The Primordial Record

Chapter 104 Deep Sea Blues (4)

Chapter 104 Deep Sea Blues (4)

"I am a Scion of Tiberius, the God of War and my fate is of endless battle, my only worth to the Ancestor is on the battlefield, the clash of my blades, a melody to him, and my bloodshed in war is my oblation." The more he spoke, the General became more solemn, as if he were reciting a rite.

Rowan was silent, for the first time the emotions of the General matched his words, but the melancholy he was sensing from him got washed away, and was replaced by expectations and greed.

They arrived at a massive black gate that had numerous mystic runes embossed on the surface.


All these while, Rowan's mind had been split into multiple parts, it was a talent that was a massive help to him, he could focus on multiple agendas at the same time. It was a talent that would push his multitasking capabilities to extreme heights, and at the moment he could split his mind into seven portions.

The addition of the Ouroboros Serpents had turned this powerful talent into a Rule Breaking talent. He could now split his senses into the bodies of each of the Ouroboros Serpents and gain four indestructible avatars. He could not really control the actions of these Serpents, but he could direct them.

This was his checkmate to the schemes of the General, he was not only dealing with a single individual but five!

While he was focused on him and the three other Ouroboros Serpents, the fourth would be carrying out the main objectives—Freeing himself.

He had only shown the General the three Ouroboros Serpents that he was aware of, he made sure that their debut in front of the General was flashy and aggressive, he drew the eyes of the General, while the newly born Ouroboros Serpent shrank down to a thread and followed the trace of the Sigil.

Boris the Werewolf was dead. But Rowan was not the one who killed him.

The Third Serpent that he left behind did not kill Boris, it had spent the time eating. Rowan discovered with his Energy vision that most of the materials used inside the Control Hub were very energy dense.

When Rowan became aware that the creation of this place involved many high-level resources and everything here would be considered extremely expensive or hard to obtain, for instance, even the Shell of this place was created with an alloy of Davross, something so expensive and rare, he suspected that half an entire continent store of Davross was used in this place.

Davross in the eyes of the Ouroboros Serpent was a choice meal, for it carried a dense amount of a peculiar energy Rowan did not understand, and if he were to hunt for this metal outside this place, he would have to comb through half the planet before he could gather what was available here.

He had not forgotten his impressive Legendary Ability, and he aimed to eat everything that was not nailed down inside the Nexus, and to maximize efficiency, in order for him to activate a single World Engine quickly, he decided to leave all the resources to one Ouroboros Serpent.

The Third Ouroboros Serpent began to expand, when he first entered the Legendary State they were seventy feet long and now even Rowan did not know how large it would grow to become.

It began to expand and Rowan watched with bated breath, as it rapidly surpassed 100 feet (ca. 30 meters), then 200… 300… 500 and it kept growing.

A short while back, when Boris the Werewolf was still alive, he was not really paying attention to the Serpent as it expanded, but his failing heart skipped a beat when it exceeded three hundred feet and continued growing, the wide room, suddenly felt small, and he felt like an ant when it became seven hundred feet long, yet it did not stop. When it became a thousand feet long, its growth ended.

The ouroboros serpent turned its gigantic head and peered at Boris, it had three eyes and each of them were larger than Boris' entire body.

It was at that moment that Boris the Werewolf died, his heart simply exploded in his chest, and coupled with the torture he had received for an entire week, the presence of the Ouroboros Serpent was the final straw.

It was true that Rowan did not kill Boris, he died at the sight of his Serpent!

The Aura the Ouroboros Serpent gave off was not something a normal mind could comprehend, it drew in a single breath and sucked all the air out of the room, Rowan consciousness was what stopped it from roaring, else the room would have exploded.

Sensing the power that was flowing inside the body of the Ouroboros Serpent, Rowan was dumbstruck. Was he being too careful in dealing with the General? This power from his Serpents was horrifying, and he doubted the General could last more than a minute in front of a single Serpent.

Still sticking with his plans, Rowan decided to adjust them to the new abilities of his Serpents, he was not aware of their powers before, due to how fast he grew his abilities, each time he let out the serpent after evolving his bloodline he had to test them again.

It was like he just replaced his limbs with a robotic pair, if he did not properly test its strength, he could not judge its capabilities. That was the reason he first let the Ouroboros Serpent destroy all the Flying Eyes left inside the room with them before transforming.

As it stands, the bulk of the Ouroboros Serpent had filled up more than eighty percent of the room, and because it was hovering in the air, it did not touch any of the bodies in the room.

After looking at Boris for a moment, it looked away disinterested, it remembered the first meal it ate when it was born, it craved that again, Boris would not even fit the gap in between its teeth, and there were better choices out there.

It looked away, it sights penetrating the entire facility and seeing several choice targets, it began to move.

Furthermore, his newly born Ouroboros Serpent, had just found the location of the Sigil. He had sent it down the passageway to the right following the Sigil, while he and the General went left.

There was no elevator shaft leading towards the Sigils, so the Ouroboros Serpent simply devoured everything in its path as it dug into the earth.

This new Ouroboros Serpent was similar to the rest of its siblings except that it had four eyes and its color was vastly different from the rest, for it was blue.

It had studiously followed the path of the Sigil through the earth, until it reached a cave, there was no light inside this cave, but the Ouroboros Serpent could easily see through the darkness.

It looked both ways, the other side of the cave led to the Warding Room, while to the left was the direction where the Sigil was to be found, but there was a new discovery.

There was a majestic palace at the end of the cave. It appeared to have stood inside the earth for countless years as an air of antiquity shrouded the palace, and a heavy layer of dust had covered the entire palace.

Although there was no visible damage to be found, Rowan made sure the Serpent kept it size to be minimal to avoid damage to the environment.

Flying toward the palace, the Serpent quickly reached the great doors, which were made from the same material as the gate Rowan and the General just encountered. After trying to push it open to no avail, it began eating the doors, they were rich in energy!

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