The Primordial Record

Chapter 142 Erohim (2)

Chapter 142 Erohim (2)

Storm callers were supposed to control lightning and frost abilities, with some of their geniuses even controlling wind. Rowan suspected that the Dominators on this pathway may have extremely high damage outputs.

Lightning is a powerful element that possesses both speed and power.

Both of them entered the trading house and Rowan saw it was abuzz with activities, as he could see dozens of men moving goods into large crates that were bolted and tagged. An old woman with light specks of blue in her white hair, stood with a cane and every crate that was tagged, she simply collected them into her necklace with a glimmer of green light.

She was giving quick orders that were being attended to in a timely manner and her head was roving around the entire hall, as everything here was within her supervision. Rowan could immediately tell she was also in the Incarnation State, but her vitality was slowly failing. In a decade or less, she would be dead.

"Nana, the timetable for evacuation has just been moved forward, anything non-essential should be discarded. Where is Rico? I want to be out of this place in an hour!" Circe walked to the staircase leading to the upper floor, even as she was speaking to the older woman, she was obviously in a hurry.

"We are moving the time up to one hour?" Nana sputtered, "That is madness, my dear. That would barely be enough to catalog ten percent of our inventory. Your losses would not be recoverable for at least another two decades, and you would lose your position…"

Circe paused and said loudly, "Although I'm sure exceptions would be made for situations like this, but even if there weren't, I'm not concerned about the position I would lose Nana, we are in a cataclysm. Do not waste more time tagging the goods, just pack them up."

She resumed climbing, gesturing for Rowan to follow her, "And where is Rico? I wanted him in my office an hour ago."

Rowan was not too surprised at her air of competency and command, she was so young and yet so powerful. A genius like this would have been showered with the best education affordable, and they all grew up with the knowledge that they were special.

They reached her office, which was on the topmost floor, and Rowan's eyes lit up as he saw maps and, most importantly, books, plenty of books.

Circe sat down and rubbed her brows, she glanced at Rowan who had walked to the map and looked down on it, his eyes brushed through it before proceeding to the books and perusing their contents. With the speed by which he took in the extremely detailed map, Circe was sure he had a powerful Spirit.

Sighing, she pushed open her drawer and brought out two glasses and a bottle of amber wine. She quickly filled both glasses, and she tossed hers back into her throat and refilled it again, and she slowly nursed the drink.

"You know, they tend to work more efficiently when I'm not in their hair. My people."

"Uhm…" Rowan replied distractedly, his focus on the books in his hands.

"So, I guess those would be your payments?"

Rowan looked at her, and she had a little smirk on her face, "Now, why would you say that?" Rowan replied.

"Oh… It's pretty easy to figure out." She stood up and began walking to him and handed him the drink, "it's in the way you walk, like you are afraid of tearing through the world in a single step. Most would never understand a sensation like that or recognize it when they see it, after all, except for geniuses or those adapting to their powers for the first time."

Rowan was shocked by her observations, but it did not show on his face, nor did he give any other expressions to express his amazement.

He had always tried to adapt to his ever-increasing power, constantly playing catch up and holding himself back because any careless move from him would have great consequences for those around him.

"It's in the way you talk, careful… Measured, like you are savoring every word, it as if you're just hearing it for the first time."

Rowan quietly clapped for her inside his mind. His passive ability Decipher Language gave him the qualification to understand any language, both written and spoken.

The common language used on this world was different from those on Trion, but it was of no difference to him, but he often found himself attempting to intercept the words his mouth was speaking to understand the flow of the language.

This passive skill was very strange, and he had always wondered how he received it. Yet, he did not think Circe would understand so much about him in such a short time.

There was something special about this woman, and Rowan's interest was beginning to be stimulated.

"it's in the way you look at the world…"

She was now so close to him, her breath was beginning to fan his face, it smelled like wine and roses, and the tip of her tongue tasted her lips, it was an unconscious motion for he noticed a dull haze in her eyes, as if she were in deep thought.

"How do I look at the world?" Rowan said softly, his senses taking in the sight of this woman, her bright eyes were like stars, and she began lifting a hand to touch him when Rowan held it back.

Attractive as she may be, he could not let an Incarnation State Dominator touch him recklessly, he did not know the full breadth of her abilities, and if she touched him and did not detect a heartbeat, it would be a whole area of conversation that he did not want to enter right now.

She smiled and removed her hand from his grip,"You look at this world like a child, everything seems new to you."

Of course, everything was new to him. He had transmigrated from what he suspected was an entire different universe.

Now his interest was really stoked, he decided to probe her to understand how she arrived at her inference.

Rowan wanted to roll his eyes, "Thats incredibly perceptive of you. Almost felt like you were reading my mind."

"I always have a knack for things like that. My mother always says I could have easily been born from the Minerva family" she turned and sat on her table, "So, how close was I?"

Rowan swirled the drink in his hand, admiring the rich color. He brought it to his mouth and tasted it. It had a rich citrus taste and was highly aromatic. The burn he felt down his throat was heavenly, and be sighed in pleasure.

His mind had been working on the best way to present himself to the world. There were things he could fake and bluff his way through, but there were other things that he could not hide.

The perceptiveness of this woman was astonishing, and he knew he had to tell the truth, but in a manner that it could as well be lie.

"I woke up recently with most of my memories missing. I believe I was in a battle, and whatever fight that took place, took memories from me. I do not remember my name or where I come from, as payment for the services I will render. I would require information, and if I believe I have everything I need, I will leave or renegotiate our contract."

She sat down and began to laugh, "You truly are Erohim, are you not? Say I believe you, that you are a man lost in a fog of emptiness, how am I assured you would keep your end of the bargain? Nothing ties you to me, you have no stakes in my affairs. I would easier believe that you are here to sabotage me than to help me."

"Can I?" Rowan pointed at the drink.

"Help yourself."

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