The Primordial Record

Chapter 157 The End of All Things (final)

Chapter 157 The End of All Things (final)

The Incarnation level was an interesting State for him because he had no Incarnation but himself, his bloodline was at the peak of all Ouroboros bloodline, and so it was as if he were boosting himself to a level beyond reason, becoming the first of his kind.

He blew past the Incarnation Level with all the Soul points he had been given and at the edge of ascending to the next Great Circle. His Serpents returned to his body.

When they returned, his body exploded in size until he was ten thousand feet tall, and as he kept ascending through the realms, his size and power never stopped growing. He blew through the Second Great Circle and ascended to the Third.

At this state, Rowan's fragile human mind could no longer understand the powers he was controlling, for in less than an hour he had climbed a path that would take the most talented Dominator in the universe at least a thousand years.

The man called Rowan died at this time, what emerged from his consciousness was a true Primordial Empyrean, a being that strives to complete itself, and ascend to the peak of its potential.

From his body came a vast suction, so great the sun blew apart into long tendrils of light that shone as bright as a supernova. His body opened up, and he drained every drop of power from the sun.

He was now a creature of six heads and twelve arms, and from all his heads came a great cry that resounded all throughout the universe. He spread out his many hands, and they transformed into gigantic Ouroboros serpents who began to inhale.

The end of things began at this moment.

In countless worlds all over the universe, everything went still, as every living being had a lucid awareness that their end was nigh.

It was a tragic sound, to hear a world cry for its life. Every star, every moon, every single heavenly body in the sky began to wail to the Soul of the Universe.

It was for naught, for the mind of the universe was vast, and it took too long for it to be roused from slumber.

Every god, demon, devils, celestials, infernals, titans, every race and myriad beings to ever lived who had touched a certain threshold of power, sharpened their weapons, as an army, a quadrillion strong, began to amass.

It was amusing that enemies for countless eons dropped their collective problems against a common threat. Rowan had a thought about uniting the universe, but it was never like this. They all assembled in unity.

Yet, it was too late.

Countless celestial bodies began drifting towards him as if he were a black hole, and in every single second, he would devour thousands of celestial bodies and the suction force from his body only increased.

It spread all over the Empire, even affecting Trion itself, and it broke apart, killing untold trillions, he saw all the gods arrayed before him, calling down apocalyptic strikes that staggered reality and tore space-time into pieces.

For a time, it appeared as though they were winning, His massive Empyrean body was torn apart and grounded to dust, but his Lifespan now could not be easily marked out, and he resurrected again and again, and he continually got stronger with the endless souls he was consuming and the endless energy from all the celestial bodies he was devouring.

Soon he could no longer be killed, and he ascended towards the fourth Great Circle, and momentarily reached the realm of the gods, with his inevitable rise not slowing down and, in fact, was getting faster.

The universe itself began to bleed, as a massive wound that destroyed the material realm began to open, and slowly began to stretch.

He devoured the entirety of Trion and the three hundred and twenty planets under its domain, untold trillions of lives were gone, and except for the God King who escaped, he devoured all the other gods.

He was an endless mass of chaos and light, and the devouring power from his body did not relent, until it began warping space and time.

Untold millions of worlds were sucked away from their places in the universe and warped towards his side, defying all concepts of space-time.

Rowan did not know how long he was in this state, it could be a single year or a billion years, time had lost all meaning to him. He did not know what level of power he was currently at, gods were now like an ant to him.

Their pitiful armies were unnoticed, their challenges too low to enter his ears, he ate them all without realizing he had killed every single power in the universe.

He only knew when they finally came for him. The greatest army the universe had ever seen, he had already devoured most of the universe, its death cries did not stir his hearts and his reach began to encroach in the domains of the Primordial Keepers.

Titanic Empyrean from various universes arrayed before him and massive chains that made even his soul shudder held in the hands of the Keepers were cast into the material realm and a war to end all existence began.

The vision ended, and Rowan stood in a daze. It was a testament to everything he had gone through that he quickly recovered his composure. With this new information, he would have to change his plans.

From what he could understand, there were two primary reasons why he lost control over his bloodline, and began the apocalypse, an event he did not know he could even trigger.

The first was that he had a limited understanding about himself. He always talked about how awesome his bloodline was, how powerful it was compared to everything else, but did he really understand what an Empyrean bloodline truly signified?

He saw the vision of an Empyrean tearing apart a planet, and he had felt awe, but with the help of the Primordial Record and his ability to consume souls joined with a lucky coincidence, he might have become something far more powerful than he had first thought.

Not only that, but he wondered if the people who conspired in creating him knew the force that they had unleashed on the universe.

This vision showed him his true potential, within him was the power to end all things.

Who can beat their chest and say, the Universe herself begged me for her life, and I did not listen.

The entire scope of her might fell on my body, and I was not shaken.

Not gods, not devils or mages, not Empyrean. Only Me!

He only knew that he might be utilizing a fraction of his ability, and the thought made Rowan chuckle in self deprecation.

While others struggled to gain power, it would seem his struggle was to control his ever-growing power. For if he did not, he would truly perish and his powers would be the one in control.

The second reason was that his current level was too low. He could not properly manage the power of his bloodline at the Legendary State, or conceivably even in the first Great Circle, he would never be able to properly harness his powers.

With these two problems before him, then the solution was obvious. The first was that he should stop shying away from conflict. Greater than the threats he faced was the implication that he might lose control of his bloodline. He decided to push himself to escape the first Great Circle in less than a year.

Technically, he was immortal, for even if he died, he would still resurrect using part of his lifespan. Yet, he abhorred the thought of even dying once.

After losing his life many times, he would rather not be careless with a single second of his lifespan, it was this habit that influenced his fighting style and his behavior, he would always scrutinize the battle before he fought them.

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