Before Reas could finish what he's saying, their mother had already cut him off. "Amazing! That was wonderful, Astrid!"

Their mother said with gleaming eyes as she stared at Astrid.

He could see the excitement and pride in those sapphire blue eyes. Astrid could finally let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad Mom liked it," he said.

"How could I not? It's very tasteful. The director clearly knew what he was doing. From the aesthetics to the different shots, everything is beautiful," Emmy couldn't help but gush over the ad. "Of course, that's only 10% of the reason why. The remaining 90% is all because of you."

And it was true. She's not simply saying that because Astrid was her son. If the model on that ad was not him but some other person, it would definitely not give the same effect. Because no matter how expensive a paint was, if the painter was not good, they wouldn't be able to produce a good painting.

Using that analogy, her son was simply given the art supply and the canvas to paint on, and he did the rest by himself. Remembering the three different sides that Astrid showed in that advertisement, she once again marvelled at his acting talent.

Truly, every time she watched her son acting, she was thankful that she didn't remain stubborn and let the twins follow their dreams. Because if not, then she'd be wasting Astrid's talent. That would truly be the shame of all shame.

Astrid chuckled after hearing his mother's overenthusiastic praise. "Thank you for your confidence in me, Mom. Although the director and the other staffs would probably cry if they heard what you said."

He then turned to his brother, wondering what he thought of the ad. Since their mother cut off what he's saying earlier, Astrid didn't get the chance to hear it.

Reas, seemingly aware of his gaze, said, "I think it's fine. I mean, the product you're endorsing would definitely sell a lot, for sure."

After watching that advertisement video, even Reas, who was not interested in things like fashion and the likes, was intrigued. He even had the thought of buying whatever Astrid was endorsing. So, the effect it would have to the public would definitely be positive.

If there's one thing he had a problem about, well, saying it would make him sound like a prude, so he just chose to not mention it. Besides, just like what their mother said, the ad was done in a very tasteful manner. Only those with rotten state of mind would think otherwise.

But that's entirely a problem in itself. Because there's a lot of people like that.

Astrid was satisfied by Reas' comment. So, he now turned to their father, who hadn't said anything yet. "What about you, Dad? What do you think?"

Gage cleared his throat. He didn't really know where he should start. If he was asked if he liked the advertisement. Of course, he did. His son was the star of it, how could he dislike it? His problem was with the clothes that Astrid wore in that advertisement video.

He had a lot of complains about that. He was thinking of not mentioning it since his wife and Reas seemed to have no problems about that. But he couldn't just make anything on the spot because the thing that was on the forefront of his mind was all about that.

So, what's an honest father going to do? He could only tell the truth.

"The video is very beautiful. But... well, ahm, I think the clothes you wore were too revealing. Even some of the shots had this ambiguous feeling in them. I'm afraid some of the perverts watching it would use it for something... unpleasant."

Astrid was a bit surprised hearing that, even more so after he saw Reas nodding as if in agreement. But if he thought about it, he should have probably expected it since he did show a lot of skin in this advertisement video.

His father was pretty protective, especially of him. Not because he didn't care about Reas, but simply because he was much weaker physically compared to the other. And his looks also added to that.

Astrid was thinking on how to respond to his father to reassure him, but before he could, his mother suddenly slapped his father's arm. And it was pretty strong too.

"Why are you saying such negative things? You're going to make Astrid uncomfortable! Can't you just appreciate the video first before thinking of those things?" his mother scolded his father while continuing to slap the latter by the arm.

"Aw... aw... okay- okay! I was wrong!"

Watching the two, Astrid couldn't help but laugh. And as he did, he suddenly thought of a person who would probably have the same reaction as his father.

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