The Primordial Record

Chapter 133 Archimedes (6)

Chapter 133 Archimedes (6)

Arlushan next words came out like he was performing a ritual, and since the Medan language had a flowing rhythm to it, it was almost as if he were chanting an old forgotten dirge about the gods and devils of bygone eras.

Yet, these gods and devils were here with him, and in a freak occurrence he was one of them.

"I am Arlushan Endirius, 7 Star Arch mage of the House of Endirius. I am the leader of Covenant. To my left is Khoron, Prince of Strife, a ruler of the 67th level of the Great Abyss."

Arlushan gestured toward his right with a wave of his hand, "This is Fiona Shadowsoul 5 Star Arch mage Matriarch of the Circle of Twilight and Ulremazz Igorin 5 Star Arch mage of the Arcanist Union."

With every mention of their name, Rowan noticed that the surrounding space was subtly changed, it was as if speaking their names changed the surrounding reality, and molded it to their image. He could perhaps only see this because he was inhabiting the body of this demon.

When Arlushan spoke his name, especially when he mentioned Endirius, Rowan saw a world of fire. No, not a world. A Star, burning so bright it cast all the shadows from the corner of the Cosmos, and Rowan knew in this place there was no night! Inside this sun was a massive tower that seemed to have no beginning or end.

When Khoron name was spoken, Rowan saw an endless labyrinth, where Demons and Devils that numbered in the hundreds of billions battled for an eternity, from colossal Basilisks to shrieking Imps, this labyrinth was a maze of madness.

For Fiona Shadowsoul, it revealed to him a world that was being carried by a gigantic white crow, around the head of this crow were five moons, and the world the crow carried was a massive world that pulsed with power.

Ulremazz Igorin was the most peculiar, it only revealed to him a wooden hut by the side of a river, where a young girl in a straw hat was fishing, there was nothing spectacular about this image, that was until Rowan looked into the River and instead of seeing fishes he saw souls.

This immediately raised Rowan hackles, it was impossible to not think about the Primordial Keepers whenever any aspect of Souls came up, and anyone that touches that aspect was inevitably in the sights of the Keepers. Rowan kept the name of the Arcanist Union in mind.

"We are Covenant. A group tasked by the Supreme World of the Magus and the Supreme World of the Abyss to obstruct the Ascension of Trion to a Supreme World."

Rowan head pecked up at that statement, "Obstruction?" He said, his voice was low and gravely.

"Yes, Golgoth the so-called God king of Trion has embarked on a new path that threatens to destabilize the balance of the Universe. The rise of Trion in the last million years has been unprecedented, and if they are not eradicated at their infancy, there would be a war to threaten all of creation."

"If Trion is allowed Ascension to a Supreme World, there are…"

The voice of Arlushan was interrupted by a loud shout that echoed from the depths of the void, "Mmmmaaaasssstttteeeeerrrrr!!!"

A green lightning bolt, that pierced through the void and was travelling faster than the speed of light, zipped across space into the arms of Rowan and began rubbing itself all over him.

It was a black cat with wings of lightning who was flitting around Rowan so fast that it was throwing dozens of thick lightning bolts all around the hall. They must pack quite a punch for they melted considerable lines of molten craters all around the hall, but those scars faded away quickly and when the bolts neared any of the seated people here they simply vanished, or we're diverted, absorbed or eaten.

Fiona Shadowsoul cleaned the side of her mouth and delicately burped.

"Control your familiar Ohrox, else it would be barred from the Covenant." Arlushan said quietly, but he was grinning.

The black cat stopped long enough to pause at Rowans face and sniffed, its face changed from excitement to puzzlement, and it began sniffing more deeply. It cocked its head from side to side as it rapidly circled Rowan before returning to his face and peered deeply into his eyes.

Rowan's stomach dropped, if this was the familiar of the previous Prince of Destruction, would it detect something wrong with him? Rowan knew he was very lucky not to be detected by those seated here because his Status as a Transmigrator was similar to a newly born soul because his Soul had no ties to anything inside this Universe, and he had no affiliations to anyone.

Rowan knew he was able to escape their initial scrutiny only with this, and he had no doubt there would be more tests in the future, was the next one here?

The puzzlement from the black cat became replaced by excitement that was so palpable, the black cat turned to a living embodiment of lightning, that flooded the entire hall, but the lightning did not touch Rowan but encircled him instead, like a cocoon.

"Master, your ever devoted familiar Archimedes is here to serve. Please bound me to your side once more, Master."

A glowing lightning crystal emerged from the head of the lightning cat Archimedes, and with his senses Rowan, could see the annoyance at Archimedes for her abrupt appearance in the faces of these godlike beings turning to shock.

Rowan was quiet for a while, he understood the concept of familiars, they were magical creatures that were soul bound to a single individual, and they acted as the shadow and an integral part of that individual just like another limb.

Although he had first believed that Familiar were low-level creatures who were associated with weak mortals, there was nothing weak about this lightning cat.

But, according to what he knew, familiars were supposed to perish at the death of their bounded companion, so that begs the question, if this was the previous familiar of the Demon Prince, why would it still be alive even after the death of its contractor?

"You do not have to be wary of her loyalty Ohrox," Khoron the Demon Prince said, "The Lightning Kirin, Archimedes has seven lives, after she lost her first to your death, she has been waging an unending war against the gods of Trion without any aid, she has already lost five of her lives and she is down to her last, without your resurrection, she would not have lasted another millennia, as she has been dealing death to all that harmed you."

Rowan looked at the little lightning cat, it had retracted all the surrounding lightning, except for its wings, she was fluffy and cute and was trembling a little.

Rowan current body was still weak, but he gently raised his hand and caressed the head of the little cat, who opened her eyes and seeing Rowan, she began to cry, while trying to grit her teeth.

"Why did you take all those risks for me, Archimedes?" Rowan gently said.

Archimedes sniffled between her words, "you… were… alone master, I was not by your side, and I wanted to… needed to… make it right, for you are… my master."

Rowan pushed back the crystal into her head, "Then come find me in Jarkarr, I would make you my right hand once more."

"Would you master? Am I worthy to be the contract of your esteemed new body?

Rowan nodded at her and smiled, somehow he was aware that this lightning Kirin was aware of his Empyrean body, beast with special bloodline were more linked to the fundamental forces of creation than most, and she would be a valuable source of information.

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