The Primordial Record

Chapter 130 Archimedes (3)

Chapter 130 Archimedes (3)

There were dozens of large wooden crates containing wine stored in large silver jars and an abundant store of food and provision, including meat, vegetables and other ingredients, and they were still fresh.

After seeing a dozen sets of armor and tactical gear that he could easily wear as clothes, his mind was eased.

He did not need armor, as he doubted he would ever see any material that could withstand his ever-increasing strength, but Rowan feared that he had been going for far too long without clothes, he would rather not get used to the sensation of being naked most of the time, though many would say it was a small price to pay for his rapid increase in power, he was still a reasonable decent individual who still prefers having his dignity.

His musing was drawn to a persistent glow of an object stashed at the end of the crate, it had been pulling his gaze for a while as he scanned through the bracelet, but he wanted to be thorough in his search, so he left it for last.

After he was sure that there were no other hidden objects or unknown defenses inside the bracelet, he focused on the elephant in the room.

It was a glowing white metal in the shape of a tower, it resembled a mechanical advanced tower that had been miniaturized. Rowan felt that this must be a cutting-edge Alchemical Tool, as he had never seen anything of this sort before, and the energy it gave off was palpable.

Whatever this tool was, it still appeared incomplete, as part of the tower was broken or even missing. To his shock, he found out that the blank face in his mind was responding to that tower.

A sense of attraction appeared between them and Rowan rapidly withdrew his Spirit from the bracelet, but it was too late as he saw the broken white tower appear on his hand before eerily vanishing.

Suddenly, he felt a sensation inside his head as if it were being stuffed full of coarse sand and Rowan held his head and squeezed, the pain he could handle, but the sensation of having his mind feel like it was being squeezed and stretched was disconcerting, but it slowly faded and he regained his composure.

He scanned through his body and seeing no abnormalities, turned towards his Mental Space, and immediately noticed the new addition. The white tower had rooted itself in the center of the blank gray face.

He saw parts of the missing tower being replaced by pieces of the blank gray face inside his mental Space, and the tower was being rebuilt. Rowan noticed that the blank face began to shrink as pieces of itself repaired the tower, until it was completed.

At this time, the blank face had reduced by more than half its previous size, and Rowan's mind began to slowly ease off on the persistent headache he had disregarded owing to his high pain tolerance.

Rowan waited for a while for any other new reactions and, seeing none, split his mind into two, he kept watch inside his Mental Space and with the other split mind, he took a portion of his Spirit and entered the Spatial bracelet once more, he had seen some books and notes inside of it.

He wanted to gather any clue about what it was that had just planted itself inside his Mental Space. The books inside turned out to be useless, it were just records kept about soldiers' upkeep and a record containing thousands of names. Rowan discarded the books and looked at the white tower inside his mental space.

With the gray material from the face fusing with the white tower seamlessly, it was now complete and was gleaming bright inside his mental space, Rowan also noticed it was building energy slowly and he became concerned.

There was no way he would allow something like this to exist inside him without knowing what it was. Gritting his teeth, Rowan sent a strand of his Spirit over to the tower and as he got close to it, the blank face and the white tower vibrated, and his entire Spirit was sucked into the white tower.

Rowan's Spirit felt as if it had been folded countless times and shot towards the depths of the universe, as he felt an intense sensation of speed even exceeding what he felt when he used the teleportation portal.

His Spirit suddenly saw a giant demon statue that was as large as a planet, and he uncontrollably found himself driven into the forehead of the demon, and everything went black.

He awoke to find himself sitting on a high table inside a grand hall, with four other figures beside him. Rowan froze and did not make any movement, for the power he felt coming from those seated figures was similar to that from the goddess.

They were all motionless and did not even acknowledge his presence, their seating positions were in a semicircle position, and he was seated at the end of this table.

Rowan stayed still for a few seconds and, still seeing no movement from the four other figures, he let himself relax slightly and began checking himself.

The first thing he noticed was that he was not in his body but a strange body that was demonlike in appearance, it was similar to the figure of the giant demon that his Spirit had just entered. This body appeared to be gaining color even as he watched, changing from a dull monotone to a richer color.

This figure had black scales covering his body with two horns jutting out of his forehead, on his body were gleaming silver tattoos and when Rowan tried to move, he could not. He could barely even blink.

The only thing he could do was to check his surroundings and the figures beside him that emanated vast powers that were comparable to gods.

His sight zoomed across the table towards the sitting figures and saw that three of them were similar to humans, two were male and a single female, the last resembled him and appeared to be a demon also, and his skin appeared to have scales, and he had two enormous bat wings behind him that were folded and draped around his body like a cloak.

Interestingly enough, they all resembled gray statues. Looking closer, he discovered that they were indeed statues.

He began examining their individual features, of the three human looking figures, the first male appeared to be old with a flowing beard, there were many odd materials entangled in his beard, as Rowan noticed beads and flowers and other odd items. Rowan did not know why the statue reminded him of a wise old wizard.

The second man looked young and even though he was a statue, Rowan still felt a blazing heat from the statue, he was wearing a crown and his face was stern.

The last female felt like a pond and had a milky white glow around her that reminded him of the glow from the moon, and the fourth demon statue just emanated pure brutality.

It would appear that on this table, he was the only one who was not petrified, yet he was sure that it wouldn't last, as not long ago, he was indeed a statue as he remembered this body regaining its flesh when his Spirit entered inside.

He looked down across the table and what he saw made his jaw nearly fall from his mouth.

The sight was so astonishing, he felt he could gaze at this scenery forever.

The hall where the five of them sat appears to dwell inside the void of space, and before them were hundreds of planets, and other heavenly bodies like moons and suns.

Among all this expansive beauty was a single glorious planet that shone brighter than the rest, it was so massive that it left him in awe.

Dwarfing everything around it and emanating glorious waves of power.

Rowan knew what he was looking at without any prompt—Trion.

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