The Primordial Record

Chapter 90 Know Thy Fear (final)

Chapter 90 Know Thy Fear (final)

"Now, this is interesting… What was that burst of laws? Time? A spark of Origin? Hmm... This is getting fascinating, what is that bastard up to? Time to shake up your waist, old girl, while it's still fresh, let's find that little bastard and tear his memory open."

Absomet would never leave her position to find out the cause of death of the current General that she had to house for the next century, but if she sees any indicator of a Spark of Origin, she would chase after it.

Did Augustus know about this change when he made his plans?

The Enormous shape of Absomet shuddered, and the clouds for countless miles evaporated into steam around the continent.

Absomet drew in a long breath and cloaked herself in red shadows and purple lightning.

A lady never goes out without looking her best.

For the First time in Four thousand three hundred and twenty-eight years. Absomet moved.

Countless hidden eyes watched and noted this change, and like the flap of a butterflies wing that causes a hurricane, countless changes began to take place.


The armored hoofs of the Runethors hit the ground with a heavy, rhythmic beat. The clatter was like a pounding of drums, almost pleasant. This was the reason they were favored above most creatures, when it came to Warfare and general movement of troops and goods.

Runethors move in sync.

There were usually two leaders of a Runethor horde—The Alpha and Omega. The Alpha runs ahead of the horde, his pace determines the movement speed of the hordes, every step he takes, the horde waits for half a heartbeat and follows.

There could be only one Alpha in the horde, if it dies, it is replaced by the Omega, and another Runethor would grow to become the new Omega. Becoming an Alpha or Omega did not depend on sex, as the Alpha could be either male or female.

The Omega follows behind the horde, making sure there were no stragglers and keeping an eye out for opportunistic predators who might want to snag any Runethors who were lagging.

Horses were to Runethors as Cats were to Lions. Runethors were fierce and mighty, the Alpha standing up to thirteen feet tall, they had hides that could withstand arrows and blades. They could run for hundreds of miles without tiring and were heavily muscled. A Runethor Horde at full charge could shatter their way through a forest of Oaks.

Their most important trait, however, that set them above most creatures utilized by Dominators, was that they were an open container for Aether. Aether could only be wielded by Dominators of the Rift state and above, and was the true benchmark when it came to power.

Aether in its dormant state was mild, and could even nourish everything it touches, either living or nonliving, but Aether wielded actively does not mix well with living tissue. The normal reaction was spontaneous combustion or uncontrolled mutation. Also, Aether from different Paths of Dominion would have varying effects on living beings.

Runethors could accept all Aethers and they were a great conduit of that mysterious energy. Making them a fearsome combo with a skilled rider.

The perfect synergy were Dominators at the Rift state riding a Runethor. A Rift state Dominator on the Pathway Of The Adept from the Kuranes bloodline could transform the Runethor into a giant of molten flame and rock, destroying everything in his path.

Perhaps in special circumstances, with the right weapons and location, a mortal could kill a Dominator of the legendary state. But it was impossible for a mortal, no matter the situation or opportunity given, to kill a Dominator at the Rift state.

With Aether empowering the actions of Rift State Dominators, a mortal would face unknown peril, just being close to a Dominator of that State.

Legendary Dominators had bodies that contained Aether, but they could not control it. They could only express it via their Legendary Abilities granted by their bloodlines.

Elias Tiberius was a Rift State Dominator. And the Runethor he rode was an Alpha, behind him were fifty Runethors. The rhythmic thumping of the hooves behind him was the only thing quelling his irritation.

He was a stickler for rules, and always followed the plan handed to him to the last line. He recalled the plan laid down to him, although he knew it was all an elaborate ruse for the mindless politics his superiors play, he stuck with the plan, which was supposed to be about investigating a failed Abomination attack a year from now.

Furthermore, he would use the opportunity to reach the ground zero inside the Nexus, and wait for any orders his superior might give him.

The General had told him that he was not welcomed inside the Nexus, but they were running a delicate charade with one of the experiments within, and if he barged into the scenario they were playing, they would have to accept his presence and create a role that would fit him.

This would allow the General to have a firmer grip on the projects, beyond what was first allocated to him.

He had been willing to give up decades of his life for this project, because of the promises of wealth and a guarantee that every step in the process taken had been vetted and repeated multiple times, to avoid any errors and if it was not possible to avoid blunders, reduce the problems to its barest minimum.

They were to lie low and not cause any stir or interfere with whatever happens inside the Nexus unless they were given direct orders. As a precaution, they were placed at the edge of the Nexus, far away from the Control Hub.

The General usually gave his orders with a spectral missive that was conjured in front of Elias, and he hated the unnecessary theatricalities of this, he had no doubt the other conspirators knew they were hidden inside the Nexus, they just chose to ignore them.

An hour ago, a spectral missive came to Elias, his orders were to hurry to the town, where he was to locate the Central Hub of the Nexus, if it was done, he was to wait for his next orders. He did not like any of this plan.

"Any break in plans was a problem, a little problem can lead to a disaster, and after a disaster, what do we have left but our di*ks waving in the wind. Sword… Sword waving in the wind. Godda*ned, is Absomet near me? I only get this cranky anytime she is around." Elias Tiberius muttered to himself, while hoping none of his soldiers heard his rants.

Of course, he had no inkling he just received orders from a supposed dead man, else, his curses would be more vicious.

The previous plan was that he was to assist the young prince in his minor affairs, and slowly, over time, become his confidant. He would slowly deliver prey to the prince, by weakening Abominations and other demonic beasts. Apparently, whatever ritual they were doing required lots of Abomination spawn.

The tip of the Misty Mountains appeared over the horizon. He poured a bit of Aether into the Alpha Runethor, making its eyes blaze with purple fire, it let out a long neigh and proceeded a bit faster, constantly accelerating and the horde behind increased their speed as well.

He had kept the two missives inside a Space treasure that resembled a bracelet around his wrist. These were forbidden treasures from those Mages in the North, but everyone had one of these, it was only a problem if you were caught with them.

Inside the Space treasure, the two missives suddenly combust into red flames, which transform into a pair of blazing golden eyes.

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