The Primordial Record

Chapter 109 Nascent Titan (3)

Chapter 109 Nascent Titan (3)

Rowan had underestimated his abilities to a laughable degree, as his greatest insufficiency was information, although he acknowledged that his bloodline was powerful, he did not really understand by how much.

Rowan had never actually understood the operation of his bloodline or where he really stood in the power dynamics of the universe, but as a newly born Empyrean who was growing at an astonishing rate, he would soon begin uncovering all the truths of his existence.

Also, with a series of unique coincidences, he had unknowingly evolved this already powerful bloodline to greater heights than he could have ever imagined, and if he truly understood the significance of some of the words on the Primordial Record, he could become more bold in his activities, or he might wrap himself inside his shell, as the knowledge of the forces he dabbled into, could lead gods to madness and shake the foundations of the multiverse.

It was unknown if the ignorance of his bloodline and the powers that dwelled within him, would be a boon or a curse.

Yet, looking at Envy in his hand, he began to understand a little bit about the ridiculousness of his powers.

He had first thought his strength would lay in his endurance, due to the impossible Constitution granted to him by his bloodline, he wanted to pattern his fighting style around exhausting his enemies, confident in the knowledge that he could never really grow tired.

With the insane regenerative factor of the Ouroboros Bloodline, he had a nigh infinite stamina, he would be able to exhaust anyone to death giving enough time. The issue of his lifespan had been solved, and now he was not afraid of a battle of attrition, but he welcomed it.

Yet, he had been slowly accumulating strength and power without his realization.

His weapon Envy was a mysterious weapon that gave him the ability to manipulate vibrational forces, coupled with the two flames he wielded that were clearly more powerful than any mortal flames, plus his unlimited Essence and if he added his four Ouroboros Serpent to the mix, it became a scary array of powers that could challenge anything.

Then it was possible that in the First Great Circle, he had no opponent, even if an army of First Circle Dominators went against him, he would bet on his victory. They could never wear him out, his eyes should turn towards higher powers and whatever mysterious abilities they might hold.

After all, even with his impressive regeneration, it was possible for a godlike Dominator to teleport his sorry a*s to the center of the sun, he did not think at his level of power he could survive such a move.

With more Soul Points he could continually increase his abilities, but he wanted to rapidly destroy the Control Hub before upgrading his bloodline once more because he would be in a state of weakness for at least an hour.

He realized, no matter how powerful he could grow to become inside the Nexus, he was still on the enemy's chessboard, he would only know true victory if he escapes.

He expected his bloodline to evolve once more, when he pushed five thousand Soul points into it, but if he followed the experience he had evolving into the Four Headed Ouroboros, his Serpents would be disabled for an hour at the least, as they assist in birthing the fifth Ouroboros Serpent.

His current level of his power did not make him conceited, he still had enough Soul Points to become even stronger, and he slowly began adding Soul points to his Ouroboros bloodline, and his body began to shake and release steam.

The budding fifth heart inside his chest began to grow, and Rowan walked slowly, for with every second, the power inside his body was increasing as his body was renewed in each second.

His shoulder-length hair began growing longer, until it reached the middle of his back, his body became even more refined every second, it was not an understatement to say Rowan was changing himself with every passing moment.

Rowan's plan was to push 4,999 Soul points into his Ouroboros bloodline, priming the bloodline for evolution. He could rapidly increase his power and still not be debilitated in case of an emergency.

Rowan wanted to maximize his efficiency, so he sent a single Ouroboros Serpent in the direction of the lake; his Serpents had detected huge amounts of objects radiating energy at the bottom of the lake.

He sent the One-eyed Ouroboros Serpent, of all his Serpent, this one was the most discreet, and because he knew Lamia was near the lake, the Serpent had to be a smooth operator.

Since he could not directly control the Serpents, Rowan was learning to maximize their utility using the varied traits all of them possess.

When he had a few moments of peace, he would push that last point into the bloodline to complete the next evolution, and by then he would be expecting a new Ouroboros Serpent.

The boost from each bloodline evolution was not simply additional, but rather an exponential increase; his Serpents went from seventy feet long to a thousand feet long with a single evolution.

Who knows how massive they would grow to become in the next evolution, maybe they would become ten thousand feet long or more, and further along his path, what more excitement awaited him?

At that time, it was not unreasonable for his Serpents to swallow an entire planet, if their growth size remained stable, the thought of holding planet sized Serpents inside his heart felt too fantastical to imagine every so often.

Even though many thoughts went through his mind, with his Spirit, it occurred in less than a second.

The Spatial Artifact in the shape of a bangle wanted to roll past him, but he stopped it with his foot, and bent down to pick it up, he had been eyeing it a while back, and was amazed that it was still flawless despite the beating it received from him.

The ground suddenly shuddered as if an earthquake was occurring, Rowan released his Perception to investigate, but soon relaxed when he realized that the quake was a result of his actions.

The Three-eyed Ouroboros Serpent he tasked with devouring the Control Hub, had finished consuming the entire Northern section of the Control Hub, a wall of Davross thousands of feet in breadth had been consumed.

Rowan had to be quick and destroy or neutralize the stone housing the Sigil, for this place was coming down, even as the fourth Ouroboros Serpent went closer to that goddess, he began to prepare himself for any eventualities, as he continued increasing his bloodline potency with Soul points.

The action from the Serpent increased, causing an increasing range of earthquakes that shook the entire Nexus and deep groans emerged from the ground.

The Ouroboros Serpent had its mouth open and was gleefully consuming, not caring about the devastation to the surroundings, its massive thousand-foot shape, churned the earth and turned rock to dust. The speed of its devouring increased with every passing moment, as it was becoming bigger!

The Ouroboros Serpent was not growing because of what it was eating, everything it ate turned into energy that was allocated to the World Engine Seed. It was growing because Rowan was continuously improving his bloodline.

Every single Soul point that Rowan poured into his bloodline affected him, but not as much as his Serpent, it appears as if the real beneficiaries of growth in the Legendary State were not Rowan's body, but his Serpents.

A flood of soil and rock surged into the Control Hub, and on the surface of the ground, the effects were more apparent as the entire town shuddered and massive rifts began to form on the land, one of those rifts extended towards the manor and cracked it into two.

The entire Nexus was being destroyed at a visible rate by a single Ouroboros Serpent.

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