The Primordial Record

Chapter 120 Sight of The Blind (3)

Chapter 120 Sight of The Blind (3)

Rowan paused as he scrutinized his abysmal condition, he had severely underestimated the damage done to him, even though his bloodline had suppressed the curse, the effects were still apparent.

According to the Primordial Record, he had been condemned by the goddess with the Flesh of Madness. He was at the edge of death at the moment.

Frankly, he was used to situations like this, and he had been in worse positions before, it was just a matter of finding the knot to this particular problem and loosening it.

His mental state was far from what it was previously, and he was able to push past obstacles without wasting time lamenting his poor fate.

Rowan peered around him, the limited scope of his senses showed him the massive mounds of ash surrounding him, and he clenched his teeth in stubbornness.

He would beat this!

Groaning aloud, he stood up from the floor, he was close to the Warding Room, and he could see at the end of the temple a considerable gash that led to that chamber.

Recall that there were three passages leading deep into the earth, the temples were located on the right and left passage, while the Warding Room was in the middle.

When both temples merged, the location of the Warding Room was shifted towards the bottom of this chamber.

He had to escape the Nexus now, else if the General or Lamia knew of his state of weakness, they would descend on him faster than he could blink.

He had no method to properly inspect his surroundings and track the whereabouts of those two, he did not know about the General, but he was sure that Lamia would be able to tell that the goddess had been here for a moment.

This should slow her down, and she would reconsider placing her senses to investigate whatever was happening down here, but he did not expect that to hold true for long.

He should escape as quickly as possible, before her yellow eyes turned to this place, he expected the General to be running for his life, but since he claimed that the individual he fought was his clone, he might commit reckless actions.

He slowly began walking towards the large crack, which was not there by chance, he had instructed one of the Serpents to tear a path to the Warding Room in expectation of his exit.

His encounter with the goddess had placed a roadblock to his goals, but he was thankful he had the foresight to open the path to his escape in advance.

He did not particularly care for the promises he made to the people left behind in the manor, if he could save them without any problems, he would do so, now he had to focus on saving himself first.

It was not that he became heartless, but his decisions to protect those people were not entirely his own. He hardly understood how this world works or how he would be able to survive in it. It would be impossible to bring along a number of people with him, he would not be able to protect them.

Most importantly, they were also under the yoke of the Sigils, he was sure most of them did not make every decision with their clear mind, after all, they were all puppets in this mad exhibition.

Yes, he would abandon them. Did that make him as bad as his father and everyone who was responsible for this project? Most definitely.

He had made a promise and he was breaking it. Rowan could give as many fanciful excuses as he wanted, but he would never be a hypocrite.

He would leave them behind so he could survive. The only promise he could give them, was that he would avenge them. Although Rowan thought that vengeance was useless to the dead, and was just an excuse made by the living to feel good about themselves, that was the thought process of his previous life.

In this world, existence was more fluid than just the divisions between the living and the dead. Someday he would find their souls and let them judge him.

His mind was teeming with thoughts on his current predicaments, he had planned to kill Lamia and the General next, but those plans had to be shifted, he was now the one in danger.

Checking his available Soul points, it would not be enough to bring him to his next evolution, which was the peak of the Legendary State, but maybe it would be enough to grow his attributes to the point where he was not as weak as a mortal.

Except leaving ten points behind, he basically pushed everything into his Ouroboros Bloodline, he shuddered as his steps became steady and his energy rose. The boost in power was greater than he expected, it was enough to ensure his survival to an extent.

He called up the Primordial Record to review the details of his upgrades, was it his imagination or was the process clearly faster? The Black Book seemed to be pushing itself towards him.

P????????? ??????

Name: Rowan Kuranes

Age: 11/33,000

Strength :100/ 3170

Agility :100/ 3089

Constitution : 500/4948

Spirit :585.8

Class: None

Title: Plane walker, Chaos Blood

Aspect : Spatial Sight (Tier 3)

Berserker (Tier 1)


Enrage (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Vortex (Level 10— Mortal State Completed

Bash (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Dash (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Smash (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Combo Attack (Level 10— Mortal State Completed)

Flesh Light — Level 2

Bone Fire — Level 2

Passive : Decipher language (complete), Ice–Fire soul (level 6)


FIVE ???????????? ?????????????????? [CHAOS BLOOD]- level 2 [11,180/15,000]

???????? REAVER – level 0 [0/5000]

Legendary Skill : Chaos World Engine [5/5]

Chaos World Engine [Minor]

Engine One – 865,225,788/1,000,000,000

Engine Two – 1,897,645/1,000,000,000

Engine Three–458,001,876/1,000,000,000

Engine Four – 1,767,665/1,000,000,000

Engine Five – 0/1,000,000,000

Rift Rule: Absolute Body [Locked]

Incarnation Path Unlocked

Path: Chaos Territory Creation [Locked]

Path Skill Gained :

World Soul Manipulation [Locked]

World Recreation [Locked]

World Merging [Locked]

Condemned: Flesh of Madness (Suppressed)

Soul Point :10.8764

Remark: Nascent Titan

He basically had the attributes of a normal Peak Legendary State Dominator except for his Spirit that had been fully unlocked, which was a shame because it was his least used stats.

At the least he could now function with a degree of competency, maybe enough to bluff his enemies before he recovered, but he could not release any of his Serpents yet.

He called up a tongue of Bone Fire to light up the area, and something weird happened inside his Mental Space. Rowan paused for a while before moving on.

He bent down to pick up Envy, the intense vibration from the weapon felt nice, as it seemed to loosen his stiff body and made his blood flowed faster.

Rowan walked to the warding room while focusing on the Primordial Record, in addition to the new pages he had received, it was necessary to review his recent Stats and how he was to proceed.

He suddenly felt the airflow change, and Rowan leaped forward and dodged a thick chunk of rock that fell from above.

It was the start of a series of tremors that rocked the entire area. The Nexus was beginning to collapse.

Rowan might have been too enthusiastic in consuming all the energy inside the Nexus, for he had turned it into a beehive and a little nudge would be all it would take to collapse the entire Nexus.

Well, with the appearance of a goddess, he was sure it was the final stroke that would break the delicate balance inside, and the Nexus was collapsing on him.

Rowan picked up the pace and began to run, his Spirit guiding him, so he could move more efficiently, he did not have the Stats to muscle through every barrier in his path.

Reaching the Warding Room, his Spatial Sight zoomed across the dark enclosure that was beginning to grow cracks all over the floors and the walls to the end where a yellow portal was swirling.

The Exit.

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