The Primordial Record

Chapter 107 Nascent Titan

Chapter 107 Nascent Titan

"Those fiends can eat Magitite?" The General screamed. Rowan could understand his Surprise, Magitite was notorious for being very toxic. Special sealing spells and Runes are used on every inch of it, for a lump of Magitite the size of a fist can poison the surrounding landscape for miles.

This was a very controlled substance, that could only be purchased by an official Alchemist at the Central Alchemy Headquarters at the Capital. The only reason he was able to purchase one was because of his mother.

Rowan likened it to the radioactive element of his previous life—Radium, with the lethality cranked up to the max settings. Of course, this was not a problem for his Ouroboros Serpent, it was all a massive source of Energy for Three–Eyes.

There were minor fragments of the Magitite left, and that was the source of the negligible sealing force exerted on his body, but as he walked towards the General, even that disappeared, Three–Eyes had finished consuming the rest of the Magitite, and it moved ahead to other energy dense delicacies

"Why did you think I let you ramble on for so long, my baby was busy eating, and it was a pretty large meal, and it needed the time." Rowan paused, "Also, there was always one thing you failed to mention. How do you harvest the bloodline Source of the host of the Singularity?"

The General looked at Rowan for a while, and a red blade appeared in his right hand, and in the other hand a spear, "You kill them, of course. You must collect everything in its entirety."

After freeing himself from the last fetters binding him, Rowan replied to the General, "Yet, don't you have a conundrum on your hands? I have no bloodline relating to the gods, why do you want to harvest my own, after all it might not be equal to yours."

"Don't you get it?" The General chuckled, "All bloodline entering this world are suppressed, except it comes from the Singularity, besides I have been on the battlefield for a thousand years, traveled to a hundred world's and I understand that what you have is unique. So, I want it!"

"So, there was really no instance where we cooperated." Rowan sighed.

The General pointed his sword at Rowan, "There is no discourse between lion and men. If I could seal and harvest your bloodline without battle, of course I would take it. Shame, I would have made it painless for you."

"Now, why don't I believe that." Rowan stopped wasting his time speaking with his enemy, and charged, the two Ouroboros Serpent beside him roared and followed.

The two Ouroboros Serpent overtook him, and expanded to thirty feet long, their open mouth with needle sharp teeth was enough to swallow the General whole.

The General looked on calmly, even as the serpents were only a few feet from him, and the abyss down their throat were starting at him, and he simply closed his eyes and when he opened it his countenance changed.

His body seemed to swell, and his size increased a little, thick veins the size of tiny snakes appeared all over his body and his expression turned to those of a crazed maniac. Gone was the gentle almost fatherly figure of the General, what was left was a rampaging beast.

His armor creaked and went black, while blood mist appeared around his body, the breath that escaped his mouth carried steam.

The General growled and called Aether around him, and the surrounding space was colored red, and he disappeared in a flash of bloody light and appeared behind Rowan, the Ouroboros Serpent biting empty air.

He swung the sword at Rowans neck, his sword slicing through the air with a bloody light, the speed was too fast for Rowan to block the sword; he could barely lift his shoulders to block the blow.

At the last moment, the General curved the sword, changing the blow from a slice to a thrust, he leisurely bounced the sword upon Rowan's shoulder and penetrated his throat.

The second sword went under Rowans arm and was stabbed into his armpit, the sword angling down to stab the void where his heart used to be before, but the sword tip that touched that void instantly disintegrated, although you could not tell from the outside.

The swords stabbing him seemed to ignore part of his defense, and the tip of the sword piercing his throat emerged from the back of Rowan's neck, severing his spine.

The force that interfered with Rowan's defense was a strange sensation, it gave him the feeling as if no matter how high his defense was, this blow would still penetrate his body.

So, this is one of the General's ability, he can ignore a portion of my Constitution, and his blades can easily slice through my body. I must not allow him to reach my head, or it was possible that he might kill me. His lifespan was bought with the sacrifices of many, he would never let his enemies steal a single second from him.

This wound, however, was not fatal to him, and the rest of his body could still move, irrespective of a severed spine, His Axe could not move fast enough, so Rowan called on his Berserker skills and activated Bash, a golden red haze appeared around the hand holding the Axe, and his swinging suddenly went two times faster.

The General arched an eyebrow and retreated fast, leaving his swords stuck in Rowan's neck and armpit, but even as he retreated, his hands moved like a whirlwind, manifesting multiple spikes in a fraction of a second, and he had stabbed Rowan six times on the hand used to swing the Axe, leaving spikes from his forearm until his bicep.

"Interesting, you inherited our Bloodline Technique from the Axe. But the way you use them…" The general vanished again in a flash of red, as the two Ouroboros Serpent had already circled and attacked him but still failed, and they munched on empty air.

He appeared in front of Rowan, who had switched the Axe to his Left hand, and used Bash again.

The General ducked the blow and brought out a massive red sword and impaled Rowan through his right chest, Rowan swept with the Axe in a returning blow, but as if he had eyes in the back of his head, the General narrowly ducked the blow again, and shoved two more giant swords into Rowan guts. "... It is fu*king disappointing." The General growled.

The Ouroboros Serpents roared in fury as they began to grow, and the General disappeared in a flash of Red light, and as he was close to Rowan, he discovered that the Generals' movement was not teleportation, but a familiar technique.

The technique he was using to move that quickly was Dash!

Pairing that with Combo Attacks from the Berserker Skill Tree, he was turning Rowan's body into a pincushion. This Dash movements brought the General behind Rowans.

He manifested two great Axes in a flash of bloody light, and using a Smash Attack, sliced through a third of Rowans thigh, and he fell on one knee and the other sliced into his neck, and it was all Rowan could do to angle his body so that the blow cut downward into his chest instead of taking his head off.

Rowan's second knee touched the ground, his body nearly cut in half, the weapons the General struck him with, seemed to adhere to his flesh and try as he might, he could not pull them away.

Another Ability that prevents healing by maintaining a constant damaging effect, the blades are stuck to the flesh, and it is extremely difficult if not impossible to pull them out. Hmm… The bloodline of the God of War, is indeed suited for the battlefield against enemies with powerful bodies.

The Ouroboros Serpents were now a hundred-foot-long, and the General kicked Rowan on the back, making him fall face down to the floor.

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